Foto: Fotostudio Keller

Joint our graduation ceremony on June 7, 2024

Dear graduates - and those who will be graduating soon!

Congratulations on successfully completing your studies at Pforzheim University. We would like to celebrate this with you personally and present you with your certificate.

We therefore cordially invite you to the joint graduation ceremony of the Faculties of Engineering and Business and Law on June 7, 2024 at the CongressCentrum Pforzheim.

You will receive an invitation by e-mail with a personal registration link to your university address from April 8. In order to ensure that ALL graduates can enjoy a ticket despite the limited space, we are initially limiting the number of tickets you can purchase for your relatives or companions to TWO.

Any remaining tickets will go on sale on May 6.

The final registration deadline is May 12. (Yes, really!)

To receive an invitation, ALL grades must be received by the Examinations Office no later than April 28.

Bookmark this page, we will gradually update the information you still need.

We look forward to seeing you!

All questions and answers about the laudation can be found in the FAQ. Or ask us: laudatio(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de