Prof. Dr.
Nadine Walter
International Marketing
Mittwoch 11.00 - 12.30 im W2.4.12
(07231) 28-6450Nadine Walter is professor of International Marketing at Pforzheim University. After completing her studies in business administration at Mannheim University and earning her MBA at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, she worked for six years at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company. She completed her doctorate at the University of Hamburg. Since 2008, she has taught marketing at Pforzheim University, and since 2010, she has directed the double-degree program Business/International Marketing, serving as the program‘s director. Her research interests are branding, sustainability marketing, influencer marketing and technology adoption. She has published her work in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Euromarketing and Journal of Brand Management. She advises companies in marketing and strategy. In addition, she is active in Executive Education at the St. Galler Management Institute in Switzerland and serves as visiting professor at the Tias Business School at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and at Pennsylvania State University in the US.
Nadine Walter has concentrated her research activity in the areas of branding (brand purpose, brand experience, international branding), sustainability marketing (femvertising, social/ecological advertising,), influencer marketing (virtual influencer, macro-/micro-influencer) und technology adoption (payment methods, IVAs). She has published articles in journals including the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Euromarketing, Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, International Journal of Business Environment, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, International Journal of Electronic Business, International Journal of Comparative Management and Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management.
2004 - Dr. rer. pol.
Universität Hamburg
2000 - Diplom-Kauffrau
Universität Mannheim
1998 - MBA
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
United States
Teaching Award Pforzheim University (Business School)
Marketing , Marketing Communication and Advertising , Market Research and Consumer Psychology
Journal article
WALTER, N., FÖHL, U., ZAGERMANN, L. (2024). Big or Small? Impact of Influencer Characteristics on Influencer Success, with Special Focus on Micro- Versus Mega-Influencers. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising*, 1-23. doi:10.1080/10641734.2024.2366198.
WALTER, N., FÖHL, U., SANDER, F., NIES, A. (2024). Act as you preach! Authentic brand purpose versus “woke washing’s” impact on brand credibility: The moderating role of cause involvement and consumer skepticism. Journal of Business Research, 184, 114868. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114868.
HÖFLING, T. A., WALTER, N., KUHLENKASPER, T., ALPERS, G. W. (2024). What I like! The joint impact of attitude, perceived quality, and experience on brand loyalty: semi-parametric additive mixed modeling. Review of Marketing Science*, 1-30. doi:10.1515/roms-2024-0005.
SPRIKUT, S., WALTER, N., CLEFF, T. (2024). Boycott or buycott? An empirical study of political consumerism and the impact of negative and positive information on purchase intention. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 21 (3), 5-34.
REEH, A., WALTER, N., SANDER, F., CLEFF, T. (2023). Shopping for a worthy cause - the theory of planned behaviour for vegan personal care products with a special focus on animal welfare. International Journal of Business Environment, 14 (4), 488-526. doi:10.1504/IJBE.2023.10056159.
WALTER, N., ASGARI, O., CLEFF, T. (2022). What role does the brand play? Measuring the impact of customer-based brand equity on the selection of MBA programs at Dutch business schools. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Online. doi:10.1080/08841241.2022.2048430.
WALTER, N., ZAGERMANN, L. (2021). Klein gegen Groß – Sollen Marken besser auf Mikro-Influencer oder auf Makro-Influencer im Social Media Marketing setzen? Marke41 (1), pp. 8-14. München.
SANDER, F., FOEHL, U., WALTER, N., DEMMER, V. (2021). Green or social? An analysis of environmental and social sustainability advertising and its impact on brand personality, credibility and attitude. Journal of Brand Management, 28 (4), 429-445. doi:10.1057/s41262-021-00236-8.
WOLBERS, K., WALTER, N. (2021). Silence Is Silver, but Speech Is Golden: Intelligent Voice Assistants (IVAs) and Their Impact on a Brand's Customer Decision Journey with a Special Focus on Trust and Convenience: A Qualitative Consumer Analysis in the Netherlands. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 18 (1), 7-31.
LAKEMANN, F., WALTER, N., CLEFF, T. (2021). The impact of payment methods and payment-related marketing communications on e-commerce retailer trust. An empirical consumer analysis of Indonesian e-commerce start-ups. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, 16 (4), 352-376. doi:10.1504/IJEB.2021.10041142.
CLEFF, T., WALTER, N., XIE, J. (2018). The Effect of Online Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty: A Web of Emotions. IUP Journal of Brand Management, 15 (1), 7-24.
