Prof. Dr.
Volker Trauzettel
Allgemeine BWL und BWL des Handels
Am 7.01. entfällt das Kolloquium wg. Krankheit. Dienstag 9.45 - 11.15 Uhr im W2.4.14
(07231) 28-6260Journal article
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2008). Erfolge im Export mit marktorientiertem Controlling,. BC : Zeitschrift für Bilanzierung, Rechnungswesen und Controlling (1), 7-10.
NOTHHELFER, R., FOSCHIANI, S., RADE, K., TRAUZETTEL, V. (2017). Klausurtraining für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre (1. Auflage ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
TRAUZETTEL, V. (1999). Dynamische Koordinationsmechanismen für das Controlling: Agencytheoretische Gestaltung von Berichts-, Budgetierungs-, und Zielvorgabesystemen. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Chapter in Book
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2014). The True Nature of Services: Implications for Retailing. In Moczadlo, Regina / Leko Šimic, Mirna / Oberman Peterka, Suncica (Eds.), .): Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness, 34rd Scientific Symposium ( ed., pp. 89-97). Grafika.
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2013). Promoting Local Market Performance by Organizational Structures in Retailing Companies. In Moczadlo, Regina / Leko Šimic, Mirna / Oberman Peterka, Suncica (Eds.), Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness ( ed., pp. 127-137). Grafika.
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2012). Price-Matching Strategies in FMCG Retailing Markets, in: From Old Industries to a New Entrepreneurial Development Structure - Reality and Challenges for Pforzheim and Osijek / Moczadlo, Regina ; Singer, Slavica (ed), pp. 77-83. In Moczadlo, Regina/ Singer, Slavica (Eds.), From old industries to a new entrepreneurial development structure - reality and challenges for Pforzheim and Osijek ( ed., pp. 77-83). Grafika.
Publication in Collected Edition (encyclopedia...)
TRAUZETTEL, V., KÜPPER, H.-U. (1999). Stichwort: Logistikcontrolling. Hrsg. von C. Schulte, München, Germany.
TRAUZETTEL, V., KÜPPER, H.-U. (1997). Stichworte: Logistikcontrolling und Institutionen des Logistikcontrolling. Hrsg. von J. Bloech und B. Gösta, München, Germany.
TRAUZETTEL, V. (1995). diverse Stichwörter. Hrsg. von E. Gaugler, W. Oechsler und W. Weber, Stuttgart, Germany.
Article in Proceedings
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2017). Competing Manufacturers And Retailers In Food Retailing. Business Logisticsin in Modern Management, Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference (pp. 313-320).
TRAUZETTEL, V., ERCEG, A. (2016). Packaging in Retail Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management 2016 (pp. 73-81).
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2015). A Case Study on Optimizing Parts Supply in Manufacturing by Re-usable Containers. Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management 2015 (pp. 161-174).
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2014). Optimal Stocking of Retail Outlets: The Case of Weekly Demand Pattern. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management 2014 (pp. 3-12).
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2011). Price-matching and Retailing Strategies. Proceedings of the 33rd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2011 (pp. 60-65).
TRAUZETTEL, V. (2010). Price Matching in Food Retailing Markets. Proceedings of the 32nd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, June 2010 (pp. 79-82).
Managerial and Decision Economics
Pforzheim University Germany
International Journal of Production Research
Pforzheim University Germany
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Pforzheim University Germany
International Journal of Production Research
Pforzheim University Germany
Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews - Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues
Pforzheim University Germany
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Pforzheim University Germany
since 2013
Business Logistics in Modern Management
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University Osijek Croatia
Media Citation
Interview zur Lage des Lebensmittelhandels und der Konsumgüterindustrie in Deutschland, in Rundschau für den Lebensmittelhandel, Ausgabe Januar 2016, S. 18-20
Sonstige Germany
Presentation at a Conference
Packaging in Retail Supply Chains, 16th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management 2016, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Oct. 13th 2016
16th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management16th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management Croatia
Promoting Local Market Performance by Organizational Structures in Retailing Companies; Joint Symposium of J.J. Strossmayer, 17. Januar 2013
Joint Symposium of J.J. Strossmayer Germany
The True Nature of Services - Implications for Retailing: 34th Joint Symposium of J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek & Hochschule Pforzheim University, Pforzheim, Nov. 7th. 2013
34th Joint Symposium of J.J. Strossmayer Germany
Expert Assessement/Evaluation
Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester
since 2003
Projects and Management-Seminars in Cooperation with Enterprises (prefered: Retail and Consumer Goods Industry)
Diverse Germany