Prof. Dr. Tobias Viere

Prof. Dr.

Tobias Viere

Energie- und Stoffstromanalysen





Donnerstags, 17.15 h-18.45 h (um Voranmeldung per Mail wird gebeten))


(07231) 28-6423



Tobias Viere is Professor of Energy and Material Flow Analysis at the Institute for Industrial Ecology at Pforzheim University and teaches in the study programs on Resource Efficiency Management (B.Sc.) and Life Cycle & Sustainability (M.Sc.).
He studied environmental sciences at the Universities of Lüneburg and Canterbury (UK) and holds a doctoral degree in business from Leuphana University, Lüneburg. From 2003 to 2007 he conducted a continuing education program for South East Asian companies on environmental monitoring. Afterwards he began to work at a software company, where he was head of research and consulting, coordinating several practice-based collaborative research projects.
Tobias Viere’s research includes a large range of publications and projects in the field of energy and resource efficiency, life cycle assessment, sustainability accounting and reporting, circular economy, and corporate social responsibility.

Tobias Viere’s research deals with methods and issues of quantitative sustainability assessment in a corporate context. Many of his studies start with the analysis and modeling of energy and material flows on the level of production and/or product systems and the successive application and further development of life cycle assessments, resource efficiency analyses, material flow cost accounting or circular economy conceptions.
His research and practical experience embraces small and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations in various industries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany and Southeast Asia. His interdisciplinary publications and case studies reflect the experience and research results from various continuing education and joint research projects. An important result of his research to date is the case study analysis on the implementation of environmental management accounting in Southeast-Asian companies, which comprises and compares twelve company case studies from the region.
Tobias Viere is currently working, among other things, on a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics on the integrated sustainability assessment of energy scenarios and, within the framework of an EU Horizon 2020 project, on the sustainability assessment of the use of autonomous vehicles in public transport.

Energy and Material Flow Analysis ,  Environmental Controlling ,  Environmental Efficiency ,  Environmental Management ,  Environmental Protection in Production ,  Material Flow Cost Accounting ,  Resource Efficiency Management ,  Life Cycle Assessment ,  CSR ,  Life Cycle Assessment ,  Sustainability Reporting ,  Circular Economy

Resource Efficiency Management ,  Life Cycle & Sustainability ,  Business ethics and corporate social responsibilty

Journal article

PRUHS, A., KUSCH, A., WOIDASKY, J., VIERE, T. (2024). Design for circularity in manufacturing industries–operationalisation and decision support. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 202. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107376.

HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2024). Comparative life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems: An evaluation of environmental impacts over time. Procedia CIRP, 122, 79-84. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2024.02.005.

VIERE, T., LEHMANN, J., CHUNYU MIA, Z., HARDING, K., STROTHMANN, P., WEYAND, S., WRIGHT, L., CHITAKA, T. Y., ... SONNEMANN, G. (2024). Global state of the art of teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT. doi:

ARAUJO, J., DIETERLE, M., SCHELL, L., HERRMANN, T., HAUG, M., VIERE, T. (2024). How Do LCA Studies Support CE? A Systematic Case Study Review. Journal of Circular Economy, 2 (3). doi:10.55845/RWWL9003.

HORSCHUTZ NEMOTO, E., KORBEE, D., JAROUDI, I., VIERE, T., NADERER, G., FOURNIER, G. (2023). Sustainability assessment of the deployment of automated minibuses in urban mobility of European cities. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 1364-1371. doi:

HORSCHUTZ NEMOTO, E., KORBEE, D., JAROUDI, I., VIERE, T., NADERER, G., FOURNIER, G. (2023). Integrating automated minibuses into mobility systems. Socio-technical transitions analysis and multi-level perspectives. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 188 (122260). doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122260.

