
Media Management and Digital Media - Bachelor of Science

The attractive combination of media management, digital media and the underlying business studies prepare you optimally for the start of your career. In this Bachelor’s program, we combine the three areas of media, markets and consumers. We prepare you for the specifics and management of today’s mostly digital media with the help of best-practice cases and relevant theoretical foundations. We provide you with skills to develop strategies and products in a targeted manner, to select suitable media and to optimally design communication and interaction with consumers. Psychology courses will thereby help you to explore the behavior of consumers, how they make purchasing decisions and what is important to them when consuming media, products and advertising.

Type Of Study

Bachelor of Science

Type Of Study
  • full-time
Start Of Study
  • summer semester
  • winter semester
Course Language
  • German
Admission Requirements
  • numerus clausus
ECTS Credits


Standard Period Of Study

