Germany Scholarship

The 'Deutschlandstipendium' (Germany Scholarship) is an exceptional way of supporting young, talented academics. The German government, along with private sponsors, supports talented students to provide them with the best conditions for their studies and, in turn, for their career. Pforzheim University, which has been awarding 'Deutschlandstipendium' scholarships since 2011, acts as an intermediary between sponsors and scholarship holders, raises the necessary funds and organizes the entire scholarship program.

The dates for the next application phase will be posted online soon. We will keep you updated.


General information

The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship program supports particularly talented and high-performing students at Pforzheim University who are in their second semester or above. The monthly scholarship of €300 is made possible by the joint commitment of the federal government and private sponsors. The university raises the necessary annual amount of € 1,800 from private donors, companies, foundations, clubs and associations - the public sector subsidizes the school with the same amount.

In the winter semester of 2011/12, 19 Germany Scholarships were awarded at Pforzheim University for the first time. In the 2012/13 scholarship year, there were already 39 scholarships. This number increased to 44 annual scholarships in the 2017/2018 funding period.

How does the Deutschlandstipendium work?
The funding principle of the Deutschlandstipendium is simple: the university raises the funds from private sponsors, organizes the selection of students to receive the scholarhip and acts as an intermediary between sponsors and recipients. The federal government provides the legal basis, finances the second half of the funding and sets the maximum number of scholarships.

Who is supported?
The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship supports particularly talented and high-achieving students at Pforzheim University. In addition, interdisciplinary, societal and social commitment is also decisive for selection. Any enrolled student at Pforzheim University may apply for a scholarship. The only exclusion criterion is the maximum funding period, which is based on the standard period of study. Students who have already exceeded their standard period of study are no longer eligible for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. These principles also apply to all follow-up applications, i.e. every scholarship holder can extend their funding by one or two semesters with the help of a follow-up application.

Application and selection process
Deutschlandstipendien are always awarded at Pforzheim University in the winter semester. Applications are submitted in the preceding summer semester. As a rule, a scholarship is awarded for two semesters. In individual cases, however, scholarships are also awarded for one semester. Applications can only be submitted electronically via the online application portal during the application period. Once the applications received have been formally reviewed, they are checked and submitted to the central selection committee.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the statutes adopted by the Senate of Pforzheim University, the Scholarship Program Act and the Scholarship Program Regulations.

Do you have very good grades, are you committed, motivated and enjoy taking on responsibility? And are you studying at Pforzheim University? Then the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship could be an important pillar for financing your studies. The income-independent Deutschlandstipendium scholarship of €300 per month gives you the opportunity to concentrate fully on your studies

In addition to financial support, the scholarship program offers a wide range of additional benefits:

  • the award is independent of income and can be combined with funding under BAföG,
  • Further funding is possible with the help of follow-up applications until the end of the degree program,
  • Within the framework of non-material funding, there is direct, personal contact with the sponsors and thus often enough access to internships, thesis work, etc.,
  • In your application, you can specify up to three funding requests from the list of sponsors 2019, which you can find at the bottom of the page,
  • the scholarship will continue to be paid even if you are on a subject-related stay abroad or a mandatory internship,
  • it is not offset against child benefit and other social benefits,
  • the funding amount does not have to be repaid.

Any student enrolled at Pforzheim University can apply. 

The central scholarship committee uses the average grade and the ECTS points achieved to date to select applicants. If these are not yet available - e.g. at the beginning of the degree program - academic performance is used for selection. Social criteria, voluntary work, personal circumstances, cultural or social activities are used to further select scholarship holders. The scholarship can be extended by one or two semesters via a follow-up application. Funding is only possible within the standard period of study.

Please note

  • There is no legal entitlement to the scholarship,
  • Anyone who already receives material support based on talent and performance, which amounts to an average of €30 or more per month, cannot receive a Deutschlandstipendium. Further information on the national scholarship program can be found on the Deutschlandstipendium website,
  • the funding ends if you end or drop out of your studies, change your degree program or university or are expelled from the student register,
  • deliberately providing false information will result in exclusion from the scholarship program and
  • the awarding of scholarships is subject to availability of funding.

Further information available for download

Support for particularly talented and high-achieving students at Pforzheim University through the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship is only possible thanks to the involvement of companies and sponsors. The underlying idea behind the Deutschlandstipendium, which was launched by the German government in 2010, is simple: young talented people are supported regardless of their background so that they can focus on their studies.

Private sponsors finance half of the scholarship. The other half is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In concrete terms, this means that with just €150 per month - €1,800 per year - you are investing in a student's future. The federal government subsidizes the funding amount by a further €1,800. The total amount of €3,600 benefits the scholarship holders directly: they receive €300 per month, usually for at least one year.

Who is supported?
All enrolled students at Pforzheim University are eligible for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship - regardless of whether they are first-year students, students in higher semesters or students enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master's program. Scholarships are awarded primarily on the basis of demonstrable top performance at school. Social commitment, special achievements or personal circumstances are also taken into account. In the current funding period 2017/18, the 44 annual scholarships will benefit more than 60 students.

What advantages do I have as a sponsor?
By deciding in favour of funding, you are investing directly in the academic education of a talented young person. In addition, the Deutschlandstipendium offers

  • personal contact with the top talents of tomorrow,
  • the opportunity to advertise and use the logo for your own company communication,
  • recognition of your commitment on the homepage of Pforzheim University,
  • you can claim your sponsorship as a donation for tax purposes and
  • a stepping stone for further co-operation with the university.

How do I become a sponsor?
The basis of sponsorship is financial support for students, which is possible in two ways:

  • with an annual scholarship (at least €1,800), you provide funding for one or more students. In the underlying sponsorship agreement, you can specify your sponsorship wishes - for one of our departments or an individual degree program, for example.
  • An individual donation (at least €100) goes directly into our scholarship fund, where we collect all donations for the Deutschlandstipendium. As soon as sufficient funds are available for a scholarship, the central selection committee will select a student.

The starting point for the scholarship is the award ceremony, to which we invite all sponsors and recipients to Pforzheim University. This official ceremony, which usually takes place in October, offers the first opportunity to get to know each other personally.

We would be delighted to welcome you soon as one of our sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium at Pforzheim University!

AUKOM Training Coordination Measurement Technology e.V.
Endress + Hauser Conducta GmbH & Co. KG
Supporters and Alumni of Pforzheim University e.V.
Pforzheimer FORUM Taxes and Auditing e.V.
PSD Bank Karlsruhe-Neustadt eG
Richard Wolf GmbH
Thost Project Management GmbH
Ully & Chris Tine Wohlgemuth Foundation

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to get in touch with us: deutschlandstipendium(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de