... the university library provides you with:

  • Textbooks, study literature, journals, newspapers, theses, standards, movies- positioned according to topics
  • Learning spaces - single and groups
  • Search-terminals, printer, scanner, terminals for lending transactions, return box
  • Access to electronic fulltexts, library catalogues and databases

Your campuscard is your librarycard.

You get access to both library departments:
In Bibliothek für Gestaltung you will find literature about
Design, Visual communication, Fashion, Arts

In Bibliothek für Technik, Wirtschaft und Recht you will find literature about
Economics, Laws, Information Science, Environmental Science, Engineering, Electrical Engineering

Store your bags and jackets in the lockers.
No food, no drinks allowed (except water in bottles).
Please switch mobile phone to silent

Have you already loaned a book?
Please renew your borrowed books in time.
This way you can avoid fees!

Do you study at home?
After starting your computer, first get remote access via  Cisco VPN client.
Click links always on the library websites, not directly.

Please ask us:
bibliothek.gestaltung(at)hs-pforzheim.de     Phone 07231 28 6731
bibliothek(at)hs-pforzheim.de                         Phone 07231 28 6234

The university library wishes you successful studies!