FOURNIER, G., THALHOFER, M., CHRÉTIEN, P., BOOS, A., KORBEE, D., JAROUDI, I., HORSCHUTZ NEMOTO, E., NADERER, G., KONSTANTAS, D., ... VIERE, T. (2023). System innovation in transport with automated minibuses and ITS: the citizen centric approach of AVENUE. Transportation Research Procedia, 72, 2984-2991. doi:

WAGNER, V., KEIL, M., LANG-KOETZ, C., VIERE, T. (2023). Screening life cycle assessment of medical workwear and potential mitigation scenarios. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 40, 602-612. doi:10.1016/j.spc.2023.07.026.

HOTTENROTH, H., TIETZE, I., SUTHARDIO, C., WEIDLICH, A., SIMON, S., HAUSER, W., NAEGLER, T., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., SCHEEL, O., SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., ULRICH, P., ... VIERE, T. (2022). Beyond climate change. Multi-attribute decision making for a sustainability assessment of energy system transformation pathways. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 156, 111996. doi:

HUBER, D., VIERE, T., HORSCHUTZ-NEMOTO, E., JAROUDI, I., KORBEE, D., FOURNIER, G. (2022). Climate and environmental impacts of automated minibuses in future public transportation. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D- TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, 102, 103160. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2021.103160.

ISSAOUI, R., RÖSCH, C., WOIDASKY, J., SCHMIDT, M., VIERE, T. (2022). Cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of beneficiated phosphate rock production in Tunisia. NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum | Sustainability Management Forum, 29, 107-118. doi:10.1007/s00550-021-00522-8.

DIETERLE, M., VIERE, T. (2022). Life Cycle Gap Analysis for Product Circularity and Sustainability. A Case Study with Three Different Products. Materials Circular Economy, 4 (12). doi:10.1007/s42824-022-00055-5.

ULLRICH, N., PIONTEK, F., HERRMANN, C., SARAEV, A., VIERE, T. (2022). Estimating the resource intensity of the Internet: A meta-model to account for cloud-based services in LCA. Procedia CIRP, 105, 80-85. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2022.02.014.

NAEGLER, T., BUCHGEISTER, J., HOTTENROTH, H., SIMON, S., TIETZE, I., VIERE, T., JUNNE, T. (2022). Life cycle-based environmental impacts of energy system transformation strategies for Germany: Are climate and environmental protection conflicting goals? Energy Reports, 8, 4763-4775. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2022.03.143.

SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., HAUSER, W., SCHEEL, O., MINN, F., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., HOTTENROTH, H., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., NAEGLER, T., SIMON, S., SUTARDHIO, C., TIETZE, I., ULRICH, P., VIERE, T., ... WEIDLICH, A. (2022). Sustainability assessments of energy scenarios: citizens’ preferences for and assessments of sustainability indicators. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 12 (41). doi:10.1186/s13705-022-00366-0.

KEIL, M., VIERE, T., HELMS, K., ROGOWSKI, W. (2022). The impact of switching from single-use to reusable healthcare products: a transparency checklist and systematic review of life-cycle assessments. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), ahead-of-print. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckac174.

VIERE, T., AMOR, B., BERGER, N., DOLFING FANOUS, R., HORTA ARDUIN, R., KELLER, R., LAURENT, A., LOUBET, P., STROTHMANN, P., WEYAND, S., WRIGHT, L., ... SONNEMANN, G. (2021). Teaching life cycle assessment in higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT, 26, 511–527. doi:10.1007/s11367-020-01844-3.

NAEGLER, T., TIETZE, I., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., HAUSER, W., HOTTENROTH, H., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., SCHEEL, O., SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., SIMON, S., SUTARDHIO, C., ULRICH, P., VIERE, T., ... WEIDLICH, A. (2021). Integrated Multidimensional Sustainability Assessment of Energy System Transformation Pathways. Sustainability, 13, 5217. doi:10.3390/su13095217.

