Integrated Sustainabilty Assessment and Optimization of Energy Systems

The main objective of the project InNOSys is the development of a new generic modelling and assessment approach for energy scenarios which allows a multicriteria assessment and optimisation of technically and structurally feasible development pathways of the energy system in Germany. Assessment criteria include economic, ecologic and social indicators.
The project partners  pursue the following aims:

  • Development of an interdisciplinary, integrated method for the sustainability assessment of transformation scenarios for the (German) energy system. Economic, ecologic and social aspects will be taken into account through a coupling of models, methods and competences of the project partners.
  • Analysis and comparative sustainability assessment of a spectrum of relevant transformation scenarios for Germany
  • Optimisation of capacity expansion in the power sector under consideration of ecological, economic and social sustainability aspects
  • Identification and analysis of conflicting goals and trade-offs between different sustainability indicators which will occur during the transformation process
  • Formulation of conclusions for energy policy and society with respect to alternative courses of action

The project consortium combines a broad-ranging knowledge with respect to the ongoing discussion on sustainability, on energy system modelling and optimisation, on Life Cycle Assessment, assessment of macroeconomic effects of transformation processes as well as social science oriented research with respect to participation and social acceptance to an integrated concept for the sustainability assessment of energy transformation scenarios in Germany.

Project Leader

Prof. Dr. Tobias Viere,

Prof. Dr. Ingela Tietze (Representative)

Project Staff

Project Duration

2018 - 2021

Public Funding

in the framework of 6th Energy Research Programme of the Federal Government

Reference No.


Project Website