Application process

Your application documents have to pass the official administration of our university, where our general requirements and your higher education entrance qualification degree are being approved.

All applications fulfilling the formal criteria will be ranked by the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification. Based on a ranking, we invite selected candidates for an interview, either face-to-face or by means of modern communication media. The interview is usually held at the Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences within four weeks after the application deadline. Applicants are invited to the interview by the university in due time by e-mail. Relevant criteria are your motivationsocial skillsself-presentation, english language skills, and analytical thinking.

Want to know more about the general admission requirements?

How to apply?

Application follows two simple steps and is entirely digital:

1. Prepare your application documents
These documents include the following elements
(scroll down to see the detailed requirements):

  • Certificate of university entrance qualification (note for non-EU applicants)
  • Proof of appropriate English language skills
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume

2. Submit your application
Please use our central applicant management system
(called "My university portal"):

Attention: Only completely received documents within the application process will be considered for further application steps.

Information for German applicants: Please do NOT use for your application! Your application is not submitted using this German system

Instructions for using "My university portal"

1. Please select "Direct registration at Pforzheim University".

2. Follow the process steps presented.

3. Choose the illustrated option in the "Your Preferred Course of Study" section.

4. Complete the application process.

What are the general requirements?

  • Certificate of (foreign) university entrance qualification (higher education entrance qualification) and a translation of this certificate into German or English.

  • As a first orientation you may check the list of entry requirements recommended by the state Baden-Wuerttemberg and the German Kultusministerkonferenz KMK for the various countries.

  • Proof of appropriate English language skills. The language proficiency in English must be at least level B2+ (IELTS > 6.5, Toefl > 95, etc.) of the common European framework of Reference for Languages. A list of the language certificates that are accepted can be found here: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

    • For graduates with a German university entrance qualification, the level of competence has been reached:
      • a certificate of upper secondary education - upper secondary school or
      • a a secondary II degree- bilingual degree (also International Baccalaureat - language A2)
      if English has been continued until you have passed your university entrance qualification.
      • Attention: only valid for the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur)!
        does not apply for
      • Fachgebundene Hochschulreife 
      • Fachhochschulreife
      • for a Fachhochschulreife, the required language skills must be proven by an external certificate such as TOEFL
    • Applicants with an Germany state-recognized certificate from an English-speaking-school are considered native speakers and meet the required level of competence.
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume with tabular overview until the time of application.

Do tuition fees apply?

Since winter semester 2017/18, universities in Baden-Württemberg charge moderate tuition fees for non-EU international students. These fees are intended to keep the high quality standards Baden-Württemberg is well known for. These fees amount to 1,500 euros per semester.

Students from the EU, the European Economic Area (EEA) and students who are part of an Erasmus Program are excluded from these fees. Refugees are also not affected. Students who have already begun their studies or who start in the summer semester 2017 are also unconcerned. Students who received their general qualification for university entrance in Germany without German citizenship are excluded.

 You receive further information here: Baden-Württemberg STUDY GUIDE

Opening a blocked bank account

A student visa requires a blocked account to demonstrate sufficient funds in the visa application process.

The blocked account must have sufficient credit in order to cover the costs arising for the duration of your planned stay in Germany, unless other proof of financial support is presented in the visa procedure. Certain standard rates apply that are based on the rates for German students. From 1 September 2024, the presumed annual requirement that must be paid into the blocked account when applying for a visa amounts to 11,904 euros. The account may only permit the withdrawal of a certain amount per month (for students currently 992 euros).

The blocked account may only be closed with the consent of the blocked account beneficiary. The blocked account beneficiary is either the mission abroad or, after entering Germany, the competent foreigners authority. A blocking notice therefore only ensures that sufficient funds to cover living expenses are always available. It does not entitle the blocked account beneficiary to withdraw money from the blocked account. 

Further information: German Federal Foreign Office

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