Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Stephan Thesmann

Prof. Dr. rer. pol.

Stephan Thesmann

Wirtschaftsinformatik mit dem Schwerpunkt multimediale Anwendungssysteme





DO 12:00 - 13:30 Uhr - Bitte um vorherige Terminbuchung unter:


(07231) 28-6402



Stephan Thesmann is Professor of Business Information Systems at Pforzheim University. After having graduated in business administration, Stephan Thesmann worked, during his doctorate, at the Bavarian Research Center for Knowledge-Based Systems, followed by a position in the software industry. Since 1998, he has been Professor of Business Information Systems teaching in Bachelor and Master courses at Pforzheim University. He was also a visiting professor at the France Business School (ESC Clermont Graduate School of Business) for several years. Stephan Thesmann introduced e-learning at Pforzheim University in 2002 and was head of the University Computer Center from 2003 to 2007. From winter semester 2013/14 to summer semester 2020, he was head of the Business Informatics — Management & IT program. Together with his colleagues, in particular Frank Morelli and Matthias Kropp, he has developed and implemented the international study program Digital Enterprise Management and was its founding dean from winter semester 2016 to summer semester 2019. In addition to his teaching activities, he is involved in research and practical projects related to the business use of the Internet in companies and universities, such as Internet-based business process optimization, human-computer interaction, user experience, SEO/SEM, and the accreditation and quality assurance of study programs.

Since 1991, Stephan Thesmann has studied the optimization of business processes through modern information technology and information management. His main areas of interest are efficiency increases through digital, Internet-based business processes (e-business in the broadest sense) and the development of new fields of application and target groups by designing and implementing low-barrier web and app designs.
His goal is to improve business processes through effective and efficient user interfaces in information systems that support information absorption and processing — both for human users and for software clients (e. g. linking information systems, indexing search engine crawlers, and assistive technologies).
The results of his research are regularly incorporated into practical projects (such as the university-wide introduction of e-learning at Pforzheim University in 2003 and a variety of company Internet launches), ar ticles for professional journals (e. g. on the effectiveness and efficiency of SEO and SEM measures), textbooks (e. g. on Interface Design), and his teaching.

E-Business ,  E-Learning ,  Human-Computer Interaction ,  Internet-based Business Processes ,  Multimedia ,  Social Media Marketing ,  User Interface Design ,  Web and App Design ,  SEO/SEM


Teaching Award of Pforzheim Business School

Business Information Systems

Journal article

THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2023). Business Intelligence. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 52 (11), 1104-1110.

BURKARD, W., THESMANN, S. (2022). IT-Integration. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 51 (8/9), 931-936.

THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2022). Cloud Computing. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 51 (11), 1208-1212.

BURKARD, W., THESMANN, S. (2021). IT-Systeme einführen. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 50 (7), 795 - 800.

THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2021). Basiswissen BWL. Wissensmanagement. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 50 (12), 1013-1014.

BURKARD, W., THESMANN, S. (2020). Green IT und Ethik. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 2020 (6), 675-680.

THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2020). Informationssysteme sichern. WISU Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 2020 (11), 1189-1193.

THESMANN, S., BERGMANN, P. (2015). Wo werben? Bing versus Google. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (5), 49-59.

THESMANN, S., GAUBITZ, M. (2012). Effizientes Link-Management: SEM versus SEO. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, o. Jg. (2), 14-21.

THESMANN, S., LUDWIG, C., GAUBITZ, M. (2012). Effizientes Link-Management: Lohnende Maßnahmen. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, o. Jg. (1), 74-83.

THESMANN, S., WOLFF, P. M., LUDWIG, C. (2011). Effizientes Link-Management: Worauf Google achtet. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (5), 26-36.

THESMANN, S., CLAUSS, W., MANTEUFEL, M. (2002). Die Weiterentwicklung der Internetüberweisung als Zahlungsverfahren im E-Commerce. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, o. Jg., 54 ff.

THESMANN, S., MERTENS, P., BREUKER, J., LÖDEL, D. (1994). Angebotsunterstützungssysteme für Standardprodukte. Informatik-Spektrum, 17 (10), 291 ff.

THESMANN, S., MERTENS, P. (1992). Wenn elektronische Produktkataloge den Vertrieb unterstützen. Blick durch die Wirtschaft, 35 (156), 1.

THESMANN, S., LÖDEL, D., BÜTTEL-DIETSCH, I., MERTENS, P. (1992). Elektronische Produktkataloge - Entwicklungsstand und Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 34 (5), 509 ff.


THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2019). Wirtschaftsinformatik für Dummies. John Wiley and Sons.

