Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Seifert

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Sascha Seifert

Medizinische Informatik und Bioinformatik





Mo: 9:45-11:15, Raum T2.4.16 Anmeldung per Mail


(07231) 28-6431



since 09/2014 Professor, Hochschule Pforzheim

2014: Product Manager, Siemens AG, Healthcare

2013: Clinical & Scientific Collaboration Manager, Siemens AG, Healthcare

2011: Innovation Manager, Siemens AG, Healthcare

2007: Research Scientist & Projektleiter THESEUS-MEDICO, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology

2001: PhD-Studend and PostDoc, Universität Karlsruhe

1997: Software Architect, Gillardon financial software AG, Bretten

eHealth Systems ,  Medical Informatics ,  Cloud Computing (for Medical Applications) ,  Medical Image Processing ,  Bioinformatics ,  Personalized Medicine ,  Artifical Intelligence for Medicine

2007 - PhD, Computer Science
Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)

1997 - Diplom (University), Computer Science
Universität Karlsruhe

2011 - 2014 - Siemens Healthcare - Germany

Innovation & Product Manager

2001 - 2007 - Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT) - Germany

Research Scientist

1997 - 2001 - Gillardon financial software AG - Germany

Software Architect

since 2007

Best Dissertation Award of the Forschungszentrums Informatik Karlsruhe

since 2007

Dissertation with Distinction

Desktop and Mobile Software Development ,  Programming Languages C++ / C# .NET ,  Medical Informatics ,  Basics of Bioinformatics ,  E-Health Systems /Digital Health ,  Computer Vision with Artificial Intelligence ,  Methods of Artificial Intelligence ,  Mobile, cloud based Applications ,  Bioinformatics for Personalized Medicine ,  Medical Image Processing

Journal article

ENGEL, G., GREINER, T., SEIFERT, S. (2018). Ontology-Assisted Engineering of Cyber-Physical Production Systems in the Field of Process Technology. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

SEIFERT, S., DANKERL, D., CAVALLARO, A., HAMMON, M., TSYMBAL, A., DIETZEL, M., KRAMER, M., ... UDER, M. (2014). Clinical evaluation of semi-automatic landmark-based lesion tracking software for CT-scans. CANCER IMAGING, 6 (14). doi:10.1186/1470-7330-14-6.

SEIFERT, S., MICHAEL KELM, B., WELS, M., KEVIN ZHOU, S., SEIFERT, S., SUEHLING, M., ZHENG, Y., ... COMANICIU, D. (2013). Spine detection in CT and MR using iterated marginal space learning. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS, 17 (8), 1283-1292. doi:10.1016/

SEIFERT, S., HAMMON, M., DANKERL, P., KRAMER, M., SEIFERT, S., TSYMBAL, A., COSTA, M., JANKA, R., UDER, M., ... CAVALLARO, A. (2012). Automatische Detektion und volumetrische Segmentierung der Milz in CT-Untersuchungen. RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren, 184 (08), 734-739. doi:10.1055/s-0031-1299495.

SEIFERT, S., KELM, B., WELS, M., ZHOU, S. K., SUEHLING, M., YEFENG, Z., COMANICIU, D. (2012). Spine detection in CT and MR using iterated marginal space learning. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS, 8 (17).

SEIFERT, S., HAMMON, M., JANKA, R., SEIFERT, S., KRAMER, M., UDER, M., CAVALLARO, A. (2011). Automatische Detektion und volumetrische Segmentierung der Milz bei Patienten mit malignem Lymphom in CT-Ganzkörperuntersuchungen. RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren, 183 (S 01). doi:10.1055/s-0031-1279208.

Chapter in Book

SEIFERT, S., HAMMON, M., PETRI, M., DAUMKE, P. (2014). Intelligent Healthcare Applications. In Wahlster et. al. (Ed.), Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program. Springer.

SEIFERT, S., KUHLMANN, F., HANNEMANN, J., TRAUB, M., BÖHME, C., ZILLNER, S., CAVALLARO, A., SEIFERT, S., DECKER, B., TRAPHÖNER, R., KAYSER, S., LINDEMANN, U., PRASSE, S., MARCZINSKI, G., GRÜTZNER, R., FASSE, A., ... OBERLE, D. (2014). The THESEUS Use Cases. In Wolfgang Wahlster, Hans-Joachim Grallert, Stefan Wess, Hermann Friedrich, Thomas Widenka (Eds.), Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program (1 ed., pp. 259-287). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

SEIFERT, S., ZILLNER, S., SEIFERT, S., ERDT, M., DAUMKE, P., KRAMER, M. (2014). Semantic Processing of Medical Data. In Wolfgang Wahlster, Hans-Joachim Grallert, Stefan Wess, Hermann Friedrich, Thomas Widenka (Eds.), Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program (1 ed., pp. 343-356). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

SEIFERT, S., SEIFERT, S., HAMMON, M., PETRI, M., OBERKAMPF, H., DAUMKE, P. (2014). Intelligent Healthcare Applications. In Wolfgang Wahlster, Hans-Joachim Grallert, Stefan Wess, Hermann Friedrich, Thomas Widenka (Eds.), Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program (1 ed., pp. 357-370). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

SEIFERT, S., SEIFERT, S., ZILLNER, S., HUBER, M., SINTEK, M., SONNTAG, D., CAVALLARO, A. (2011). Medico. In Lutz Heuser, Wolfgang Wahlster (Eds.), Internet der Dienste (1 ed., pp. 97-111). Springer.

Article in Proceedings

ENGEL, G., GREINER, T., SEIFERT, S. (2016). Semantic Subgraph Isomorphism for Enabling Physical Adaptability of Cyber-Physical Production Systems. 21th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.

SEIFERT, S., ENGEL, G., GREINER, T. (2015). Two-Stage Orchestration Approach for Plug and Produce Based on Semantic Behavior Models. 10th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing.

Member of academic advisory council

since 2019

Member of Advisory Council of the Dresden University Medicine


Expert Assessement/Evaluation

since 2019

Reviewer of Federal Ministry of Health


Maintaining an active consulting practice (regular, not only on an informal basis)

since 2017

Steinbeis-Center for E-Health Systems and Medical Informatics

Steinbeis-Transfer-Zentrum Germany


since 2017

Joint Interest Group Bioinformatics Germany


Major activity in a professional group context (e.g. member of the examination board for tax advisors)

since 2016

Member of Medical Informatics Board GMDS/GI)
