Prof. Dr.

Jasmin Mahadevan

Internationales und interkulturelles Management





Do 11:30-13:00Uhr –T2.2.18 Tragen Sie sich auf moodle ein:


(07231) 28-6391



Cross-Cultural Management, International Management, Virtual Teams, Qualitative Methoden


Sonderpreis für besondere Leistungen, Catharina-Vierordt-Stiftung


Emerald Literati Network Award 2012 (highly recommended paper)


Best paper, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium 2011, Göteburg, sub-theme 28


DAT Good Cooperation Award, Infineon Technologies AG, München

2004 - 2006

Forschungsstipendium der Infineon Technologies AG, München / Bangalore

1998 - 1999




Internationales und Interkulturelles Management, Technik und Verantwortung, Allgemeinwissenschaftliche Methoden

Beitrag in Zeitschrift

PRIMECZ, H., MAHADEVAN, J. (2025). Intersectionality as a conceptual lens for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in international business studies. newer developments from critical cross-cultural management studies and their insights for the business case. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 21 (1), 59-75. doi:org/10.1108/cpoib-04-2022-0034.

MAHADEVAN, J., METZLER, S., VÖGELE, J., DIEHM, R. (2025). Resource effects of COVID‐induced work‐from home. A qualitative study of parental and non‐parental white collar workers in Germany. European Management Review, online first. doi:10.1111/emre.12705.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). What connects positivism and interpretivism in cross-cultural management studies. Genealogy as a method for re-ordering disciplinary knowledge. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 24 (2), 215-234. doi:10.1177/14705958231223874.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). Migration, ethnic otherness and the ‘refugee crisis’ in Germany. why more conflict is better integration, and how this reconfigures positive cross-cultural management scholarship. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 24 (1), pp. 41-58.

MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H. (2024). Investigating otherness, not difference: Should saming and othering be the focus of the discipline?. Implications for a contemporary cross-cultural management studies. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 24 (1), 3-11.

MAHADEVAN, J., REICHERT, T., STEINMANN, J., STÄRKLE, A., METZLER, S., BACHER, L., DIEHM, R., ... GOROLL, F. (2024). COVID-induced virtual teams. A phenomenon-based framework and methodological advice for studying novel events. Central European Management Journal, 32 (2), pp. 262-283.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). How language power, white subalternity and compressed modernity frame highly-skilled non-Western migrants in an East-German company. Insights from multi-sited ethnography. Journal of Global Mobility, 12 (3), pp. 394-416.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). Intercultural training as paradigm juxtaposition, and the need to differentiate critical cross-cultural management studies. The example of ‘managing Muslim minorities at work’. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, online first, 1-20.

BAUSCH, M., MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). A phenomenon-based approach to handling multiple paradigms. Investigating power in international knowledge transfer through active categorization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, online first, 1-22.

FELIX, B., CLEMENTINO BRANDAO, M., MAHADEVAN, J., SCHMITZ, A., LOTVI VAZ, S., REIS IRIGARAY, H. A. (2024). Strangers in a strange land. How diversity professionals navitage their marginal leadership identity. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. doi:org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1484472.

MAHADEVAN, J., STÄRKLE, A., BACHER, L., BERNHARDT, E., BURGHARDT, R., HAMMER, M., MOHAUPT, M., SEIFERT, J., VÖGELE, J., BENSEL, F., DIEHM, R., GOROLL, F., METZLER, S., ... SCHOSS, T. (2024). Have German leaders become ‘sentimental’?. A qualitative study of novel leadership practices and expectations since COVID. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, online first. doi:org/10.1177/14705958241297534.

MAHADEVAN, J., MOORE, F. (2023). A framework for a more reflexive engagement with ethnography in International Business Studies. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 58 (4), 101424. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2022.101424.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2023). Indien. Ein kulturelles Kaleidoskop mit vielen Traditionen und Modernen. Die Neue Hochschule, 5/2023, pp. 8-12.

MAHADEVAN, J., STEINMANN, J. (2023). Cultural intelligence and COVID-induced virtual teams. Towards a conceptual framework for cross-cultural management studies. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 23 (2), pp. 317-337.

MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H., MILLS, A. (2023). Beyond politics of difference. Intersectionality across time and place. Culture and Organization, 29 (3), 191-196. doi:10.1080/14759551.2023.2182499.

FELIX, B., TIUSSI, B., MAHADEVAN, J., DIAS, R. (2023). The great pretenders?. Individuals’ responses to threats to their remote worker identities. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1224548. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1224548.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2022). Review. Constructive intercultural management. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 22 (2), 1-5. doi:10.1177/14705958221136194.

