Prof. Dr. rer. pol.
Martin Leroch
Prof. Leroch ist im Wintersemester 2024/25 im Forschungssemester!
(07231) 28-6324Martin Leroch has been Professor of Economics and Ethics at Pforzheim University since fall 2020. Before joining Pforzheim University, he was employed as an economist and consultant at Lademann & Associates GmbH, Hamburg, most recently in a managerial role. One of his core tasks was the preparation of expert witness reports for private damage proceedings, most importantly estimations of damages accruing from violations of competition law.
After completing his diploma in Economics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Martin Leroch received his doctorate degree from the University of Hamburg, where he was later employed as a postdoctoral researcher. His thesis consisted of several papers on institutional economics, as well as law & economics. In 2011, he joined the Institute of Political Science at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz. Over the years, he held several external lectureships both domestically and abroad (namely in India and Ethiopia), covering various topics, from global economy over microeconomics, game theory to law & economics. Martin Leroch also held a deputy professorship for Economics, especially Microeconomics and Public Economics at the Martin-Luther-University Halle.
Social life is often shaped by formal and informal rules and norms, which are called institutions. On the one hand, they determine the operational framework for economic and other activities, on the other hand, they themselves are shaped by people’s incentives, including economic interests. How this happens and what effects they cause are the core questions of Martin Leroch’s research.
Martin Leroch’s specific projects include, for example, an experimental analysis of the influence of group membership and violence exposure on individuals’ behaviors. Building on qualitative data, he has further developed a formal model by means of which he has analyzed the effects of changes in the legal framework on certain forms of expressive crime. Argumentatively, he has tried to explain why people hold corporations (instead of natural persons) morally responsible. Using statistical methods, he analyses the influence of judicial independence on refugee acceptance rates, together with two co-authors.
In addition, Martin Leroch deals with various questions in the area of competition law, which are of immediate practical relevance. These include questions of causality in the passing-on of cartel damages to third parties and cartel screening.
Behavioral Economics , Institutional Economics , Micro Data Analysis , Economics , Business Ethics , Media Economics
2008 - Dr. rer. pol., Economics
Dekanat Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg
since 2020 - Pforzheim - Germany
Professor of Economics and Ethics & Economics
since 2020 - Lademann & AssociatesLademann & Associates - Germany
Academic advisor
2016 - 2020 - Lademann & Associates -
Economic Consultant
Journal article
FERGUSON, N., LEROCH, M. (2023). On the Behavioral Impacts of Violence: Evidence from Incentivized Games in Kenya ? European Journal of Political Economy, 78, 102352. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2022.102352.
ZAUN, N., LEROCH, M., THIELEMANN, E. (2023). Why courts are the life buoys of migrant rights. Anti- immigrant pressure, variation in judicial independence, and asylum recognition rates. JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY, Online first. doi:10.1080/13501763.2023.2182821.
BARRIGA, A., FERGUSON, N., FIALA, N., LEROCH, M. (2023). Ethnic cooperation and conflict in Kenya. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 106, 102050. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2023.102050.
LEROCH, M. (2022). Market Power and Journalistic Quality. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53 (1), 109-124. doi:10.1007/s10657-021-09714-5.
HUGH-JONES, D., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. A. (2017). Intergroup Revenge: A Laboratory Experiment. Homo Oeconomicus, 34 (2-3), 117-135. doi:10.1007/s41412-017-0049-0.
KARACUKA, M., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. (2017). Mezhepsel Bölünme ve Çesitliliklerin Kurumsal ve Iktisadi Belirleyicileri. Sosyoekonomi, 25 (33), 127-127. doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.289377.
KRIEGER, T., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. (2016). The Political Economy of Land Grabbing. Homo Oeconomicus, 33 (3), 197-204. doi:10.1007/s41412-016-0022-3.
LEROCH, M. A., LEROCH, M. (2014). Punishment as Defiance: Deterrence and Perverse Effects in the Case of Expressive Crime. CESifo Economic Studies, 60 (3), 581-598. doi:10.1093/cesifo/ift009.
