Rector's Office

Welcome to the pages of the Rector's Office. Here you will find information about the team of the Rector's Office and the various contact persons.

Ingela Tietze was appointed Professor of Sustainable Energy Economics and Energy Management at Pforzheim University in 2015. After graduating as a brewing and beverage technology engineer specializing in technical environmental protection at the Technical University of Munich (Weihenstephan), she moved to the University of Karlsruhe (TH) in 2001. There she received her doctorate in 2005 at the Faculty of Economics. After completing her doctorate, Ms. Tietze worked as a consultant in the field of energy economics in Germany and abroad. In 2009, Ms. Tietze was appointed Professor of SME Management, Energy Management and Energy Technology at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences. There, she established the focus on energy management and energy technology at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management and headed the interdisciplinary SWK Energy Center E² from 2012.

The business areas of the Vice Rector

  •     Identification and implementation of climate protection measures
  •     Responsibility for energy and climate protection in the structural and development plan
  •     Development and introduction of an energy management system
  •     Sustainability
  •     Student recruitment


Portrait Isabel Rittmann

Isabel Rittmann, M.Sc.
Climate protection
(+49 7231) 28 6359

Rector Professor Dr. Ulrich Jautz.

Ulrich Jautz was elected Rector of Pforzheim University in 2014 and confirmed in office for a further eight years in 2020. He studied law in Tübingen and worked as a lawyer in Stuttgart before accepting an appointment to Pforzheim University's Business Law program in 2001. Ulrich Jautz was instrumental in establishing a comprehensive advising system for students, intensifying international contacts, and achieving accreditation under AACSB, the international seal of approval for business schools.

The business areas of the Rector

  •     Management of the university
  •     Structural and development planning, coordination with decentralized units
  •     University council
  •     Senate affairs
  •     Press and public relations
  •     Alumni support
  •     Support associations, board of trustees, student representatives
  •     Research and Technology Transfer
  •     International relations
  •     Sponsoring and fundraising
  •     Representation of the university to third parties
  •     Personnel responsibility

The members of the team substitute for each other.


Frank Niemann was appointed to a professorship for Communication Technology at the university in 2006. The electrical engineering graduate was Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Engineering before being elected to the position of Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching at the university in 2023.

The business areas of the Vice-Rector for Studies and Teaching

    Teaching and examination matters:

  •         Study and examination regulations (StuPo)
  •         Evaluation and quality assurance of teaching
  •         Accreditations
  •         Teaching capacity (LVVO)
  •         Chair of the Central Examination Board (ZPA)
  •         Teaching award of the university
  •          Library
  •          Language Center
  •          Scientific continuing education
  •          School contacts and youth research
  •          IT Security Officer and Chair of the IT Advisory Board

The members of the Rectorate represent each other.


Chancellor Bernd Welter

Bernd Welter began his professional career in the Düren district administration and completed a degree in business administration at the same time. He later moved to the budget department at the University of Bonn, where he rose to the position of deputy head of finance and head of the budget department. The Langerwehe-born administrative specialist was also promoted to administrator there and took on cross-departmental tasks. In January 2015, Bernd Welter was elected as the new chancellor of Pforzheim University.

The areas of responsibility of the Chancellor (Director of Administration)

  •     Management of the administration
  •     Commissioner for the budget
  •     Permanent substitute for the rector in the area of economic and personnel administration
  •     Controlling
  •     Organizational development
  •     Human resources management
  •     Personnel development
  •     Building and space planning
  •     Coordination of central data processing

Substitute and contact

Substitutes for the Director of Administration are Harald Schwarz and Nadine Stierhof.
Contact us through Katrin Plentz.