MALIK, A., MAHADEVAN, J., SHARMA, P., NGUYEN, T.-M. (2021). Masking, claiming and preventing innovation in cross-border B2B relationships. Neo-colonial frameworks of power in global IT industry. Journal of Business Research, 132, 327-339. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.04.044.

MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H. (2021). Investigating Otherness: which differences should be considered by Cross-Cultural Management studies, and how? International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 21 (1), 167-172. doi:10.1177/14705958211005871.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2021). An auto-ethnographic narrative of corporate intercultural training. Insights from the genealogical re-ordering of the material. ORGANIZATION, 28, 1-20. doi:10.1177/1350508421104171.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). Ethnographic studies in international human resource management: Types and usefulness. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-24. doi:10.1177/2397002220908214.

MAHADEVAN, J., SCHMITZ, A. (2020). HRM as an ongoing struggle for legitimacy: A critical discourse analysis of HR managers as “employee-experience designers”. Baltic Journal of Management, 15 (4), 515-532. doi:10.1108/BJM-10-2018-0368.

MAYER, C.-H., SURTEE, S., MAHADEVAN, J. (2018). South African women leaders, transformation and diversity conflict intersections. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 31 (4), 877 - 894. doi:10.1108/JOCM-10-2016-0196.

ROMANI, L., MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H. (2018). Critical Cross-Cultural Management:. Outline and emergent contributions. International Studies of Management & Organization, 48 (4), 403-418. doi:10.1080/00208825.2018.1504473.

SCHMITZ, A., EIREINER, C., MAHADEVAN, J. (2017). Employee Experience: Ein fundamentaler Wandel? Personalmagazin : Management, Recht und Organisation, 11 (2017), 48-51.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K., ILIE, I. A., MÜLLER, F. (2017). Expecting “the Arab world”: imaginative geographies as dominant diversity frames. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an International Journal, 36 (6), pp. 533-550.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2016). Dominant discourse, orientalism and the need for reflexive HRM: skilled Muslim migrants in the German context. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 1-23. doi:10.1080/09585192.2016.1166786.

PRIMECZ, H., MAHADEVAN, J., ROMANI, L. (2016). Why is cross-cultural management scholarship blind to power relations? Investigating ethnicity, language, gender and religion in power-laden contexts. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 16 (2), pp. 127-136.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Nomadic identities and workplace diversity – Implications for theory and practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – an International Journal, 34(4), 34 (4), pp. 1-5.

MAHADEVAN, J., ZEH, J. (2015). Third-country graduates and their transition to the German labor market: Understanding dominant identity categories, strangerness and agency in context. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an International Journal, 34 (4), pp. 325-345.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Caste, purity, and female dress in IT India: Embodied norm violation as reflexive ethnographic practice. Culture and Organization, 21 (5), 366-385.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Understanding the process of intercultural negotiations through liminality: Insights on biculturality, marginality and cultural expertise from a Sino-German business context. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 15 (3), pp. 239-258.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2014). Intercultural engineering beyond stereotypes: Integrating diversity competencies into engineering education. European Journal of Training and Development, 38 (7), pp. 658-672.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Performing interplay through intercultural simulations: Insights on tacit culture in Taiwanese-German management team. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 13 (3), pp. 243-263.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Kollaborative Ansätze im interkulturellen Trainingsdreieck: Management emischer Bedeutungen am Beispiel Intercultural Engineering. Journal für interkulturelle Perspektiven, Mondial Jahresediton 2013, pp. 20-24. Mannheim.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Translating nodes of power through reflexive ethnographic writing. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 1 (1), pp. 119-131.

MAHADEVAN, J., KLINKE, C. (2012). Failure and success stories in intercultural project management. Intercultural Engineering, Special Issue of Interculture Journal (18), pp. 59-73.

MAHADEVAN, J., MAYER, C.-H. (2012). Guest editorial: Collaborative approaches to intercultural engineering. Intercultural Engineering, Special Issue of Interculture Journal (18), pp. 5-15.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Utilizing identity-based resistance for diversity change: A narrative approach. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 25 (6), 819-834.

MAHADEVAN, J., MÜLLER, F., PAUER, V. (2012). Interkulturelle Trainings: Chance oder Risiko? Personalwirtschaft (3), pp. 57-59.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Indien verstehen: Kontextorientierung statt Widerspruch. SIETAR Wirtschaftsdialoge (4 (Indien)).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2012). Are engineers religious? An interpretative approach to cross-cultural conflict and collective identities. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 12 (1), pp. 133-149.