BREMSER, K., WALTER, N., GOEHLICH, V. (2018). A comparative study on glocal commercial advertisement perceptions - British and French viewers' responses to Red Bull. International Journal of Comparative Management, 1 (4), pp. 333-354.
WALTER, N., MEISSNER, H. (2017). Customer Co-Creation. Marke41 (6), pp. 24-30. München.
WALTER, N. (2016). Wie Unternehmen ihre Marke zum Erlebnis machen können. Marke41, 1, pp. 62-67.
BRAUN, K., CLEFF, T., WALTER, N. (2015). Rich, lavish and trendy – is lesbian consumers’ fashion shopping behaviour similar to gay’s?. A comparative study of lesbian fashion consumption behaviour in Germany. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 19 (4), 445-466. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JFMM-10-2014-0073.
CLEFF, T., LIN, I., WALTER, N. (2014). Can you feel it? The effect of brand experience on brand equity. IUP Journal of Brand Management, XI (2), 7-27.
CLEFF, T., CHU, G., WALTER, N. (2013). Brand experience‘s influence on customer satisfaction and loyalty: a mirage in marketing research? International Journal of Management. Research and Business Strategy, 2 (1), 130-144.
CLEFF, T., SPÚLVEDA, C., WALTER, N. (2011). How Global are Global Brands? An Empirical Brand Awareness and Image Analysis. Journal of Euromarketing, 20 (1), 63-84.
WALTER, N. (2008). Be real - wie Unternehmen authentisch erfolgreich sind. Marke 41 (4), 22-26.
WALTER, N. (2005). Innovatives, strategisches Marketing in der europäischen Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Marke 41, 38 (8), 24-27.
WALTER, N. (2004). Euro-Marketing - wie europäisch ist es wirklich? Markenartikel (5), 4-12.
WALTER, N., BARRENSTEIN, P., JUNGHANS, M. (2003). Wachstumshebel Innovation. Lebensmittel Zeitung, 64.
WALTER, N. (2004). Standardisierung des europäischen Nahrungsmittel-Marketing. Hampp Verlag.
Chapter in Book
THIERRY, C., SANDER, F., WALTER, N., CLEFF, T. (2024). The Effect of Brand Activism on Advertising Success and Purchase Intention. Analyzing Female Empowerment and Anti-Racism Advertising. In Glavaš, J., Papac, N., Erceg, A. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XX. Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.
WICKER, A., SANDER, F., WALTER, N. (2022). Sharing is caring: An extended list of motives for participation in collaborative consumption. In Erceg, A., Požega, Ž. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVIII ( ed., pp. 487-506). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.
BIENECKER, M., CLEFF, T., WALTER, N. (2022). Organic wine consumption in Germany. An Analysis of Consumer Purchase Intention for Organic wine based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. In Erceg, A., Požega, Ž. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVIII ( ed., pp. 397-428). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.
WALTER, N. (2022). eBranding im internationalen Kontext. In Theobald, Elke; Gaiser, Brigitte (Eds.), Brand Evolution ( ed., pp. 245-261). SpringerGabler.
CLEFF, T., OTTERBACH, M., WALTER, N. (2021). Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation in Social Media. Der Einfluss unterschiedlicher Arten der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation auf die Glaubwürdigkeit, auf die Werbe-/Markeneinstellung und die Kaufabsicht am Beispiel von Instagram. In Barkovic, D. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVII ( ed., pp. 1183-1210). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
CLEFF, T., ELEZI, E., WALTER, N. (2020). Rebranding – A Criteria-Based Analysis and Comparison of the Rebranding Strategies of the Fashion Heritage Brands Burberry and J. Crew. In Barkovic, D. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVI ( ed., pp. 366-393). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
BORCH, M., CLEFF, T., WALTER, N. (2019). Analyse der Customer Journey und die Ausgestaltung digitaler Touchpoints.. Eine empirische Analyse anhand des Sportartikelherstellers Adidas. In Bacher, U. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XV (1 ed., pp. 843-869). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
CLEFF, T., HANSMANN, L.-M., WALTER, N. (2018). The quantified self. – a theoretical framework and empirical study on marketing opportunities within the self-tracking environment. In Bacher, U. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XIV ( ed., pp. 1198-1224). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
CLEFF, T., VAN DRIEL, G., MILDNER, L.-M., WALTER, N. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility in the Fashion Industry: How Eco-Innovations Can Lead to a (More) Sustainable Business Model in the Fashion Industry. In Horbach J., Reif C. (Eds.), New Developments in Eco-Innovation Research ( ed., pp. 257-275). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
WALTER, N. (2017). ebranding im internationalen Kontext. In Theobald, E. (Eds.), Brand Evolution (2.Auflage ed., pp. 215-235). Gabler-Verlag.