THESMANN, S. (2016). Interface Design (2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage ed.). Vieweg-Verlag.

THESMANN, S., BURKARD, W. (2014). Wirtschaftsinformatik für Dummies (1. Auflage ed.). John Wiley and Sons.

THESMANN, S. (2010). Einführung in das Design multimedialer Webanwendungen (1. Auflage ed.). Vieweg Teubner.

THESMANN, S. (1995). EPK-Editor - Ein Wekkzeug für Aufbau und Pflege Elektronischer Produktkataloge zum Einsatz in kleinen und mittelständischen Betrieben. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität.

THESMANN, S. (1988). MBA-Programme in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Wussow Verlag.

Chapter in Book

THESMANN, S., POPP, H., MERTENS, P. (1996). Private Household Shopping Behavior. In Brenner,W., Kolbe, L. (Eds.), The Information Superhighway and Private Household ( ed., pp. 149 ff.).

THESMANN, S. (1992). Breuker J., Lödel D., Mertens P., Ponader M., Thesmann S. In Biethahn, Jörg (Eds.), Wissensbasierte Systeme in der Wirtschaft ( ed., pp. 49 ff.).

Article in Proceedings

BURKARD, W., THESMANN, S. (2013). Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst: Augmented Reality - Das Ende der realen Realität. 50 Jahre - 50 Thesen, Band 5: Unternehmensstrategie, Personalmanagement und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Hrsg: Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Recht der Hochschule Pforzheim (pp. 51-62).

THESMANN, S., WOLFF, P., GAUBITZ, M., LUDWIG, C. (2012). Onlinemarketing: Effektivität und Effizienz von SEO- uns SEM-Maßnahmen. Herausforderungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik – Management und IT (pp. 295-314).

THESMANN, S. (2003). Einführung eines Learning Management Systems am Beispiel der Hochschule Pforzheim. in: IMC AG (Hrsg.), 4. Learning Management Congress, Learning Management: Kosten- oder Wertschöpfungsfaktor?, Congress CD, Saarbrücken, 28./29. Oktober 2003. Hrsg. von IMC AG.

THESMANN, S. (1992). Tool-gestütztes Erstellen Elektronischer Produktkataloge. in: Popp H., Tank W.,(Hrsg.) Beiträge zum KI-94 Workshop "Angebotssysteme mit Wissensbasierten Komponenten", FORWISS-Report 1992-004, Erlangen 1992. Hrsg. von H. Popp und W. Tank.

THESMANN, S., BREUCKER, J., BÜTTEL-DIETSCH, I., LÖDEL, D. (1992). Electronic Product Catalogues-A Hypermedia Application with a Dedicated Development Tool. in: Data Base and Expert System Application, Wien 1992, S. 531 ff. (pp. 531ff).

Working Paper

THESMANN, S., FRICK, M., KONRAD, D. (2005). E-Learning an der Hochschule Pforzheim. Hochschule Pforzheim.

Academic Papers of Pforzheim University

THESMANN, S., MORELLI, F., WICKE, A. (2017). Business Administration / Digital Enterprise Management (B.Sc.). Konturen : die Hochschulzeitschrift.

THESMANN, S., MORELLI, F., WICKE, A. (2017). Die digitale Zukunft meistern: Business Administration/ Digital Enterprise Management (B. Sc.), KONTUREN 2017, S. 111-115..

THESMANN, S., RUBENSCHUH, M., SCHURR, M. (2005). 1,4 Milliarden täglicher Ärgernisse, Spam-Mails in Unternehmen - Auswirkungen und Gegenmaßnahmen.

THESMANN, S., FRICK, M., KONRAD, D. (2004). Clix Campus, E-Learning ergänzt die klassische Lehre.

Expert Assessement/Evaluation

since 2019

Member of the GFA Consulting Group´s experts pool


since 2019

Independent evaluator for AQAS, a non-profit organization for the accreditation of higher education institutions in Germany




Accessible User Interfaces- more than just an ethical imperative!


Participation at a seminar/workshop (participation only)


HEIC 2017 Strategies for the Forth Industrial Revolution

Zagreb School of Econonomics and Management Croatia

Program Director

2016 - 2019

Program Director Business Administration/ Digital Enterprise Management (B. Sc.)

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

2013 - 2020

Program Director Business Administration/Business Information Systems (B. Sc.)

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

Other administrative responsibility in academic service

since 2015

Member of the IT Advisory Council at Pforzheim University

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

since 2007

Member of Quality Committee at Pforzheim Business School

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany

since 2005

E-learning Commissioner at Pforzheim University

Hochschule Pforzheim Germany