MAHADEVAN, J., WEISSERT, S., MÜLLER, F. (2011). From given cross-cultural difference to a new interculture: A Sino-German example. Interculture Journal (14), pp. 55-76.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Reflexive guidelines for writing organizational culture. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 6 (2), pp. 150-170.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Power/knowledge in postcolonial settings: The case of IT Bangalore. Interculture Journal (13), pp. 61-81.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Chance für Bikulturelle. Personal (12), 26-28.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Nicht jeder spricht mit jedem – Kompetenz für den Vertrieb von Investitionsgütern in Asien. Asia bridge (10), 32-33.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2009). Redefining organizational cultures: An interpretative anthropological approach to corporate narratives. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 10 (1).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2007). Beyond National Culture - Deutsch-indische Ingenieursarbeit aus ethnologischer Sicht. Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) (1), 11-14.


MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). Virtual Team Collaboration. An Individual Member's Guide. Springer Nature.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2023). Cross-Cultural Management. A Contemporary Approach. SAGE Publications.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2017). A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Cross-Cultural Management. SAGE Publications.

Beitrag in Buch

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). The many faces of IT India. In Gehrke B, Claes M-T, Pauknerová D, Aust I and Bell Lambert R-M (Eds.), Global Leadership Practices (1st ed., pp. 175-192). Edward Elgar.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2024). Southeast Asia. A Kaleidoscope of Cultural Diversity. In Gehrke B, Claes M-T, Pauknerová D, Aust I and Bell Lambert R-M (Eds.), Global Leadership Practices (1st ed., pp. 230–249). Edward Elgar.

MAHADEVAN, J., ILIE, I. A., MÜLLER, F. (2021). Cross-Cultural Management in Complex Organizations. Challenging Dominant Identity Requirements of Mobility and Commitment. In Chavan, M. and Taksa, L. (Eds.), Intercultural Management in Practice ( ed., pp. 141-156). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.

MAHADEVAN, J., REICHERT, T. (2021). Cross-Cultural Strategizing for Successful Customer Relationship Management. In Martin, L. (Eds.), International Business Development ( ed., pp. 247-266). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

MAHADEVAN, J., ROMANI, L., PRIMECZ, H. (2020). Why study culture in intersection? In Mahadevan, J., Primecz, H. & Romani, L. (Eds.), Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management: An Intersectional Approach to Culture ( ed., pp. 1-11). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

NUNKA DIKUBA, S., MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). Race and privilege in CCM:. A cross-cultural life-story. In Mahadevan, J., Primecz, H. & Romani, L. (Eds.), Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management: An Intersectional Approach to Culture ( ed., pp. 22-32). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

KAKAR, Q., MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). Configurations of power and cultural explanations:. The case of a Chinese–Pakistani mining project. In Mahadevan, J., Primecz, H. & Romani, L. (Eds.), Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management: An Intersectional Approach to Culture ( ed., pp. 86-99). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J., CETINKAYA, E., ÖZER, D. (2020). Lived ethnicity:. Two ‘Turkish’ women in Germany. In Mahadevan, J., Primecz, H. & Romani, L. (Eds.), Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management: An Intersectional Approach to Culture ( ed., pp. 113-124). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). The Concept of Culture in Cross-Cultural Management:. Genealogical Considerations. In B. Szkudlarek, L. Romani, D.V. Caprar & J.S. Osland (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management ( ed., pp. 66-80). SAGE Publications.

MOORE, F., MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). Ethnography and Cross-Cultural Management. In B. Szkudlarek, L. Romani, D.V. Caprar & J.S. Osland (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management ( ed., pp. 128-140). SAGE Publications.