CLEFF, T., KLEIN, A., WALTER, N. (2017). Brand communities in an open innovation environment. In Bacher, U. et al. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XIII ( ed., pp. 161-196). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
CLEFF, T., HUIJNEN, M.-A., WALTER, N. (2016). Do you trust your brand or not? A comparative analysis of the adoption of brand extensions of generation X versus Y in the FMCG Industry. In Bacher, U. et al. (Eds.) ( ed., pp. 871-890). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
CLEFF, T., WALTER, N., LORIS, H. (2015). Shopping on the go – an analysis of consumers’ intention to use M-Commerce in Germany and Peru. In Barkovic, D./ Runzheimer, B. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XI ( ed., pp. S. 344-372). Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer Univ.
WALTER, N., CLEFF, T., DÖRR, S., VICKNAIR, A. (2013). Brand experience – how it relates to brand personality, consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty. An empirical analysis of the Adidas brand. In Bacher, U. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research IX ( ed., pp. 731-754). Grafika.
WALTER, N. (2011). eBranding im internationalen Kontext. In Theobald, E./Haisch, P.T. (Eds.), Brand Evolution (1. Auflage ed., pp. 179-196). Gabler.
WALTER, N., CLEFF, T., FISCHER, L. (2010). The Provincialism of Global Brands. An Empirical Analysis of Brand Equity Differences in Mexico and Germany. In Barkovic, D./Runzheimer, B./Bacher, U./Heinz, K./Lamza, M./Matic, B./ Pap, N. (Eds.), Interdisziplinäre Managementforschung VI ( ed., pp. 776-800). Grafika.
WALTER, N. (2010). Herausforderungen und Faktoren für erfolgreiche Neuproduktinnovationen in der Konsumgüterindustrie. In Loock, H./Steppeler, H. (Eds.), Marktorientierte Problemlösungen im Innovationsmarketing ( ed., pp. 127-146). Gabler.
WALTER, N., SALDSIEDER, K. A. (2010). Machtfaktor Konsumentendemokratie - Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Markenführung im Web 2.0. In Görg, Ulrich (Eds.), Erfolgreiche Markendifferenzierung. Strategie und Praxis professioneller Markenführung (1. Auflage ed., pp. 127-148). Gabler-Verlag.
WALTER, N. (2005). Innovatives Marketing - Der Weg aus der Krise in der europäischen Nahrungsmittelindustrie? In Götte, S./Möbius, M. (Eds.), Marketingmanagement für Entrepreneure ( ed., pp. 283 - 296). Verlag Hampp.
WALTER, N. (2004). Markenstandardisierung. in:Zerres, C. und Zerres, M.; Markenforschung - Analyse aktueller Ansätze in Wissenschaft und Praxis ( ed., pp. 139-154). Hampp Verlag.
WALTER, N. (2003). Standardisierungskonzepte im Internationalen Marketing. In Zerres, C./Zerres, M. (Eds.), Innovative Ansätze einer marktorientierten Unternehmensführung ( ed., pp. 231 - 241). Verlag Hampp.
Contribution to Series of Ext. Research Institute
SANDER, F., BACHER, U., FOSCHIANI, S., WALTER, N. (2024). Femvertising - Chancen und Risiken frauenfokussierter Werbung in der Finanzindustrie. Hohenheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2024. Universität Hohenheim - Forschungsstelle für Genossenschaftswesen.
Article in Proceedings
WALTER, N., BRAUN, K. (2013). The myth of the rich and trendy homosexual – why gays and lesbians are not an overly attractive target segment for Marketing. 50 Jahre - 50 Thesen, Band 4: Marketing und Management (pp. 29-33).
Academic Papers of Pforzheim University
CLEFF, T., FISCHER, L., SEPÚLVEDA, C., WALTER, N. (2010). How Global are Global Brands? An Empirical Brand Equity Analysis. ISSN 0946-3755, Pforzheim, Germany.
SALDSIEDER, K. A., WALTER, N. (2010). Consumer Empowerment – Chancen für die Markenführung im Web 2.0.
WALTER, N. (2009). WOMM, Conversational Marketing oder Reverse Psychology Marketing: Wie Unternehmen authentisch erfolgreich sind.
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