Prof. Dr. Ulrich Föhl

Prof. Dr.

Ulrich Föhl

Psychologische Marktforschung





Mo 11:30 -13:00 Uhr -Tragen Sie sich auf Moodle ein:


(07231) 28-6358



Ulrich Föhl is Professor of Psychological Market Research and program director of the Bachelor's program BBA/Consumer Psychology and Market Research at Pforzheim University. After completing his studies in psychology at the University of Tübingen with a focus on research methodology and economic and industrial psychology, he obtained his doctoral degree in Tübingen in the field of psychophysiology, investigating the correlations between electrophysiological activity and mood.
Subsequently, he worked for ten years in the corporate research department at Daimler AG, where he was responsible for conception and evaluation of user interfaces and developed measuring methods for evaluating driver information systems. Most recently, at the Daimler AG Customer Research Center, he directed national and international market and consumer research projects on automotive innovation, especially in the realms of infotainment, user experience, product design, and on the haptic and acoustic perception of automobile components. In addition to his professional activities he undertook lectureships at various universities.
Since 2013, Ulrich Föhl has taught empirical research methods and consumer and advertising psychology at Pforzheim University. He was a program director of the teaching program in business administration/media management and advertising psychology, and established the Master‘s program in Marketing Intelligence.

After years of research in the automotive industry, Ulrich Föhl now conducts interdisciplinary research at the juncture between economics, social sciences, engineering and design. He mostly concentrates on quantitative-based research in the areas of design perception, advertising and user experience.
Product design has become increasingly important on account of the fact that many products are based on the same technology. A crucial question is how design affects various aspects of brand perception. Ulrich Föhl concentrates on automotive design, investigating the relationship between design attributes and specific dimensions of brand personality and related constructs. In addition, he studies how various design aspects — in addition to other product attributes such as functionality and quality — affect the acceptance of products and the decision-making mechanisms in which these crystallize into a total consumer impression.
In advertising research, Ulrich Föhl focuses on experimental studies comparing advertising stimuli. In advertising research, he is interested primarily in comparing different measurement methods such as automatic facial coding with traditional approaches (i. e. surveys).
In recent years, the concept of user experience has gained more importance than classical usability parameters in the area of human-machine interaction. Even in digital media, which have greater interactivity than traditional media, the question that is increasingly being asked today is how to improve user experience. Ulrich Föhl is addressing questions at the juncture between design and user experience to describe how design influences various dimensions of user experience.

Advertising Research ,  Consumer Psychology ,  Design Research ,  Human-Machine Interaction ,  Market Research ,  Empirical Research Methods

2007 - Dr. rer. nat., Natural Sciences
Universität Tübingen

2002 - Diplom, Psychology
Universität Tübingen

since 2013 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany

Professor for psychological market research

2007 - 2013 - Daimler AG - Germany

Customer Research Center, Senior Scientist

2003 - 2007 - DaimlerChrysler AG - Germany


2002 - 2003 - Universität Tübingen - Germany

Scientist, Ph.D. Student




Teaching Award Business School

since 2015

Unrestricted Research Grant (Ford University Research Program), Research activities on Perceived Quality

Journal article

WALTER, N., FÖHL, U., ZAGERMANN, L. (2024). Big or Small? Impact of Influencer Characteristics on Influencer Success, with Special Focus on Micro- Versus Mega-Influencers. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising*, 1-23. doi:10.1080/10641734.2024.2366198.

WALTER, N., FÖHL, U., SANDER, F., NIES, A. (2024). Act as you preach! Authentic brand purpose versus “woke washing’s” impact on brand credibility: The moderating role of cause involvement and consumer skepticism. Journal of Business Research, 184, 114868. doi:

HÖFLING, T., ALPERS, G., BÜDENBENDER, B., FOEHL, U., GERDES, A. (2022). What’s in a face: Automatic facial coding of untrained study participants compared to standardized inventories. PLoS One, 17 (3). doi:

THEOBALD, E., MALTHANER, M., FOEHL, U. (2021). KI schlägt Mensch?!. Automatische Generierung von Produkttexten in Online-Shops. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 58 (4), 922-936. doi:10.1365/s40702-020-00658-z.

SANDER, F., FOEHL, U., WALTER, N., DEMMER, V. (2021). Green or social? An analysis of environmental and social sustainability advertising and its impact on brand personality, credibility and attitude. Journal of Brand Management, 28 (4), 429-445. doi:10.1057/s41262-021-00236-8.

HÖFLING, T. T., ALPERS, G., GERDES, A., FOEHL, U. (2021). Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of mimicked, passive, and inhibited facial response to emotional faces. Cognition and Emotion, 35 (5), 847-889. doi:10.1080/02699931.2021.1902786.

HÖFLING, T. T. A., GERDES, A. B. M., FOEHL, U., ALPERS, G. W. (2020). Read my face: automatic facial coding versus psychophysiological indicators of emotional valence and arousal. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (1388). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01388.

