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Resource efficiency project completed successfully


INEC has been involved in development of six core strategies

INEC has been involved in development of six core strategies

The INEC has examined  along with the Wuppertal Institute and the University of Lüneburg business-related instruments in the areas of finance, innovation and market launch as well as "(PUBLIC) Efficiency Awareness & Performance". In the MaRess modeling, especially the field of action of INEC  "Efficiency Awareness & Performance" has shown great potential. The starting point in this analysis is formed by the fact that resource efficiency, although economically important, is currently performed in practice too little and it is not acted accordingly. Moreover, the institutional environment - and especially business organizations, counseling and educational services – are not sufficiently aligned to the resource efficiency issues. That means that companies are not yet sufficiently incited by their environment to act according to resource-efficiency. Against this background the strategies "change in the head" and „create strong institutions" become important. The subject must be communicated by different actors and relevant multipliers and thus be perceived. As the subject’s knowledge alone is not usually enough, adequate incentive structures in business-related field are necessary.