Prof. Dr. Jürgen Janovsky

Prof. Dr.

Jürgen Janovsky

BWL einschließlich internationales Management und Innovationsmanagement

Jürgen Janovsky is Professor of Business Management at Pforzheim University with a focus on Innovation and International Management. He studied Administrative Sciences and Social Science at universities in Constance and London earning a doctoral degree based on a thesis in Information Science at the University of Constance. Research stays at the Paris Dauphine University and at the French Ministry of Industry were followed by a career at an economic research institute in Paris and a role in Venture Capital at Société Générale.
Later, Jürgen Janovsky worked for two international consulting firms in Germany and France entrusted with mainly business promotion projects for national and international organizations such as the OECD, the United Nations, the European Commission, the United Nations, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL), the European Investment Bank, and the World Bank.

Since 2008, Jürgen Janovsky carried out studies on the internationalization of the German healthcare system. He worked for organizations such as the KfW, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the BDI and numerous private firms to survey possibilities of cooperation between the state and the economy for modernizing healthcare infrastructures in developing and emerging nations.
During that time, he was also involved in various research funding projects of the European Commission developing new models for maritime goods transport and evaluating outcome assessments for projects in European research policy. He worked as evaluator at the European Investment Bank in North Africa and helped develop regional expertise centers on climate change in 15 African states, together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and KfW.
In Spain, Jürgen Janovsky participated in numerous measures to promote innovation for the central government and the regional government of Galicia, including the development of an innovation portal and the modernization of the timber industry.
During the past five years, Jürgen Janovsky supervised about two dozen projects in various Master and Bachelor programs, the majority of them in Spain. His clients include numerous international corporations such as Bosch, Bechtle, KPMG, and Merck.

Development Cooperation ,  ,  Innovation Management ,  International Management ,  Promotion of Economic Development

1986 - Dr. rer. soc.
Universität Konstanz / Université Dauphine de Paris

1983 - Diplom-Verwaltungswissenschaftler
Universität Konstanz / Kingston University


Reward for Practice Oriented Teaching


Landeslehrpreis Baden-Württemberg (together with colleagues from HRM-Programme)


Pforzheim Business School Teaching Excellence Award (together with the colleagues of Human Resources Management)


Award of the Slovenian Government for Economy Consultancy


Best Lecturer Award of Merck MBA Programme


Awards of the Government of Latvia for successful advisory support in business promotion

Journal article

JANOVSKY, J., GERLACH, C., MÜLLER-SCHWEMER, T. (2017). Pain Point Driven Innovation Management. Denkanstöße zur Gestaltung von Neuerungsprozessen. Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation zfo, 5, pp. 307-315.

SANDER, F., JANOVSKY, J. (2016). Globalization as a risk factor for creativity and innovativeness. Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews : Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 16 (1), 177-192.

JANOVSKY, J., SANDER, F. (2016). Kreativitätshemmnis Globalisierung. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (8), 428-434.

JANOVSKY, J., PILAREK, D. (2014). Innovationshemmnis Globalisierung - Die Globalisierung als Risikofaktor für das Innovationspotenzial des deutschen Mittelstands. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (9), 478-483.


JANOVSKY, J., GERLACH, C., MÜLLER-SCHWEMER, T. (2016). Innovationen erfolgreich kommerzialisieren. Geschäftsfeldentwicklung in Technologiebranchen. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

JANOVSKY, J., KHASHABIAN, B., PILAREK, D., PULG, C. (2011). Marktexpansion in Schwellenländer - Mit Service-Innovationen zum Geschäftserfolg. Gabler-Verlag.

Chapter in Book

JANOVSKY, J. (2013). Enhancing International Business Via Service Innovations. In Moczadlo, Regina / Leko Šimic, Mirna / Oberman Peterka, Suncica (Eds.), Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness ( ed., pp. 55-67). Grafika.

JANOVSKY, J. (2006). Die Entwicklung von Technologiestrategien bei der Med-Tech AG. In Janovsky, J./Khashsabian, B./Pilarek, D. (Eds.), Management-Kompetenz durch Fallstudientechnik ( ed., pp. 140-148). Gabler-Verlag.

WIKARSKI, B., JANOVSKY, J. (2006). Die Positionierung der Cerbuena SA auf dem deutschen Markt. In Janovsky, J./Khashsabian, B./Pilarek, D. (Eds.), Management-Kompetenz durch Fallstudientechnik ( ed., pp. 157-267). Gabler-Verlag.

Article in Proceedings

JANOVSKY, J., PILAREK, D. (2013). Mittelständische Innovatoren in der Globalisierungsfalle. 50 Jahre - 50 Thesen, Band 2: Wirtschaftspolitik, Wirtschaftsethik und International Business (pp. 65-73).

JANOVSKY, J., PILAREK, D. (2013). Globalisierung stört Innovation. 50 Jahre - 50 Thesen, Band 2: Wirtschaftspolitik, Wirtschaftsethik und International Business (pp. 57-63).

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

JANOVSKY, J., KHASHABIAN, B., PILAREK, D. (2006). Management-Kompetenz durch Fallstudientechnik (1. Auflage ed.). Gabler-Verlag.

Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester


Business collaboration with Germany


2020 - 2021

Development of a service innovation concept

Bosch-RexrodtBosch-Rexrodt Germany


Business collaboration with Germany

Health in Code Spain

2019 - 2020

Entwicklung eines Konzepts für eine Service-InnovationDevelopment of a service innovation concept

Bosch-RexrodtBosch-Rexrodt Germany

2019 - 2020

Entwicklung eines Consulting Produkts für HR Digital TransformationDEvelopment of a consulting service product for Digital Transformation in HRM

KPMG Germany

2019 - 2020

Market Entry concept for Germany

Qubiotech Spain

2019 - 2020

Market entry concept for Germany

Queres Spain

2019 - 2020

Market entry concept for France

Trackle Germany


Development of an international consulting service product in mobility

Avantalion Consulting Group Germany


Acebrongroup: Market Entry Strategy for Germany



Company Plexus: Markteintrittstrategie für Deutschland


2018 - 2019

Bosch: Digitilization in B2B Business



Market Entry Concept for Germany

BahíaSoftware Spain

2017 - 2018

Competitor Analysis in France, UK and the Netherlands

Bechtle Germany


Market Entry Concept for Germany

Cinfo Spain


Markteintrittskonzept für DeutschlandMarket Entry Concept for Germany

Innolact Spain


Market Entry Concept for Germany

Texas-Controls Spain

2016 - 2017

Definition of qualification requirements of the purchasing system in the context of digitalization

Bosch Germany

2016 - 2017

Detecting new application fields for a tool-making technological innovation

Bosch Germany


Market Entry Strategy for Germany

Hifas da Terra Spain


Market Entry Strategy for Germany



Review of business development tools

BWCON Germany

2016 - 2017

Business Model for New Navigation System

Bosch Germany


Development of a Tool-Box for Business Founders

BWCON Germany


Vorbereitung des Markteintritts für eine GPS-InnovationMarket Entry Preparation for a GPS Innovation

Bosch Germany


Development of a PT-oriented Product Morphology

Bosch Germany


Development of an Innovation Strategy

BGV Germany

Giving a presentation at the invitation of regional or national professional associations


Technology-oriented start-ups connected to the HEI system - the German perspective

IGAPE/CITIC Galizien Spain


Approaches enhancing commercialisation succes of innovations

Galicischer Unternehmerverband / Uni La Coruna Spain


Commercialisation problems of global German firms in the ara of innovation

Galizischer Unternehmerverband / Uni La Coruna Spain


Aktuelle Tendenzen im Innovationsmanagement (La Coruna/Spanien)

Galicischer Unternehmerverband / Uni La Coruna Spain

Completion of a significant consulting activity (produces a verifiable document or product)


Evaluation of FEMIP TA-Programme in Northern Africa

EIB Luxembourg


Vorbereitunen zum Aufbau eines Klimaforschungszentrums im südlichen Afrika

KfW / German Ministry of Education South Africa

2011 - 2012

Unterstützung bei Erstellung eines Business Plans für ein transnationales Forschungszentrum im südlichen Afrika

Bundesbildungsministerium / KfW Namibia

2010 - 2011

Definition von Finanzierungsansätzen für zwei Klimaforschungszentren in Afrika (für die KfW)

KfW Germany

2008 - 2009

Transfer von deutschem medizin-technischem Knowhow in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländer

BDI / KfW Germany

2007 - 2008

Strategiekonzept für die Holzwirtschaft in Galicien


2007 - 2008

Development of an Innovation Portal for Spanish SME

Spanisches Industrieministerium Spain

2001 - 2016

Beratung zahlreicher Firmen, internationaler Organisationen, Verbände und Ministerien in Fragen der Unternehmensentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung


2000 - 2001

Leitung eines Weltbankprojekts zur Reform des lettischen Gesundheitswesens

Lett. Gesundheitsministerium Latvia

Leader of a project funded from companies and/or private institutions

2015 - 2016

Commercialization of Innovations

MBG Germany

Participation at a conference (no presentation)


Case Study Methodology at HBS

HBS Germany

Expert Assessement/Evaluation


Akkreditierung eines Master-Studiengangs in Innovationsmanagement

AQUIN Germany

2011 - 2012

Potentiale der Fachkräftemigration im deutschen Gesundheitswesen

KfW Germany


Akkreditierung eines Studiengangs im DL-Management

AQAS Germany


Evaluator im 5. Rahmenprogramm der Europäischen Kommission

Europäische Kommission Belgium

2006 - 2007

Evaluation of FEMIP Programme (EIB) in Southern Middle Terranean

European Investment Bank Luxembourg

Program Director

2012 - 2015

Studiendekan Marketing

Pforzheim Germany

2001 - 2005

Leitung des Studiengangs International Consulting

Pforzheim Germany

Research Semester/Sabbatical

2010 - 2011

Service-Innovationen zum Ausbau des Schwellenländergeschäfts Kooperationspartner: CargoXpress Innovacíon Logistica (Feroll)

CargoXpress Innovacíon Logistica (Ferrol) Spain


Forschungssemester an der Universidade da Coruna, Thema: Technologietransfer in der Chemieindustrie

Universidade da Coruna Spain

Member of a supervisory board

2008 - 2020

Mitglied, teils Vorsitzender, verschiedener Aufsichtsräte, Beiräte und eines Verwaltungsrats bei diversen Unternehmen in Deutschland und der Schweiz

Div. Germany

Advisor doctorate procedure

2008 - 2010

Dissertation zum internationalen Projektmanagement an der TU Chemnitz

TU Chemnitz Germany

Instructor for seminar/workshop


Promotion internationaler Geschäftssysteme, Seminar beim galizischen Unternehmerverband

Unternehmerverband Galicien Spain