KUSCH, A., GASDE, J., DEREGOWSKI, C., WOIDASKY, J., LANG-KOETZ, C., VIERE, T. (2021). Sorting and Recycling of Lightweight Packaging in Germany — Climate Impacts and Options for Increasing Circularity Using Tracer-Based-Sorting. Materials Circular Economy, 3, Article number: 10. doi:

BERTAGNOLLI, F., HERRMANN, K., RITTMANN, I., VIERE, T. (2021). The Application of Lean Methods in Corporate Sustainability. A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 2021 (13). doi:10.3390/su132212786.

LAMBRECHT, H., TIETZE, I., LEWERENZ, S., HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2020). Ecological Scarcity Based Impact Assessment for a Decentralised Renewable Energy System. Energies, 13 (21), 5655. doi:

BURRITT, R., HERZIG, C., SCHALTEGGER, S., VIERE, T. (2019). Diffusion of environmental management accounting for cleaner production. Evidence from some case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production (224), 479-491. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.227.

DIETERLE, M., SCHÄFER, P., VIERE, T. (2018). Life Cycle Gaps: Interpreting LCA Results with a Circular Economy Mindset. Procedia CIRP (69), 764-768. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2017.11.058.

IMMENDOERFER, A., TIETZE, I., HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2017). Life-cycle impacts of pumped hydropower storage and battery storage. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, pp. 14 pages.

DIETERLE, M., SEILER, E., VIERE, T. (2017). Application of Eco-Efficiency Analysis to Assess Three Different Recycling Technologies for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics (CFRPs). Key Engineering Materials, 742, pp. 940-948.

TIETZE, I., IMMENDÖRFER, A., VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H. (2017). Comparing Pumped Hydropower Storage and Battery Storage – Applicability and Impacts. Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, 5 (2), pp. 16-29.

VIERE, T., RÖTZER, N. (2016). Zukunftsperspektiven der Ökobilanzierung. UWF: Umwelt Wirtschafts Forum, 24 (1), 1-2. doi:doi:10.1007/s00550-016-0400-0.

HOTTENROTH, H., LAMBRECHT, H., RÖTZER, N., VIERE, T. (2016). Ökobilanzielle Elemente in integrierten Ressourceneffizienzanalysen der chemischen Industrie. UWF: Umwelt Wirtschafts Forum, 24 (1), 15-23. doi:doi:10.1007/s00550-016-0396-5.

MEINSHAUSEN, I., MÜLLER-BEILSCHMIDT, P., VIERE, T. (2016). The EcoSpold 2 format—why a new format? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT, 21 (9), 1231-1235. doi:10.1007/s11367-014-0789-z.

RAU, K.-H., VIERE, T. (2014). Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development at J. Schmalz - Strategy to Use E-Cars. International Journal of Case Method Research & Application, XXVI (3), 167-181.

DENZ, N., AUSBERG, L., BRUNS, M., VIERE, T. (2014). Supporting Resource Efficiency in Chemical Industries. IT-based Integration of Flow Sheet Simulation and Material Flow Analysis. Procedia CIRP, 537–542.

ZSCHIESCHANG, E., DENZ, N., LAMBRECHT, H., VIERE, T. (2014). Resource efficiency-oriented optimization of material flow networks in chemical process engineering. Procedia CIRP, 15, 373-378.

SCHALTEGGER, S., VIERE, T., ZVEZDOV, D. (2012). Tapping environmental accounting potentials of beer brewing: Information needs for successful cleaner production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 29/30, 1-10.

SCHALTEGGER, S., VIERE, T., ZVEZDOV, D. (2012). Paying attention to environmental pay-offs: the case of an Indonesian textile manufacturer.. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 12 (1), 56-75.

VIERE, T. (2011). Kosten- und klimaoptimaler Einsatz: Kühl- und Klimatechnik in der Werkhalle. IT & Production (5), pp. 72-73.

VIERE, T., BRÜNNER, H., HEIDEMANN, J. (2011). Stoffstromnetzbasierte Planung und Optimierung komplexer Produktionssysteme. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 83 (10), 1565-1572.