ROMANI, L., MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H. (2020). Methods of Critical Cross-Cultural Management. In B. Szkudlarek, L. Romani, D.V. Caprar & J.S. Osland (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management ( ed., pp. 141-155). SAGE Publications.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2020). Interkulturelle Kompetenz:. Genealogie statt native categories und naiver Realismus. In Moosmüller, A. (Eds.), Interkulturelle Kompetenz: Kritische Perspektiven ( ed., pp. 187-202). Waxmann.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2019). Compliance bei M & A Transaktionen in Indien. In Bickel, E.; Sackmann, S. (Eds.), Compliance bei M & A Transaktionen (1 ed., pp. 245-264). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

MAHADEVAN, J., ILIE, I. A. (2018). Recontextualizing Diversity: The German Case. In Malik, A. (Eds.), Strategic Human Resource Management and Employment Relations: An International Perspective ( ed., pp. 223-234). Springer.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2017). Muslim minorities, workplace diversitiy and reflexive HRM: concepts, challenges and power implications in context. In Mahadevan, J. & Mayer, C.-H. (Eds.) ( ed., pp. 1-12). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J., ILIE, I. A. (2017). Muslim minorities and Islam in HRM literature: identity labels and authoritative sensemaking. In Mahadevan, J. & Mayer, C.-H. (Eds.) ( ed., pp. 15-34). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J., MAYER, C.-H. (2017). Muslim minorities, workplace diversity and reflexive HRM: Towards a more inclusive HRM theory and practice. In Mahadevan, J. & Mayer, C.-H. (Eds.) ( ed., pp. 183-186). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2016). Beyond comparative cross-cultural dimensions on macro-level: understanding Indian diversity in context. In A. Malik and V. Pereira (Ed.), Indian Culture and Work Organisations in Transition ( ed., pp. 144-157). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2016). Leveraging the Benefits of Diversity and Biculturalism through Organizational Design. In Barmeyer, C. and Franklin, P. (Eds.), Intercultural Management - A Case-Based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy ( ed., pp. 256-271). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Performing religious diversity: Atheist, Christian, Muslim and Hindu interactions in two German research and development companies. In Gröschl, S. and Bendl. R., Managing Religious Diversity in the Workplace (Eds.) ( ed., pp. 323-341). Gower Applied Business Research (Ashgate).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2014). India: An interpretative approach to a hybrid culture. In Gehrke, Bettina; Claes, Marie-Therese (Eds.), Global Leadership Practices - A Cross-Cultural Management Perspective ( ed., pp. 188-202). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). The Mandala Model of Power and Leadership: A Southeast Asian Perspective. In Prastacos, Gregory P; Wang, Fuming; Soderquist, Klas Eric (Eds.), Leadership through the Classics - Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy Prastacos ( ed., pp. 363-374). Springer.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Interkulturalität und Dominanz: Ein kritisches Plädoyer für hierarchiefreie interkulturelle Lernsettings. In Gabriele Berkenbusch, Katharina von Helmolt, Wenjian Jia (Eds.), Interkulturelle Lernsettings: Konzepte – Formate – Verfahren ( ed., pp. 27-42). Ibidem-Verlag.

MAHADEVAN, J., KILIAN-YASIN, K. (2013). Interkulturelles Lernen im berufsbezogenen Kontext: Ein beispielhaftes Modell zur kombinierten und integrierten Kompetenzentwicklung. In Gabriele Berkenbusch, Katharina von Helmolt, Wenjian Jia (Eds.), Interkulturelle Lernsettings: Konzepte – Formate – Verfahren ( ed., pp. 151-174). Ibidem-Verlag.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Engineering culture(s) across sites - implications for cross-cultural management of emic meanings. In Primecz, Henriette, Romani, Laurence, Sackmann, Sonja (Eds.), Cross-Cultural Management in Practice: Culture and Negotiated Meanings ( ed., pp. 156-174). E. Elgar.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2009). Standortübergreifende Ingenieursarbeit als interkulturelles Projekt - vom interkulturellen Training zum Cross-Site Consulting. In Koch, Eckard / Speiser, Sabine (Eds.), Interkulturelle Projekte - Angewandte Interkulturalität (1. Auflage ed., pp. 107-120). Rainer Hampp Verlag.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2008). Globale Ingenieurskultur – Mythos oder Realität? In Rösch, Olga (Eds.), Technik und Kultur, Wildauer Schriftenreihe Interkulturelle Kommunikation (1. Auflage ed., pp. 84-102). Verlag News & Media.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2008). Kultur als kollektive Identitäten in der Praxis: Implikationen für das Management kultureller Komplexität in Organisationen. In Koch, Eckard / Speiser, Sabine (Eds.), Interkulturelles Management – Neue Ansätze – Erfahrungen – Erkenntnisse (1. Auflage ed., pp. 169-194). Rainer Hampp Verlag.

Beitrag in Tagungsband

MAHADEVAN, J., STEINMANN, J. (2022). Cultural intelligence and COVID-induced virtual teams. Key characteristics, dynamics and performance implications. 2022 EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference (pp. 1-39).

