Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Jürgen Wrede
Donnerstag 08:00 - 09:30 h, T1.4.28
(07231) 28-66322019 Founder of Institute for Smart Bicycle Technology together with 4 colleages, first scientic director.
Since 2008 Department Head of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences.
Since 2006 Research in assistance systems für electrically assisted bicycles. 2013-2017 publicly funded project BikeSafe (antilock system for ebikes) and 2018 - 2021 publicly funded project BikeAssist for lateral stability at low speed.
Since 1999 tenure track professor at Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, teaching automotive technology and mechatronics.
1999 Knorr-Bremse Systems for Commercial Vehicles at Schwieberdingen, near Stuttgart, Germany.
1987-1999 Robert Bosch Gmbh, responsible for development of electropneumatic brake system for commercial vehicles, worldwide customer relations.
1985-1987 Stihl power chain saws at Waiblingen, Germany. Development engineer.
1978-1983 Study of Mechanical Engineering, degree as Diplom-Ingenieur, Technical University Munich.
- vehicle mechatronics
- commercial vehicle brake systems
- brake and assistance systems for two-wheelers
- test stand technology
driving dynamics and driver assistance systems , automotive mechatronics and modelbased development , bicycle and testing technology , Measurement Technology
1983 - Diplom-Ingenieur Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Munich (TUM)
since 2008 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany
Vice Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Department Head of Mechanical Engineering
since 1999 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany
Professor in the study program Mechanical Engineering
1999 - Knorr-Bremse Systeme für Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH - Germany
head of department
1987 - 1999 - Robert Bosch GmbH - Germany
head of department
1985 - 1987 - Fa. Andreas Stihl - Germany
test engineer
Mechanical Engineering
Journal article
MAIER, O., HILLENBRAND, S., WREDE, J., FREUND, A., GAUTERIN, F. (2018). Vertical and Longitudonal Characterictics of a Bicycle Tire. Tire Science and Technology, 46 (3), 153-173. doi:10.2346/tire.18.460301.
MAIER, O., WREDE, J., GYÖRFI, B., KASPER, R. (2017). Design and Validation of a Multi-Body Model of a Front Suspension Bicycle and a Passive Rider for Braking Dynamics Investigations. MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS.
MAIER, O., WREDE, J., GYÖRFI, B., MOIA, A., ARNOLD, T. (2017). In-depth analysis of bicycle hydraulic disc brakes. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, vol. 95, pp. 310-323.
MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2016). Development of a Braking Dynamics Assistance System for Electric Bicycles: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Road Tests. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21 (3), pp. 1671-1679.
MAIER, O., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M. (2014). Ohne Überschlag. Mechatronik, pp. 26-27.
WREDE, J., HECKER, F. (2004). Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Nutzfahrzeug. Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift ATZ, 106 (9), pp. 810-818.
Publication in Collected Edition (encyclopedia...)
WREDE, J. (2006). Fahrerassistenzsysteme in Serie weltweit: Status quo. Nürtingen, Germany.
WREDE, J. (2005). Voraussetzungen für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung und Verbreitung von zukünftigen Fahrerassistenzsystemen. Stuttgart, Germany.
WREDE, J. (2005). Sensorik - Schlüsseltechnologie für Kfz-Sicherheitssysteme. Stuttgart, Germany.
WREDE, J. (2003). Fahrerassistenzsysteme - Status, Trends, Visionen. Germany.
Article in Proceedings
HILLENBRAND, S., WREDE, J., HACK, L.-N., BRODBECK, L., DROSTE, L. (2024). Braking Dynamics Simulation of Combined Braking Systems for Pedelecs.
HILLENBRAND, S., HANAKAM, Y., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M. (2023). Using a steer-into-the-fall based control law to stabilize a pedelec. Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles 18 – 20 October 2023, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (pp. 39-40).
PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2019). Validation of a Bicycle Dynamics Assistance System Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation. Konferenz.
MAIER, O., HILLENBRAND, S., WREDE, J., FREUND, A., GAUTERIN, F. (2016). Vertical and Longitudinal Characteristics of a Bicycle Tire. 35th Annual Meeting and Conf. on Tire Science and Technology.