VIERE, T., BRÜNNER, H., HEIDEMANN, J. (2010). Verbund-Simulation – Strategic Planning and Optimization of Integrated Production Networks. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, 33 (4), 582-588.

VIERE, T., BRÜNNER, H. (2010). Analyse und Optimierung integrierter Produktionsnetzwerke. Tagungsband ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 81 (9), 1433-1434.

VIERE, T., SCHALTEGGER, S., ENDEN, J. V. (2007). Supply Chain Information in Environmental Management Accounting. The Case of a Vietnamese Coffee Exporter. Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting, 1 (2), 296-310.


HERZIG, C., VIERE, T., SCHALTEGGER, S., BURRITT, R. (2012). Environmental management accounting. Case studies of South-East Asian companies. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Chapter in Book

DUFFNER-KORBEE, D., NEMOTO, E. H., JAROUDI, I., VAN DEN BOOM, N., VIERE, T., NADERER, G., FOURNIER, G. (2024). Stakeholder Analysis and AVENUE Strategies. In Guy Fournier, Adrian Boos, Dimitri Konstantas, Danielle Attias (Eds.), Automated Vehicles as a Game Changer for Sustainable Mobility (1 ed., pp. 201-234). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

VIERE, T., BOOS, A., VAN DEN BOOM, N., BENYAHYA, M., MOUSSA, M. B., FOURNIER, G. (2024). Environmental Impact Assessment: Automated Minibuses for Public Transport. In Guy Fournier, Adrian Boos, Dimitri Konstantas, Danielle Attias (Eds.), Automated Vehicles as a Game Changer for Sustainable Mobility (1 ed., pp. 279-314). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

JAROUDI, I., BOOS, A., VIERE, T., FOURNIER, G. (2024). Environmental Impact Assessment: Externalities of Automated Electric Vehicles for Public Transport. In Guy Fournier, Adrian Boos, Dimitri Konstantas, Danielle Attias (Eds.), Automated Vehicles as a Game Changer for Sustainable Mobility (1 ed., pp. 315-360). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

NEMOTO, E. H., JAROUDI, I., DUFFNER-KORBEE, D., VIERE, T., NADERER, G., BOOS, A., VAN DEN BOOM, N., ... FOURNIER, G. (2024). Sustainability Assessment of the Integration of Automated Minibuses in Urban Mobility Systems: Learnings from the AVENUE Project. In Guy Fournier, Adrian Boos, Dimitri Konstantas, Danielle Attias (Eds.), Automated Vehicles as a Game Changer for Sustainable Mobility (1 ed., pp. 413-426). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

FOURNIER, G., THALHOFER, M., KLARMANN, J., CHRÉTIEN, P., DUFFNER-KORBEE, D., BOOS, A., JAROUDI, I., HORSCHUTZ NEMOTO, E., BINZ, L., NADERER, G., KONSTANTAS, D., ... VIERE, T. (2024). System Innovation in Passenger Transportation with Automated Minibuses in ITS: The Citizen-Centric Approach of AVENUE. In Fournier, G., Boos, A., Konstantas, D., Attias, D. (Eds.). Springer Publishing.

BOOS, A., VAN DEN EEDEN, M., VIERE, T. (2021). CSR und Nachhaltigkeit als Treiber innovativer und transdisziplinärer Hochschullehre. CSR und Hochschullehre Transdisziplinäre und innovative Konzepte und Fallbeispiele ( ed., pp. 1-12). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

SONNLEITNER, K., BOOS, A., VAN DEN EEDEN, M., VIERE, T., WEBER, H. (2021). Inter- und Transdisziplinäre Lehre im House of Transdisciplinary Studies (HOTSPOT). In Boos, Viere, van den Eeden (Eds.), CSR und Hochschullehre. Transdisziplinäre und innovative Konzepte und Fallbeispiele ( ed., pp. 45-58). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

BAUMGARTNER, C., FRÖHLICH, L., HERZNER, A., KREIN, A.-T., OBEXER, R., ORTIZ-AVRAM, D., VIERE, T. (2021). Striving for positive change – continuous support of the PRME principles. PRME Chapter DACH (GERMANY, Austria, Switzerland). In Morsing, M. (Eds.), Responsible Management Education - The PRME Global Movement ( ed., pp. 122-138). London: Taylor & Francis.

