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The specialist group is made up of the following members and research fellows:


Head of the specialist group:

Prof. Dr. Tobias Brönneke (Economic Administrative Law with European References)



Prof. Dr. Peter Heidrich (Electrical Equipment and Electrical Machinery Construction)

Prof. Dr. Martin Leroch (Economics and Business Ethics)

Prof. Dr.  Frank Niemann (Information transmission, transmission methods, communication systems and networks and Prorector)

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Thäle (Private Business Law)


Research Fellows:

Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Hans-Peter Voss


Gildeggen, R., SCHMITT, R., Schweizer, K., TAVAKOLI, A., THÄLE, B., WECHSLER, A., Lorinser, B., WILLBURGER, A., BUCHMANN, F., BRÖNNEKE, T., Eisenberg, C:, HARRIEHAUSEN, S., JAUTZ, U., KROSCWALD, S., Wirtschaftsprivatrecht, 5. A.  (2023)

LEROCH, M., Sirries, S, The Potential of the Digital Economy for Economic Development: The Case of Georgia, in: Martin Kupiek, Rupert A. Brandmeier (Eds.), The Digital Transformation of Georgia: Economics, Management, and Policy (pp. 189-200). Springer Nature Switzerland (2023)

BRÖNNEKE, T., Föhlisch, C., Tonner , K. (Eds.), Das neue Schuldrecht, Nomos. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht, Baden-Baden. (2022)

BRÖNNEKE, T., SCHMITT, R., WILLBURGER, A., § 4, Warenkauf – Kaufrechtlicher Mangelbegriff und Digitalisierung im Verbrauchsgüterkaufrecht, in: Brönneke, Tobias; Föhlisch, Carsten; Tonner, Klaus (Eds.), Das neue Schuldrecht. Digitale Produkte, Kaufrecht, Vertragsrecht, Baden-Baden (2022)



LEROCH, M., Market Power and Journalistic Quality. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53 (1), pp. 109-124. (2022)


"Analysis and optimization of early failed products in engineering education"

Using the example of the spring of a so-called servomotor for underfloor heating systems, Prof. Dr. Peter Heidrich explains how an analysis of weak points and an optimization to be developed by the students can raise awareness for the avoidance of weak points and thus effectively counteract premature wear of products.
For more details see here. Further examples can be found in: Heidrich, Peter, Analyse und Optimierung von früh ausgefallenen Produkten in der Ingenieursausbildung, als Auftragsarbeit und in Forschungsprojekten, in: Obsoleszenz interdisziplinär, ed. by Andrea Wechsler and Tobias Brönneke, Baden-Baden (Nomos) 2015, page 139 - 166.



"Ethical and sustainability-related decisions in the manufacturing industry: a concrete example"

Generating mechanical movements with electric drives instead of compressed air. An educational article that makes it possible to talk about sustainability and shaping the future of society in a concrete and easily understandable way and to discuss with young people what contributions they can make themselves to make ethically correct and environmentally important decisions in the development of machines. ...learn more