MAHADEVAN, J., BACHER, L. (2022). COVID-induced virtual work. Insights on perceived organizational membership. 2022 EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference (pp. 1-40).

MAHADEVAN, J., STÄRKLE, A. (2022). Leadership in COVID-induced virtual teams. Empirical insights from the German industrial sector. EURAM (European Academy of Management) 2022 Conference (pp. 1-41).

MAHADEVAN, J., REICHERT, T. (2021). Configuring strategizing practices in (Global) Virtual Teams. Key moderators and recommended patterns. European Academy of Management Annual Conference.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Migration und Diversität in Organisationen: Der Beitrag des interpretativ-kritischen Blicks. Spektrum Migration - Perspektiven auf einen alltagskulturellen Forschungsgegenstand (pp. 85-108).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2013). Die Bedeutung von religiösen Praktiken in multikulturellen Wissenschaftsteams. Technik und Kultur - anwendungsorientierte Beiträge zu einem Spannungsfeld (pp. 39-50). Pabst Science Publishers.

MAHADEVAN, J., MÜLLER, F. (2013). Reproducing dominant categories of cultural difference through linguistic discourse: Implications for critical management education and learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies, July 10-12, 2013 (pp. 22 pages).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2011). Mandala conceptions of power and leadership: the Southeast Asian perspective. International Conference: Leadership and Management in a Changing World: Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy, June 2011 (pp. 15 pages). ISBN 978-960-9443-10-4.

MAHADEVAN, J. (2010). Interkulturalität heute - wo liegen die Grenzen des kulturell Fremden in einer globalisierten Welt?. Grenzen unseres Geistes (pp. 101-112).

Herausgeber (Buch, Tagungsband)

MAHADEVAN, J., PRIMECZ, H., ROMANI, L. (2020). Cases in Critical Cross-Cultural Management:. An Intersectional Approach to Culture. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

MAHADEVAN, J., MAYER, C.-H. (2017). Muslim Minorities, Workplace Diversity and Reflexive HRM. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

PRIMECZ, H., MAHADEVAN, J., ROMANI, L. (2016). Power in Critical Cross-cultural Management Studies. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management 16(2).

MAHADEVAN, J. (2015). Nomadic identities and workplace diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an International Journal 34(4).

MAHADEVAN, J., MAYER, C.-H. (2012). Special Issue on: Intercultural Engineering. Interculture Journal 18.

Herausgeber/in (Zeitschrift)

seit 2023

Mitherausgeberin "Culture and Organization"

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

seit 2021

Mitherausgeberin mit Verantwortung für strategische Entwicklung und Sonderprojekte, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management

Vereinigtes Königreich

seit 2020

Mitherausgeberin, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

seit 2017

Mitherausgeberin, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management

Vereinigtes Königreich

Mitglied des Organisationskommittee einer akademischen Konferenz


Standing Track Chair EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference: Diversity Issues in Cultural Context



Standing Track Chair EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference: Diversity Across Cultures



Standing Track Chair, EURAM (European Academy of Management)

Europäische Union


Standing Track Chair, EURAM (European Academy of Management)

Europäische Union


Standing Track Chair, EURAM (European Academy of Management)

Europäische Union

Session/Track chair bei einer Konferenz


Track Chair "The Remote Work Transformation" EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference



Track Chair EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference, Montreal, Kanada



Track Chair EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference, Dublin



Track Chair, EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference, Lissabon



Track Chair, EURAM (European Academy of Management) Annual Conference, Reykjavik



Track Chair, CMS (Critical Management Studies) Bi-Annual International Conference, Liverpool



Track Chair, CMS (Critical Management Studies) Bi-Annual International Conference, Manchester



Track Chair, EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) Annual Conference, Toulouse


Mitglied im Vorstand einer akademischen Vereinigung

2021 - 2022

Vorstands-Vorsitzende, GRDO SIG, EURAM (European Academy of Management)

Europäische Union

Projektmitglied eines durch öffentliche Institutionen geförderten Projekts

2014 - 2016



Projektleitung eines durch öffentliche Institutionen geförderten Projekts


PIPE (Portfolio International Profile in Engineering)


Sonstige Aufgaben in der Selbstverwaltung an der Hochschule

seit 2011


Hochschule Pforzheim Deutschland

Projektleitung eines durch Unternehmen und/oder private Institutionen geförderten Projekts

2010 - 2011

MaKS (Making Knowledge Sustainable)



2009 - 2013

Studiengangleitung Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / International Management

Pforzheim Deutschland