Press and Public Relations

On these pages you will find information on current events and topics from everyday life at our university as e.g. press releases, the event series "Studium Generale" and our Children's University. In addition, you can download the various publications of Pforzheim University here.

Our team supports you in the following areas: Coordination of internal and external communication, central web editing, intranet, blogs and social media, corporate design, merchandising, events (Children's University, Sponsorship Award), photos and videos as well as committees.



Head of  Press and Public Relations

Cornelia Kamper

Committee work & public relations
(+49 7231) 28 6008

Frau, die an Wand anlehnt und lächelt

Susanne Materac

Public Relations and Social Media
(07231) 28 6014

Contact persons in our schools

Every school has its own contact person for Press & Public Relations: For questions redarding our School of Design please contact Emmelie Ödén for our School of Engineering Heike Marschner-Schulze and for our Business School Bianca Höger-Klittich


Social Media and Networks

On Facebook and Instagram we keep you updated and are at your disposal for any questions. Join our community there. On YouTube you will learn more about our projects at Pforzheim University. On Linked-In you can get in touch if you are interested in working with us.

We are representing our university in various external working groups and institutions. We are members of the following organizations:n verschiedenen externen Arbeitskreisen und Einrichtungen vertreten wir die Hochschule. Wir sind Mitglied in folgenden Organisationen:

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Hochschulsprecher (working group of university speakers)
  • Informationsdienst Wissenschaft idw (science information service)
  • Pro Wissenschaft e.V.
  • Bund Deutscher Pressesprecher (association of German press spokespersons)

If you have any questions about these institutions, please feel free to contact us at any time.