Digitalisation and IT

The research focus of the subject group "Digitalisation and IT" is how to protect people in a digitalised, entirely networked world and how to promote and ensure transparency, self-determination and participation.

Connecting people with everyday objects through digital technologies such as smartphones, IOT or smart mobility already leads to a constant interaction with digital media. And it leads to processing of data. A digital society raises concerns on how access to and participation in the digital society can be granted for all people without barriers.

Against this background, the permanent interaction of people with technology as users is a significant challenge that requires intensive research. Ethical and (fundamental) legal problems are closely linked to questions of technical design and implementation in business models - mostly set in an international context.  The object of our interest in research interest is to protect people in a digital, ubiquitously networked world and to promote and ensure meaningful transparency and self-determination opportunities on the one hand, but also individual needs-based access and participation in the digital society on the other. This is accompanied in particular by questions of data handling and access as well as the balancing of different interests.

Landing page of the subject group:

You will find the latest news here: vunk Homepage


The specialist group is made up of the following members and research fellows:

Head of the specialist group:

Prof. Dr. Steffen Kroschwald (European and International Business Law)


Prof. Dr. Tobias Brönneke (Economic Administrative Law with European References)

Prof. Dr. Martin Leroch  (Economics and Business Ethics)

Prof. Gabriele Naderer (Market Psychology and Buyer Behavior)

Prof. Dr.  Frank Niemann  (Information Transmission, Transmission Methods, Communication Systems and Networks)

Prof. Dr. Ralph Schmitt (Private Commercial Law with a focus on General Civil and Commercial Law)

Prof. Dr. Andrea Wechsler (Private Commercial Law)

Research Fellows:

Dr. Carsten Föhlisch

Dr. Sven Polenz

Dr. Christoph Schmon



VÁSQUEZ, S., SCHUSTER, T., KROSCHWALD, S. (2024). Privacy-Aware and -Compliant Design of Data-Driven Digital Products Based on Legal and Technical Patterns. European Journal of Consumer Law - Revue européenne de droit de la consommation, 2024 (1), pp. 131-154.

Horschutz, N. E., Korbee D., Jaroudi, I. Viere, T., NADERER, G., Fournier, G., Integrating automated minibuses into mobility systems. Socio-technical transitions analysis and multi-level perspectives. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188 (122260). doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122260. (2023)

Waidelich, L, Lambert, M., Al-Washash, Z., KROSCHWALD, S., Schuster T., Döring, N. (2023). Using Large Language Models for the Enforcement of Consumer Rights in Germany. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 495 (pp. 1-15). Springer. (2023)

LEROCH, M. und S. Sirries (2023), “The Potential of the Digital Economy for Economic Development: The Case of Georgia”, in: Brandmeier, R. and M. Kupiek (Hrsg.), The Digital Transformation of Georgia: Economics, Management, and Policy, Cham: Springer, S. 189-200. (

KROSCHWALD, S. (2023). Nutzer-, kontext- und situationsbedingte Vulnerabilität in digitalen Gesellschaften. Schutz, Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe „by Design“ vor dem Hintergrund des Art. 25 DSGVO und dem KI-Verordnungsentwurf. Zeitschrift für Digitalisierung und Recht, 2023, pp. 1-22.

Zaun, N., LEROCH, M., Thielemann, E., Why courts are the life buoys of migrant rights. Anti-immigrant pressure, variation in judicial independence nd asylum recognition rates. Journal of European PublicPolicy, Online first. (2023)

LEROCH, M., Sirries, S, The Potential of the Digital Economy for Economic Development: The Case of Georgia, in: Martin Kupiek, Rupert A. Brandmeier (Eds.), The Digital Transformation of Georgia: Economics, Management, and Policy (pp. 189-200). Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)

KROSCHWALD, S. (2022). Ausübung von Datenschutzrechten bei Verbraucherverträgen über digitale Produkte. Verbraucher und Recht (VuR), 2022 (11), 403.

KROSCHWALD, S. (2022). Nutzer-, kontext- und situationsadäquate Verarbeitung by Design. vor dem Hintergrund von Art. 25 DSGVO und der KI-Verordnung. BVD-News, 2022 (3), pp. 18-22.

LEROCH, M., Market Power and Journalistic Quality. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53 (1), pp. 109-124. doi:10.1007/s10657-021-09714-5 (2022)

LEROCH, M., Market Power and Journalistic Quality. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53 (1), pp. 109-124. (2022)

KROSCHWALD, S. (2021). Künstliche Intelligenz im autonomen Auto. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit : DuD, 2021 (08), 522-528. doi:10.1007/s11623-021-1483-5 .

VÁSQUEZ, S., KROSCHWALD, S. (2020). Data-driven vehicles: Privacy by Design-Verantwortung zwischen Herstellern und Anbietern und das Principal-Agent-Problem. Multi-Media-Recht. Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierunng, 2020 (4), pp. 217-221.



Gildeggen, R., SCHMITT, R., Schweizer, K., TAVAKOLI, A., THÄLE, B., WECHSLER, A., Lorinser, B., WILLBURGER, A., BUCHMANN, F., BRÖNNEKE, T., Eisenberg, C:, HARRIEHAUSEN, S., JAUTZ, U., KROSCWALD, S., Wirtschaftsprivatrecht, 5. A.  (2023)

KROSCHWALD, S., POLENZ, S. (2022). §6 Digitale Produkte und Datenschutz (1 ed.). In Brönneke, Tobias; Föhlisch, Carsten; Tonner, Klaus (Eds.), Das neue Schuldrecht. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht (pp. 185-222). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

KROSCHWALD, S., TONNER, K. (2022). §8 Digitale Produkte im Schenkungs-, Miet- und Werkvertragsrecht (1 ed.). In Brönneke, Tobias; Föhlisch, Carsten; Tonner, Klaus (Eds.), Das neue Schuldrecht. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht (pp. 241-248). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

BRÖNNEKE, T., Föhlisch, C., Tonner , K. (Eds.), (2022) Das neue Schuldrecht, Nomos. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht, Baden-Baden.

BRÖNNEKE, T., SCHMITT, R., WILLBURGER, A., (2022) § 4, Warenkauf – Kaufrechtlicher Mangelbegriff und Digitalisierung im Verbrauchsgüterkaufrecht, in: Brönneke, Tobias; Föhlisch, Carsten; Tonner, Klaus (Eds.), Das neue Schuldrecht. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht, Baden-Baden




Artificial Intelligent Consumer Enforcement (2023-2025): In this project, an AI-based system is to be developed that, in the field of so-called "private enforcement", enables, among other things, injunction creditors to secure their rights and the enforcement of their claims in an automated manner... learn more



Added value of the provision of user data for the personalization and individualization of media offerings (2023): Scientific support in the analysis and design of data protection and consumer-friendly, value-added, data-based recommendation systems in SWR online formats... learn more



Digitisation for and with people: Digital participation and self-determination - on the way to a digital society in Pforzheim and the Northern Black Forest. A project of the scientific center for consumer research and sustainable consumption, vunk, of Pforzheim University together with the office for public librarianship of the Regional Council Karlsruhe and other libraries in the Northern Black Forest for the nationwide Digitaltag 2022... learn more