IoS³ - Institute of Smart Systems and Services

Intelligent systems (smart systems) are the key factor for the future competitiveness of German industry. Based on the networking of devices and services this leads to horizontal and vertical integration across the whole value chain; as a consequence, innovative products and services emerge.

The Institute of Smart Systems and Services addresses promising endeavours in the context of application-oriented research projects. Furthermore, the Institute considers itself a partner for companies whose value chain is influenced either directly or indirectly.

Behind the slogan Industry 4.0 there is the vision of flexible and efficient production processes. Production plants will organize themselves in the factory of the future: the smart factory. So-called Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) have emerged with intelligent workpieces and equipment which independently exchange information and trigger actions.
The expansion started with Cyber-Physical Systems and led to new projects at the Institute of Smart Systems and Services.