Prof. Dr. Frauke Sander

Prof. Dr.

Frauke Sander





Mittwoch 13.30 - 15.00 Uhr im W2.4.16


(07231) 28-6637



Frauke Sander is Professor of General Business Administration at Pforzheim University. Her teaching activities focus on the basics of business administration and strategic management on the one hand, and on a number of specialized courses such as project management, consulting or business research on the other.
In her teaching, Frauke Sander can draw on her many years of experience as a management consultant: She initially worked as a freelance consultant and worked in Germany and Panama for the Forest Stewardship Council on various projects in strategic marketing and business planning. At the beginning of 2006 she joined Deloitte Consulting for a role in Corporate and Market Strategy. Her focus was on strategy development and implementation, market analysis as well as pricing and profitability management, mostly for clients from the manufacturing industry.
Prior to that, Frauke Sander studied business administration at the Westfaelische Wilhelms University in Muenster and at the Copenhagen Business School with a focus on marketing and international market management. After graduating with a degree in business administration, she worked for four years as a research assistant at the Institute of Marketing at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. During this time, she completed her doctorate on the subject of premium brands, as well as a postgraduate program as a Master of Business Research in 2004.

Frauke Sander focuses on issues of strategic corporate management and sustainability. Due to the pressing challenges of climate protection and the social change towards more social and ecological responsibility, many companies are changing their target system. Sustainability strategies and activities of Corporate Social Responsibility are becoming increasingly important. Frauke Sander addresses the question of the extent to which companies can use these activities to differentiate themselves and also promote behavioral patterns of responsible consumption. Central to this are also questions in the context of marketing and brand management, such as how consumers perceive sustainability communication with a social or ecological orientation and how this changes their perception of brand personalities.
In addition, Frauke Sander also addresses issues of technology-based decision support as part of corporate management: technical developments such as digitization and artificial intelligence open up a wide range of new opportunities for companies in a wide variety of business areas. Improving strategic decision-making processes or strategy development processes through technology is a concern that has been pursued since the 1970s with regard to the then newly introduced IT systems. Today, however, the question of preparing and supporting strategic decisions with regard to the potential of digitization and AI is being raised again and on a completely new scale.

Business Research ,  Marketing ,  Sustainability in Marketing ,  Project Management ,  Strategic Management

since 2016 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany


2014 - 2016 - Pforzheim University - Germany

Interim Professor, Marketing

2006 - 2014 - Deloitte Consulting - Germany

Corporate & Market Strategy Consulting

2005 - Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) - Germany


2000 - 2004 - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Germany

Research Assistant, Member of the Global Brand Center

Innovative Strategic Management, Consulting ,  Project Management ,  General Management ,  Other

Journal article

WALTER, N., FÖHL, U., SANDER, F., NIES, A. (2024). Act as you preach! Authentic brand purpose versus “woke washing’s” impact on brand credibility: The moderating role of cause involvement and consumer skepticism. Journal of Business Research, 184, 114868. doi:

NOTHHELFER, R., SANDER, F. (2024). Die neue Berichterstattung über immaterielle Ressourcen. Ansätze aus dem Strategischen Management zur Wesentlichkeitsprüfung. KoR: Internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, 24 (11-12/2024), pp. 421 - 427. Düsseldorf.

REEH, A., WALTER, N., SANDER, F., CLEFF, T. (2023). Shopping for a worthy cause - the theory of planned behaviour for vegan personal care products with a special focus on animal welfare. International Journal of Business Environment, 14 (4), 488-526. doi:10.1504/IJBE.2023.10056159.

SANDER, F., FOEHL, U., WALTER, N., DEMMER, V. (2021). Green or social? An analysis of environmental and social sustainability advertising and its impact on brand personality, credibility and attitude. Journal of Brand Management, 28 (4), 429-445. doi:10.1057/s41262-021-00236-8.

SANDER, F., JANOVSKY, J. (2016). Globalization as a risk factor for creativity and innovativeness. Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews : Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 16 (1), 177-192.

JANOVSKY, J., SANDER, F. (2016). Kreativitätshemmnis Globalisierung. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (8), 428-434.

LANGMACK, F., MEYER, A., BLÜMELHUBER, C. (2005). Internationaler Vergleich: Globale Marken – Globales Management? absatzwirtschaft.

LANGMACK, F., MEYER, A. (2002). Offensives Marketing: Führen statt folgen. Marketingjournal.

Chapter in Book

THIERRY, C., SANDER, F., WALTER, N., CLEFF, T. (2024). The Effect of Brand Activism on Advertising Success and Purchase Intention. Analyzing Female Empowerment and Anti-Racism Advertising. In Glavaš, J., Papac, N., Erceg, A. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XX. Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

WICKER, A., SANDER, F., WALTER, N. (2022). Sharing is caring: An extended list of motives for participation in collaborative consumption. In Erceg, A., Požega, Ž. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Management Research XVIII ( ed., pp. 487-506). Osijek, Croatia; Pforzheim, Germany: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics/ Pforzheim University, Business School.

SANDER, F. (2008). Transactional Pricing – Optimierung durch kundenindividuelles Preismanagement. Wertorientiertes Marketing – Unternehmensressourcen richtig nutzen.

Contribution to Series of Ext. Research Institute

SANDER, F., BACHER, U., FOSCHIANI, S., WALTER, N. (2024). Femvertising - Chancen und Risiken frauenfokussierter Werbung in der Finanzindustrie. Hohenheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2024. Universität Hohenheim - Forschungsstelle für Genossenschaftswesen.

FOSCHIANI, S., HUPPERT, M., LEIBNER, H., SANDER, F. (2023). Die Gründerbank der Volksbank Stuttgart eG. Hohenheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2023. Universität Hohenheim - Forschungsstelle für Genossenschaftswesen. S. 31-45. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.

BACHER, U., SANDER, F. (2022). Genossenschaftliche Finanzgruppe Marktführer mit "Visualvest" bei Robo-Advisory. Hohehnheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2022, S. 87-97. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.

SANDER, F., BACHER, U. (2021). Zur strategischen Frage von Zahlungsdienstleistern. Hohenheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2021; S. 108-120. Universität Hohenheim, Germany.

BACHER, U., SANDER, F. (2020). Markenzeichen und Slogan der Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken. Hohenheimer Genossenschaftsforschung 2020, S. 68-78. Universität Hohenheim, Germany.