Prof. Dr. Fernando Fastoso

Prof. Dr.

Fernando Fastoso

Professor of Brand Management for Luxury and High-Class brands





Di 09:45 bis 11:15 Uhr - Bitte um vorherige Anmeldung per Mail.


(07231) 28-6188



Fernando Fastoso, PhD, is Professor of Brand Management for Luxury and High-Class Brands. His is the first Chair at a German university focused on luxury brand marketing. Until 2020, Fernando Fastoso held academic positions in the UK, most recently at the University of York. Before that, he had worked for ten years in account management and strategic planning for the DDB network in Düsseldorf, where he managed international accounts for brands such as Spee, Saptil, Sil (Henkel), KPM Berlin, Bahlsen, Metro and Deutsche Bank. Between 2020 and 2023, his Chair was supported by a donation from a consortium of companies in Pforzheim (including Binder, Chopard and Wellendorff) as well as the German Association of Jewellery and Watches producers.

In the media

The Chair has attracted the attention of the press. Most recently, Fernando Fastoso featured in articles on luxury topics that appeared in Die ZeitWirtschaftsWocheDer SpiegelSüddeutsche ZeitungDLF Kultur, and SWR TV. He has also appeared in the Swiss NZZ Bellevue, the French Le Figaro and Le Parisien as well in the Spanish El Mundo. You can also read, hear or watch earlier interviews with him in the following print, TV, radio and online German media outlets: Der SpiegelWirtschaftsWocheDie WeltDie Zeit and ARD. Outside of Germany: Neue Zürcher ZeitungPuls24 and ItaliaOggi. Finally, he has also been featured in the Porsche Annual and Sustainability Report 2022.

Fernando Fastoso is an expert in intercultural and luxury brand marketing. His research explores, among others, the following questions: How do consumers interact with brands when these brands cross national borders (consumer psychology)? How should companies best adapt their strategies to consumers' needs (brand marketing strategy)?

Fernando Fastoso's research has been published in international academic journals (VHB-A and B; ABS/AJG3, 4, 4*), including the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, British Journal of Management, Journal of International Management, Psychology&Marketing and International Marketing Review.

Fernando Fastoso’s research addresses issues of global branding and international consumer psychology, particularly in the luxury sector. His recent studies have focused on issues of luxury brand sustainability and product counterfeiting. His research focuses on luxury marketing, global marketing, global branding and advertising, and consumer psychology.
He is an associate editor of the International Marketing Review and sits on the editorial review board for the Journal of Advertising Research and International Journal of Advertising. His research has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Management, Psychology & Marketing and International Marketing Review, among others.

Global Branding ,  Luxury Marketing ,  Global Marketing ,  Advertising ,  Consumer psychology

2010 - Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
University of Bradford

2007 - PhD, Business Administration
University of Bradford

Journal article

PARK, J. P., KIM, J., KIM, S. (., VOYER, B., KIM, C. K., SUNG, B., GONZALEZ-JIMENEZ, H., FASTOSO, F., CHOI, Y. K., ... YOON, S. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Evaluation of Authentic Advertising Messages. Psychology & Marketing, 39 (1), 76-89. doi:

BARTIKOWSKI, B., GIERL, H., RICHARD, M.-O., FASTOSO, F. (2022). Multiple mental categorizations of culture-laden website design. Journal of Business Research, 141, 40-49. doi:

GIERL, H., BARTIKOWSKI, B., FASTOSO, F. (2022). Financial risk proneness explains the "sex sells" hypothesis in relation to luxury goods. Marketing ZFP - Journal of Research and Management, 44 (3), 60-76.

FASTOSO, F., GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, H., COMETTO, T. (2021). Mirror, mirror on my phone: Drivers and consequences of selfie editing. Journal of Business Research, 133, 365-375. doi:

BARTIKOWSKI, B., FASTOSO, F., GIERL, H. (2021). How Nationalistic Appeals Affect Foreign Luxury Brand Reputation: A Study of Ambivalent Effects. Journal of Business Ethics, 169, 261-277. doi:10.1007/s10551-020-04483-8.

FASTOSO, F., LIU, H., SCHOEFER, K., FASTOSO, F., TZEMOU, E. (2021). Perceived Brand Globalness/Localness: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Directions for Further Research. Journal of International Marketing, 21 (1), 77-94. doi:10.1177/1069031X20973184.

