For lending you need a library account. In this account we save some personal data. Your login is the number of your campuscard plus a password. The terms of conditions are regulated by our Statutes of University Library from June 6th, 2019.
As a visiting lecturer of Pforzheim University you can use the library free of charge for the duration of your teaching assignment. Before your first loan, we will create a user account for you. For this purpose we need your contact details. Please inform us of any changes to your data as soon as possible. You can only use our electronic services in the rooms of the library.
As a student of another German university you can use the library free of charge. Before your first loan, we will create a user account for you. The account is valid for 12 months and could be renewed. For this purpose we need your IDcard, campuscard and contact details. Please inform us of any changes to your data as soon as possible. You can only use our electronic services in the rooms of the library.
As a guest you can use the printed media in the rooms of our library free of charge. Lending and other services are possible against payment of an annual fee of 20,- Euro. Before your first loan, we will create a user account for you. The account is valid for 12 months and could be extended with renewed fee. For this purpose we need your IDcard and contact details. Please inform us of any changes to your data as soon as possible. You can only use our electronic services in the rooms of the library.