LEROCH, M. A., LEROCH, M., REGGIANI, C., ROSSINI, G., ZUCCHELLI, E. (2014). Religious Attitudes and Home Bias: Theory and New Evidence from Primary Data. Review of Development Economics, 18 (2), 401-414. doi:10.1111/rode.12092.
LEROCH, M. (2014). Culture at work: how culture affects workplace behaviors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER, 35 (1/2), 133-146. doi:10.1108/IJM-08-2013-0198.
LEROCH, M. (2014). Can Financing of Unconditional Income Increase Wage Gaps? Homo Oeconomicus, 31 (1), 245-256.
LEROCH, M. A., LEROCH, M., WELLBROCK, C. M. (2011). Saving newspapers with public grants – The effects of press subsidies on the provision of journalistic quality. INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY, 23 (3-4), 281-286. doi:10.1016/j.infoecopol.2011.08.002.
HOLLER, M. J., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. (2010). Efficiency and justice revisited. European Journal of Political Economy, 26 (3), 311-319. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2009.11.007.
HOLLER, M. J., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. A. (2010). Jury on stage: a common law play. European Journal of Law and Economics, 30 (2), 89-110. doi:10.1007/s10657-009-9132-8.
LEROCH, M. A., LEROCH, M. (2009). Pointing Fingers: Why People Hold Corporations Responsible. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 58 (3).
HOLLER, M. J., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. (2008). IMPARTIAL SPECTATOR, MORAL COMMUNITY, AND SOME LEGAL CONSEQUENCES. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 30 (3), 297-316. doi:10.1017/S1053837208000308.
LEROCH, M. (2008). Peace and the Sharing of Power: Contrasting Conquest and Non-Conquest Settings. Homo Oeconomicus, 25 (2), 169-180.
LEROCH, M. (2008). Adam Smith’s Intuition Pump: The Impartial Spectator. Homo Oeconomicus, 25 (1), 1-22.
Chapter in Book
LEROCH, M., SIRRIES, S. (2023). The Potential of the Digital Economy for Economic Development. The Case of Georgia. In Martin Kupiek, Rupert A. Brandmeier (Eds.), The Digital Transformation of Georgia: Economics, Management, and Policy ( ed., pp. 189-200). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
LEROCH, M. A., LEROCH, M. (2014). Crime (Expressive) and the Law. In Jürgen Backhaus (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (1 ed., pp. 1-2). Springer.
HOLLER, M. J., LEROCH, M., LEROCH, M. A. (2014). Theories of justice and empirical results. In Francesco Forte, Ram Mudambi, Pietro Navarra (Eds.), A Handbook of Alternative Theories of Public Economics (1 ed., pp. 143-159). Edward Elgar Publishing.
LEROCH, M., WELLBROCK, C. M., LEROCH, M. A. (2013). Good Intentions, Bad Results: The Effects of Newspaper Subsidies on Journalistic Quality. In Paul Murschetz (Ed.), State Aid for Newspapers (1 ed., pp. 73-83). Springer.
Publication in Collected Edition (encyclopedia...)
LEROCH, M. (2021). Crime (Expressive) and the Law. In: Marciano, A. & Ramello, B., G. (Eds.): Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. Springer, New York, United States.
Academic Papers of Pforzheim University
LEROCH, M. (2022). Moral Institutions and Evolution. In Search of Equilibria.
Editor (Book, Proceeding)
LEROCH, M. (2023). Power and Responsibility. Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century in Honor of Manfred J. Holler. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
since 2020
Scientific advisory board
Lademann & AssociatesLademann & Associates Germany
Maintaining an active consulting practice (regular, not only on an informal basis)
2016 - 2020
Ökonomischer Gutachter im Bereich Wettbewerbsrecht
Lademann & AssociatesLademann & Associates Germany
Member of the editorial board of a journal
since 2013
Homo Oeconomicus Germany