Dr. Sven Polenz

Dr. Sven Polenz studied law in Leipzig. From 2004, he worked as a lawyer in the fields of corporate law and intellectual property law. He received his doctorate from the Chemnitz University of Technology on the topic of "RFID Technologies and Data Protection Law - Perspectives on Regulation" and took the master's program "Information Law" at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf.

Dr. Polenz has been working at the Independent Center for Data Protection Schleswig-Holstein since 2007. As head of the private sector unit, he is responsible for international data privacy, e-government, data privacy at credit institutions, insurance companies, credit agencies and associations, employee data privacy, and the Internet and media.

As of 2019, he additionally took over the management of the unit for data protection supervision of public bodies in Schleswig-Holstein and for the area of medical data protection.


His publications cover data protection law, freedom of information law, and registration law. Major publications:

Polenz, in: Kilian/Heussen, Computerrechts-Handbuch, Teil 13 - Datenschutz (bis 2019);
Polenz, in: Tamm/Tonner, Verbraucherrecht, Verbraucherschutz im Datenschutzrecht, 3. Aufl. 2020;
Polenz, in: Brink/Polenz/Blatt (Hrsg.) Kommentar zum Bundesinformationsfreiheitsgesetz, 1. Aufl. 2017;
Polenz, in: Simitis/Hornung/Spiecker, Kommentar zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, 1. Aufl. 2019;
Polenz, in: Engelbrecht/Schwabenbauer, Kommentar zum Bundesmeldegesetz, 1. Aufl. 2021.