Welcome to the Language Center

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The Language Center no longer offers language courses for students from all faculties! There are only Spanish courses for students of International Business. Students of other degree programs cannot participate.

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Registrations for our German Language courses are possible from 18/03/2025 to 20/03/2025 in Moodle.

Christina de Lange

e-mail: christina.delange(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Phone: +49 (0) 7231 28 6144

Room: W2.3.27

Consultation hours: Please e-mail for an appointment. 

Sabine Schnabel

e-mail: sabine.schnabel(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Phone: +49 (0) 7231 28 6465

Room: W2.3.27

Consultation hours: Please e-mail for an appointment.

Elizabeth Hermann

e-mail: elizabeth.hermann(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Phone: +49 (0) 7231 28 6298

Room: W 2.3.28

Consultation hours: Please e-mail for an appointment.

Dina von Garlen

e-mail: dina.vongarlen(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Phone: +49 (0) 7231 28 6388

Room: W 2.3.28

Consultation hours: Please e-mail for an appointment. 

Office hours:

Monday to Friday by telephone and e-mail from 8:00 to 12:00

During the semester break, the office is open by appointment only.

E-Mail: astrid.faure(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de

Phone: +49 (0) 7231 28 6017

Room: W2.3.03

Link to the B2 Course Registration in Moodle

If you only want to take the exam, please register directly at the examination office.

CourseDayTimeRoomCourse start date
English B2 Course 1Monday11:30 - 13:00W120524.03.2025
English B2 Course 2Thursday09:45 - 11:15W120427.03.2025
English B2 Course 3Thursday11:30 - 13:00W120427.03.2025
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If you are interested in working at the Language Center, please contact us directly by email at sprachenzentrum(at)hs-pforzheim(dot)de