Prof. Dr.
Florian Haas
Einkaufs- und Beschaffungsmanagement
MI 11.30 - 13.00 Uhr - Raum W2.3.23 - melden Sie sich bitte vorab per Email
(07231) 28-6464Florian Haas is Professor of Purchasing and Procurement Management and leads the bachelor’s degree program Purchasing and Logistics at Pforzheim University. He studied Industrial Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and has over 15 years of practical experience in several management positions within logistics at Robert Bosch GmbH. There, he managed the Automotive Aftermarket Demand and Supply Planning for North America in Chicago, USA for four years. Most recently, he headed the department for the global introduction of Transport Management Centers for air and sea freight at Bosch central logistics Stuttgart.
Florian Haas earned his doctoral degree at the University of Münster on the application of Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate electronic procurement processes, and helped develop the then newly founded Institute for New Venture Development.
Florian Haas works in the field of efficiency measurement of indirect procurement processes, which are currently undergoing a transformation process due to digitalization. Operational processes are being largely automated and the way in which products and services are being offered, negotiated, ordered, and paid for is changing fundamentally. In his many years of management experience with implementing such processes, it has always been a key question how efficiency can be measured and what the essential success factors for highly efficient processes are. Digital procurement is characterized by a large number of interfaces and numerous inputs and outputs, which are measured in different ways. For this, Florian Haas uses a method from Operations Research, the so-called Data Envelopment Analysis, which does not require subjective weighting in the case of several factor inputs to be considered.
With this method, Florian Haas has carried out an extensive empirical study on the electronic procurement of C items and identified the main influencing factors of highly efficient systems, with the results being represented at two INFORMS conferences.
Most recently, Florian Haas has supported an international research cooperation in designing a framework for lectures in the area of information technology. It allows lecturers to systematically develop courses for successful teaching of new processes and technologies.
Supply Chain Management , Logistics Technology , Operation Research
2003 - Dr. rer. pol., Business Administration
Uni Münster
1999 - Diplom (Universitaet), Business Administration and Engineering
Technische Universität Karlsruhe
2018 - 2019 - Robert Bosch GmbH -
Director Transport Management Center Air- & Seafreight
2014 - 2018 - Robert Bosch LLC - United States
Director Demand & Supply Planning
Journal article
SCHÄTTER, F., HANSEN, O., HAAS, F. (2024). Impact-oriented risk management: guiding practitioners towards a resilient supply chain design. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 1-16. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/23789689.2023.2296202.
HAAS, F., EHRMANN, T. (2006). Effizienz, Anreizgestaltung und Implementierung von Prozessinnovationen — eine empirische Untersuchung anhand des Desktop-Purchasing. zfbf - Zeitschrift für betriebs wirtschaftliche Forschung/sbr (German Language), 58, 169-187.
Chapter in Book
HAAS, F., PETER, M. (2025). Einkauf von Zeitarbeit aus Unternehmensperspektive. In Schwaab, M.O.; Durian, A. (Eds.), Zeitarbeit und Personaldienstleistungen (3 ed., pp. 143-156). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Article in Proceedings
SCHÄTTER, F., HAAS, F., MORELLI, F. (2023). A supply chain resilience case study linking key resilience areas with process mining. INFORMS Winter Simulation Conference 2023.
SCHÄTTER, F., MORELLI, F., HAAS, F. (2022). Supply Chain Resilience Management Using Process Mining. Communications of the ECMS Volume 36, Issue 1, June 2022 (pp. 121-127).
SCHÄTTER, F., HAAS, F., MORELLI, F. (2022). A Case Study Concept for Supply Chain Resilience Analysis. Special Track: Simulation and Modelling in Supply Chains, along with SIMUL 2022, IARIA XPS Press, 2022 (pp. 63-68).
VAN WYK, N., JOHNSTON, K., MOELLER, K., HAAS, F. (2020). Developing an IT Course for Emerging Technologies Using a Framework. An Example of an IoT Course V1.0. Proceedings of InSITE 2020: Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference (pp. 15-45).
Program Director
since 2020
Studiendekan Betriebswirtschaft
Pforzheim University Germany