HOTTENROTH, H., TIETZE, I., PETERS, J., BAUMANN, M., VIERE, T. (2019). Life-cycle Analysis for Assessing Environmental Impact. In Ron E. Hester; R.M. Harrison (Ed.), Energy Storage Options and Their Environmental Impact ( ed., pp. 261-295). The Royal Society of Chemistry.

VIERE, T. (2019). State of the Art and Future Developments in LCA. In Schebek, L.; Herrmann, C.; Cerdas, F. (Eds.), Progress in Life Cycle Assessment (1 ed., pp. 3-6). Springer.

DIETERLE, M., VIERE, T. (2019). Die Integration von Fragestellungen der Circular Economy in die Ökobilanzierung. Anwendung der Life Cycle Gap Analyse mittels industriellem Fallbeispiel. In Hubert Biedermann, Stefan Vorbach, Wolfgang Posch (Eds.), Industrial Life Cycle Management (1 Auflage ed., pp. 99-110). Rainer Hampp Verlag.

VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H., LAMBRECHT, H., RÖTZER, N., PASCHETAG, A., SCHOLL, S., WESCHE, M. (2016). Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit im Produktionskontext. Integrierte Ressourceneffizienzanalyse zur Senkung der Klimabelastung von Produktionsstandorten der chemischen Industrie. In Leal Filho, Walter (Eds.), Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen ( ed., pp. 349-363). Springer Verlag.

VIERE, T., RÖTZER, N. (2016). Nachhaltigkeit in Produktionsplanung und -controlling. In Thomaschewski, D. & Völker, R. (Eds.), Nachhaltige Unternehmensentwicklung - Herausforderungen für die Unternehmensführung des 21. Jahrhunderts ( ed., pp. 146-159). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

JOHNSON, M., VIERE, T., SCHALTEGGER, S., HALBERSTEDT, J. (2016). Software and Web-Based Tools for Sustainability Management in Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In Marx Gomez, J. et al. (Eds.), Advances and New Trends in Environmental and Energy Informatics ( ed., pp. 259-274). Springer.

VIERE, T., STOCK, M., HEY, B. (2014). Ressourceneffizienz auf Unternehmensebene. In Prammer, H. K. (Eds.), Ressourceneffizientes Wirtschaften - Management der Materialflüsse als Herausforderung für Politik und Unternehmen. Springer.

VIERE, T., VON ENDEN, J., SCHALTEGGER, S. (2011). Life Cycle and Supply Chain Information in EMA. A Coffee Case Study. In Roger Burritt, Stefan Schaltegger, Martin Bennett, Tuula Pohjola und Maria Csutora (Eds.), Environmental Management Accounting and Supply Chain Management (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 27). Springer.

VIERE, T., MÖLLER, A., PROX, M. (2006). Computer Support for Environmental Management Accounting. In Stefan Schaltegger, Martin Bennett und Roger Burritt (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Reporting (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 21). Springer.

VIERE, T., HERZIG, C., BURRITT, R., SCHALTEGGER, S. (2006). Understanding and Supporting Management Decision-Making: South East Asian Case Studies on Environmental Management Accounting. In Stefan Schaltegger, Martin Bennett und Roger Burritt (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Reporting (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 21). Springer.

Article in Proceedings

PRUHS, A., KUSCH, A., VIERE, T., WOIDASKY, J. (2023). Operationalisierung von „Design for Circularity“ in der industriellen Produktentwicklung. Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP 2023 (pp. 273-280). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.

