
Discover the Freedom of Traveling with Freemover Stays!
Are you looking for an adventure that is shaped entirely according to your own preferences? With a Freemover stay, you can experience just that! Immerse yourself in new cultures, explore fascinating countries, and create unforgettable memories – all without fixed schedules or programs.
What to Expect:
• Flexibility: You design your stay according to your own wishes and interests.
• Unforgettable Experiences: Dive into local traditions, make new friends, and broaden your horizons.
• Professional Support from Agencies: Private agencies assist you before, during, and after your stay. They are there to help with any questions and ensure that you feel completely comfortable.
• Independent Research: Unleash your potential by independently discovering new opportunities and finding creative solutions. This self-reliant approach promotes self-discipline and opens up new personal perspectives.
• Global Opportunities: Whether Asia, Australia, Europe, or America – as a Freemover, you have the freedom to travel wherever your heart leads you.
Note: A stay abroad as a Freemover at a partner university is not possible. Please also take note of the information regarding the recognition of foreign achievements.
General Process
1. Research on potential universities, costs, and procedures
2. Email to the International Office (AAA) with possible universities abroad
=> AAA: Confirmation of whether the courses can be recognized or not
3. After confirmation: Register in Mobility Online Pforzheim
4. Application to the foreign university or through the agency
5. Creation of a Learning Agreement with the responsible faculty coordinator
=> If there are course changes abroad, adjustments are necessary
6. Semester abroad at the university
After Return:
1. Creation of final report & upload of Transcript of Records in Mobility Online
2. Credit transfer with the responsible faculty coordinator
In order to keep track of which students are abroad and when, all students who choose to spend a semester abroad as Freemovers are asked to register in our Mobility Online database and create an account using the following link.
Registration Mobility Online.
In our Partnerdatenbank you can find a selection of testimonials from HSPF students.
Please make sure to click on “Questionnaires” and choose “Freemover” as the program.
The German Academic Exchange Services provide much information about potential destinations through their Country Profiles and Student reports.
Students can apply directly to the foreign university or through an agency. Be sure to check the specific application requirements and deadlines. During both the application phase and while studying abroad, the university provides little support.
At the selected foreign university, it is best to contact the International Office, where you can find application materials and program descriptions.
A study abroad organized through an agency is generally easier to arrange – which is why it is so popular. Agencies collaborate with universities in various countries and often offer attractive packages that include studies, accommodation, transfer, etc. Agencies are particularly active for destinations like Australia and New Zealand. Well-known agencies in Germany include the Institut Ranke-Heinemann and GOSTRALIA. College-Contact offers a broader selection of countries, as do IEC Online and World of Students. For Study & Work programs in English-speaking countries, college-council provides a wide range of options.
Faculty of Engineering Students: You can also apply as a Freemover at one of the universities that are part of the GE4 network. If you are applying to one of these institutions as a Freemover, please be aware that you must inform the International Office in advance, as we need to register it in our system and coordinate with the institution if it is already a partner university.
Application Deadlines
In general, applications for a semester abroad should be made about 6 - 8 months before the start of your studies. Some agencies may accept applications on shorter notice (6 - 8 weeks).
Selection Criteria
The selection criteria are determined by the foreign university or the agency. Usually, proof of sufficient language proficiency, a list of previous study and exam achievements (transcript), a CV, and a motivation letter are required.
Language Requirements
Good language skills must be demonstrated, usually at the B2 level (according to the European Framework of Reference).
English proficiency is often proven through an officially recognized language test. The most widely accepted language test is the 'Test of English as a Foreign Language' (TOEFL). A score of over 83 in this test is generally considered to meet the required B2 level. You can find a conversion table here.
To have your exam results from abroad recognized, you should create a "Learning Agreement" with the respective faculty coordinator before starting your studies abroad. The Learning Agreement specifies which courses will be taken at the foreign university and which ones may be recognized by Pforzheim University in accordance with the study and examination regulations.
The recommended workload for a semester abroad is typically 24 ECTS in European countries and 22 ECTS in non-European countries. After completing your studies abroad, you must submit the "Transcript of Records" with the grades from the foreign university to the faculty coordinator at Pforzheim University.
For recognition of your courses (Credit Transfer), the following steps are recommended:
0. Step only For Business School students: Make an appointment for general advice with the Dean responsible for internationalization, Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff.
- Before applying to the university, have the International Office confirm that the foreign university you have selected is internationally recognized and/or accredited.
- Register in Mobility Online.
- Contact the outgoing advisor from your faculty to create your Learning Agreement. You can reach the Business School advisor at susanne.glas(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de, the Faculty of Engineering at moritz.peter(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de, or the Faculty of Design at . Bring the International office certificate to the meeting.

The cost of studying abroad varies greatly depending on the university and country. The fees of intermediary agencies are usually similar to those of an independently organized study abroad stay. Agencies often fund themselves through commission fees from foreign universities, which are not granted to individual applicants. For international insurance, you can use services like to compare insurance offers. Additional information can be found, for example here. For visa information, check websites such as or College Contact.
AS a Freemover student you have a few options to finance your stay:
HAW. International Scholarship
The HAW scholarship specifically supports students from Universities of Applied Sciences who are completing a stay abroad. The application is made directly through the DAAD.
The selection for the HAW scholarship takes place earlier than the awarding of scholarships at the HS Pforzheim, therefore you have to start applying very soon after you have been assigned a place.
Scholarship Database of the DAAD
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an association supported by German universities and student bodies. They elect the board of directors in the general meeting, which manages the association. Since its foundation in 1925, the DAAD has supported more than 2.6 million young academics at home and abroad (source: DAAD).
In addition to scholarships, the DAAD also offers a wide range of information on semesters abroad and internships abroad.
The scholarship database provides an overview of DAAD scholarships. Enter your search criteria there, whereby Bachelor students must specify "student" as their status and Master students "graduate". The search engine will then list all eligible scholarship opportunities.
We will be glad to assist you:
For questions regarding the Freemover process, please contact:
Annika Klein - Outgoing-Coordinator at the International Office
In addition to all the information on our website, we also offer a colloqium. This always takes place on Tuesdays to Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:30 & Thursdays 14.00-15.00 in room W1.2.13 or by phone at 07231-286876. You do not need to register in advance for this. During lecture-free periods & outside of office hours you can make an appointment by mail in advance.
Online Teams Meetings are available with an appointment as well.
For course-specific questions, please contact the faculty coordinators:
School of Engineering: Prof. Dr. Moritz Peter/ Henriette Schürger
Business School: Prof. Dr. Thomas Cleff/ Susanne Glas
School of Design: Prof. Dr. Sibylle Klose/ Barbara Dofek