PFEIFFER, M., BOTT, C., WREDE, J., MAIER, O. (2016). Bicycle Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator for Braking Dynamics Assistance System. Apply & Innovate 2016.
MAIER, O., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M., SCHARPF, S. (2016). Conditions for Nose-Over and Front Wheel Lockup of Electric Bicycles. 17th IEEE International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics.
MAIER, O., WREDE, J., PASCHER, P., LANGER, N., KRAUTH, S., KRAUSE, M. (2016). Potential Benefit of Regenerative Braking on Electric Bicycles. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Banff.
MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2015). Bremsdynamisches Assistenzsystem für elektrifizierte Fahrräder. Aufbau und Validierung eines Umgebungsmodells als Grundlage der modellbasierten Entwicklung. Mechatronik 2015 (pp. 271-276).
MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WEHNER, C., WREDE, J. (2015). Empirical Survey on Bicycle Accidents to estimate the Potential Benefits of Braking Dynamics Assistance Systems.. Proceedings of International Cycling Safety Conference 2015. 15./16. September 2015 Hannover. (pp. 20 pages).
HILLENBRAND, S., MAIER, O., KUBATSCHEK, A., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2015). Signalverarbeitung für ein Antiblockiersystem am Vorderrad von Elektrofahrrädern. 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage.
WREDE, J. (2009). Workshop: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Trends and Challenges. Tagungsband zur IQPC-Konferenz "Intelligent Tire Technology", 30.09.2009 (pp. 82 pages).
WREDE, J. (2008). Pre-Crash-Erkennung - die Brücke zwischen aktiver und passiver Sicherheit. Tagungsband des Car Training Instituts (IIR) zur CTI-Forum Pre-Crash-Sensorik im Automobil, 22.4.2008 (pp. 19 pages).
WREDE, J., KÖTT, S., KÜHNE, A. (2008). Mechatronics in Bicyles - Development of a Dynamic Safety System. Tagungsband Mechatronics, June 23rd-25th, 2008.
WREDE, J. (2008). Workshop: Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Trends and Challenges. Tagungsband zur IQPC-Konferenz "Advances Steering Systems 208", 30.05.2008 (pp. 81 pages).
Academic Papers of Pforzheim University
WREDE, J., KÜHNE, A. (2008). Weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Bremsdynamik von Fahrrädern mit mess- und simulationstechnischen Methoden. Pforzheim, Germany.
WREDE, J., WEINGARDT, H.-C. (2008). Entwicklung eines Dynamischen Sicherheitssystems für Fahrräder. Pforzheim, Germany.
WREDE, J., KOETT, S. (2007). Simulations- und messtechnische Untersuchung zur Bremsdynamik von Fahrrädern. Pforzheim, Germany.
Instructional Software/Course Material
WREDE, J. (2010). Messtechnik - Einführung, Grundlagen und Fehlerrechnung. AKAD Privathochschulen, Stuttgart, Germany.
WREDE, J., KOHMANN, P. (2010). Messtechnik Labor - Praktisches Arbeiten mit Messgeräten, Sensoren und PC-Messdatenerfassung bzw. -verarbeitung. AKAD Privathochschulen, Stuttgart, Germany.
WREDE, J., KOHMANN, P. (2010). Messtechnik - Messprinzipien und Sensoren. AKAD Privathochschule, Germany.
WREDE, J., KOHMANN, P., GROH, A. (2010). Messtechnik Labor - Grundlagen des Programmierens und Messdatenerfassung mit Labview. AKAD Privathochschule, Stuttgart, Germany.
Leader of a project funded from public institutions
2018 - 2022
HS Pforzheim Germany
2013 - 2016
BikeSafe - Bremsdynamisches Assistenzsystem für E-Bikes
HS Pforzheim Germany
2006 - 2008
Mechatronik im Fahrrad (IAF-Anschubförderung)
HS Pforzheim Germany
Presentation at a Conference
2006 - 2009
Leitung und Vorträge von Konferenzen zum Thema Fahrerassistenzsysteme