FASTOSO, F., FASTOSO, F., GONZÁLEZ-JIMÉNEZ, H. (2020). Materialism, cosmopolitanism, and emotional brand attachment: The roles of ideal self-congruity and perceived brand globalness. Journal of Business Research, 121, 429-437. doi:

FASTOSO, F., NEAVE, L., TZEMOU, E., FASTOSO, F. (2020). Seeking attention versus seeking approval: How conspicuous consumption differs between grandiose and vulnerable narcissists. PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, 37 (3), 418-427. doi:10.1002/mar.21308.

BARTIKOWSKI, B., FASTOSO, F., FASTOSO, F., GIERL, H. (2019). Luxury cars Made-in-China: Consequences for brand positioning. Journal of Business Research, 102, 288-297. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.072.

FASTOSO, F., GONZALEZ-JIMENEZ, H., FASTOSO, F., FUKUKAWA, K. (2019). How independence and interdependence moderate the self-congruity effect on brand attitude: A study of east and west. Journal of Business Research, 103, 293-300. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.059.

MOHR, A., VAN UENEN, M., FASTOSO, F., TIHANY, C. (2019). Exploring the effects of subsidiary interdependence on the performance of global product launches. European Journal of International Management, 13 (4), 553–579. doi:10.1504/EJIM.2019.100807.

FASTOSO, F., FASTOSO, F., BARTIKOWSKI, B., WANG, S. (2018). The “little emperor” and the luxury brand: How overt and covert narcissism affect brand loyalty and proneness to buy counterfeits. Psychology & Marketing, 35 (7), 522-532. doi:10.1002/mar.21103.

FASTOSO, F., LANE, V. R., FASTOSO, F. (2016). The impact of repeated ad exposure on spillover from low fit extensions to a global brand. International Marketing Review, 33 (2), 298-318. doi:10.1108/IMR-12-2011-0270.

FASTOSO, F., MOHR, A., WANG, C., FASTOSO, F. (2016). The contingent effect of state participation on the dissolution of international joint ventures: A resource dependence approach. Journal of International Business Studies, 47 (4), 408-426. doi:10.1057/jibs.2016.14.

Chapter in Book

HUANG, Y., FASTOSO, F., JIMENÉZ, H. G., BANERJEE, S. (2023). How Are Peer Endorser Characteristics Related to Brand Selfie Attitude? An Abstract. In Bruna Jochims, Juliann Allen (Eds.), Optimistic Marketing in Challenging Times: Serving Ever-Shifting Customer Needs (1 ed., pp. 93-94). Springer.

LINXWEILER, R., GAISER, B., ZERR, K., FASTOSO, F. (2022). Marke und Markenführung. In E. Theobald & B. Gaiser (Ed.), Brand Evolution. Moderne Markenführung im digitalen Zeitalter (3rd. ed., pp. 3-29). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Article in Proceedings

MÜLLER, C., FASTOSO, F., SPILSKI, A. (2023). What drives perceived brand luxury with Gen Z? An exploratory study of German consumers. Conference of the Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Organizations (GAMMA), Seoul 2023.



2025 Track Chair, “Cross-cultural consumers and globalisation”, GAMMA, Global Marketing Conference in Hong Kong



2023 Track Chair, “Cross-cultural consumers and globalisation”, GAMMA, Global Marketing Conference in Seoul, Korea



2016 Track Chair, “Cross-cultural consumers and globalisation”, GAMMA, Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong



2018 Track Chair, „Marketing in Emerging Markets“, AMS World Marketing Congress, Lisbon, Portugal



2018 Track Chair, “Cross-cultural consumers and globalisation”, GAMMA, Global Marketing Conference in Tokyo, Japan


Member of the editorial board of a journal

2024 - 2030

International Marketing Review

United Kingdom

2020 - 2030

Journal of Advertising Research

Journal of Advertising Research United States

2014 - 2030

Member of the Editorial Review Board

International Journal of Advertising United Kingdom

Professional activities

since 2021

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK)

United Kingdom


since 2015

“Do consumers in developing countries prefer global brands because they are global or because they are foreign?”, Gastvortrag an der National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (Januar)

National Taiwan University Taiwan


2012 - 2024

Associate Editor

Emerald England

Expert Assessement/Evaluation


External Examiner for MSc-MBA programs at Warwick Business School, UK

United Kingdom

Leader of a project funded from public institutions


UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESCR)

United Kingdom


8 AgriFood strategic pump priming fund

United Kingdom