DIETERLE, M., VIERE, T. (2021). Bridging product life cycle gaps in LCA & LCC towards a circular economy.. Procedia CIRP, 98, (pp. 354-357). Procedia CIRP.

VIERE, T., DIETERLE, M. (2019). Die Integration von Fragestellungen der Circular Economy in die Ökobilanzierung. Anwendung der Life Cycle Gap Analyse mittels industriellem Fallbeispiel. Industrial Life Cycle Management - Sustainability Management for Industries 8 (pp. 99-110).

TIETZE, I., IMMENDÖRFER, A., VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H. (2016). Balancing Intermittent Renewables - The Potential of Pumped Hydropower Storage. 9th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change (pp. 217-228).

VIERE, T., SCHRACK, D. (2016). Accounting for resource efficiency. 20th Conference of the Environmental and Sustainability Management Accounting Network (EMAN) (pp. 256-261).

VIERE, T., KIMSRI, K. (2015). Challenges of integrating site- and product-specific environmental information – observations at a food producing company. Challenges of integrating site- and product-specific environmental information – observations at a food producing company. Proceedings of the first WBCSD and EMAN joint international sustainability accounting symposium, Geneva ISBN: 978-3-942638-57-9 and 978-2-940521-32-6.

VIERE, T., STOCK, M., GENEST, A. (2013). How to achieve energy and resource efficiency. Material and energy flow modeling and costing for a small to medium-sized company. Energy-related and economic balancing and evaluation of technical systems – insights of the Cluster of Excellence eniPROD (pp. 451-467).

VIERE, T., MÖLLER, A., PROX, M. (2009). Materialflusskostenrechnung – ein Ansatz für die Identifizierung und Bewertung von Verbesserungen in der Ökobilanzierung.. Ökobilanzierung 2009 – Ansätze und Weiterentwicklungen zur Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit. Ökobilanz-Werkstatt 2009 (pp. 45-54). KIT Scientific Publishing.

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

BOOS, A., VAN DEN EEDEN, M., VIERE, T. (2021). CSR und Hochschullehre. Transdisziplinäre und innovative Konzepte und Fallbeispiele. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Leader of a project funded from companies and/or private institutions

2022 - 2024

Design for Circularity – Operationalisation in industrial product development (DfC-Industry)



since 2021

Sustainable Production and Consumption (Journal)


since 2021

Foods (Journal)


since 2021

Resources (Journal)


since 2016

Journal of Industrial Ecology

United Kingdom

since 2014

Energies (Journal)

MDPI Switzerland

since 2014

Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Journal)


since 2014

British Accounting Review (Journal)

British Accounting Review United Kingdom

since 2013

Environment, Development and Sustainability (Journal)

Environment, Development and Sustainability Journal Germany

since 2013

Supply Chain Management. An International Journal

Supply Chain Management Journal United Kingdom

since 2013

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (AAAJ)

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal United Kingdom

since 2013

Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change

Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change United Kingdom

since 2011

Journal of Cleaner Production

Journal of Cleaner Production United States

Participation in a project funded from public institutions

2021 - 2024

Life cycle and cost integrated planning of decentral energy systems for an energy- and resource-efficient development of districts (InPE


2018 - 2022

AVENUE - Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to a New Urban Experience (EU Horizon 2020)


2016 - 2019

NAGold - Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte der Goldgewinnung und des Goldrecyclings und Lehren für ein umfangreiches Metallrecycling

BMBF - ProfUnt Germany

Leader of a project funded from public institutions

2018 - 2020

InNOSys - Integrated Sustainability Assessment and Optimization of Energy Systems


2016 - 2019

HOTSPOT - House of Transdisciplinary Studies

MWK Baden-Württemberg Germany

Other administrative responsibility in academic service

2017 - 2021

PRME Representative

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

2015 - 2021

Sustainability representative

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

Presentation at a Conference


Poster presentation at the Gordon Reserach Conference on Industrial Ecology

Gordon Research Conferences United States