WAGNER, V., KALLUS, K. W., FOEHL, U. (2017). Dimensions of vehicle sounds perception. APPLIED ERGONOMICS, 64, 41-46. doi:


FOEHL, U., FRIEDRICH, C. (2022). Quick Guide Onlinefragebogen (1. ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Chapter in Book

FÖHL, U., HEIL, N.-M. (2023). Welche Effekte haben reale und virtuelle Influencer auf die Einstellung zur Marke? In A. Erceg et al. (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Management Research ( ed., pp. 931-955). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

FOEHL, U. (2022). Konsumentenverhalten in einer digitalen Welt. In Theobald, E. & Gaiser, B. (Eds.), Brand Evolution ( ed., pp. 109-130). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FOEHL, U., THEOBALD, E. (2020). Qualifizierung für eine Smart Data World - Anforderungen an Marketing Intelligence Professionals. In B. Keller, H.-W. Klein, A. Wachenfeld-Schell & T. Wirth (Eds.), Marktforschung für die Smart Data World ( ed., pp. S. 57-67). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FOEHL, U., SIEFERT, C. (2018). A typology of consumer brand relationships. In D. Barkowitz et al. (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XIV ( ed., pp. 1722-1737). Osijek: Faculty of Economics at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University.

FOEHL, U. (2017). Marke und Design. Auf dem Weg zur Seamless Brand Design Experience. In E. Theobald (Ed.), Brand Evolution (2 ed., pp. 83-98). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FOEHL, U., HUCK-SANDHU, S. (2017). Bewegtbild vs. Text: Die Rolle der Darbietungsform für die Verständlichkeit und Akzeptanz von technischen Innovationen. In G. Hooffacker & C. Wolf (Ed.), Technische Innovationen - Medieninnovationen? (1 ed., pp. 205-218). Springer VS.

FOEHL, U., SCHNEEGANS, T. (2016). The sound of brands - do associations of brands with music styles affect brand personality? In D. Barkovic & B. Runzheimer (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XII ( ed., pp. 1156-1171). Osijek: Faculty of Economics at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University.

FOEHL, U., ELSER, S. (2015). Measuring brand personality - construct validity of a short version of a brand personality scale. In Barcovic, D., B. Runzheimer (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XI ( ed., pp. 1116-1132). Grafika.

THEOBALD, E., FOEHL, U. (2015). Big Data wird zu Smart Data - Big Data in der Marktforschung. In J. Dorschel (Ed.), Praxishandbuch Big Data ( ed., pp. 112-123). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FOEHL, U., THEOBALD, E. (2015). Big Data und Electronic Commerce - Neue Erkenntnisse zur Customer Journey. In J. Dorschel (Ed.), Praxishandbuch Big Data ( ed., pp. 123-133). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FÖHL, U., MESSMER, F. (2014). Der Einfluss von Designmerkmalen auf die Markenpersönlichkeit. In Barkovic, D. und Runzheimer, B. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research X ( ed., pp. 999-1017). Grafika.

Article in Proceedings

KIENZLER, T., FÖHL, U. (2024). When showing off is the best. Mediator and Moderator Variables for Status Consumption of Maximizers. AMA Winter Academic Conference (pp. 446 - 460).

Major activity in a professional group context (e.g. member of the examination board for tax advisors)

since 2022

Mitglied im Beirat



since 2022

reviewer Marketing Review St Gallen


Advisor doctorate procedure

since 2021

supervisor of a Ph.D. thesis in the area of consumer behavior

Universität Hohenheim Germany

Program Director

2018 - 2019

Program Manager M. Sc. Marketing Intelligence

Pforzheim University Germany

2013 - 2017

Studiendekan Media Management und Werbepsychologie

Pforzheim Germany

Presentation at a Conference


Föhl, U. & Huck-Sandhu, S. Video vs text - comprehensibility and acceptance of technological innovations. DGPuK 2016 Pre-Conference. Leipzig.

DGPuK Germany


Föhl, U., Meßmer, F. und Gildehaus, S. Die Beziehungen zwischen Design und Markenpersönlichkeit am Beispiel von Fahrzeuginterieurs. 18. Tagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie. Köln.

Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie (GWPs) e. V., Hochschule Fresenius, Standort Köln Germany

Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester


Praxisprojekt mit einem Beratungsunternehmen zum Thema Generation Y und Mobilität bzw. Generation Y und Konsumverhalten


2015 - 2016

Praxisprojekt zur Analyse eines Webauftritts im Bereich Onlinehandel


2015 - 2016

Praxisprojek im Bereich Werbepsychologie mit einem Unternehmen der Schmuckbranche


Other administrative responsibility in academic service

since 2015

coordination of the students access panel of Pforzheim University

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

since 2015

Betreuung der Absolventenbefragung


Completion of a significant consulting activity (produces a verifiable document or product)

since 2015

Consulting in the area of market and consumer research, user experience


Expert Assessement/Evaluation

since 2015

University degree programme accreditation auditor

AQAS e. V. Germany

Leader of a project funded from companies and/or private institutions

2014 - 2015

Projekt des IAF mit Daimler


Giving a presentation at the invitation of regional or national professional associations


Psychology of disruption. Designforschungstag. Hamburg.

Factor Design GmbH Germany

Member of a Program Committee

since 2013

Mitglied der Studienkommission (BMMWP)


Counselling of high school students/school visits/presentations

since 2013



Participation at a conference (no presentation)


Teilnahme Martkforschungsmesse "Research and Results"


Academic association membership

since 2012

Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie (GWPs) e. V.

Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie (GWPs) e. V., Hochschule Fresenius, Standort Köln Germany