Regina Moczadlo

Regina Moczadlo

VWL Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen


Regina Moczadlo is Professor of Economics at Pforzheim University, with a focus on international economic relations. She studied economics at the University of Heidelberg and earned a doctoral degree at the University of Tubingen. From 1994 to 2000 she led the Master’s program in Industrial Engineering / Export, and from 1998 to 2007 she led the MBA program in International Management.
Her research focuses on various aspects of international direct investments. Part of her work she carries out at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and at the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi.

Regina Moczadlo deals with different determinants of foreign direct investments. The offshoring in the IT sector at the beginning of the new millennium brought a new dimension to the internationalization of the value chain. While previously, companies mostly outsourced low-skilled jobs, the main focus shifted toward internationalization of skilled work. The corporate goals changed over time. At the end of the 1990s, attention focused on skilled workers, later, the aspect of cost-saving came to the fore. Regina Moczadlo carried out various quantitative and qualitative empirical analyses on the success and risk factors of offshoring and presented the results to entrepreneurial decision-makers on practice-oriented conferences. The findings were included into the offshoring guidelines of BITKOM (Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media). In addition, Regina Moczadlo carries out country and site analysis for offshoring.
German companies operating in emerging countries with weak systems of governance must develop strategies for dealing with human rights violations, corruption and deficient social standards. Otherwise, they will be held accountable for their behavior by stakeholder groups, and conflicts with stakeholders can damage corporate image and erode the trust of clients and employees, and ultimately hurt the company. NGOs and media do not only observe the behavior of companies; they observe that of suppliers as well. This is why it is crucial that companies also take into account social impact when choosing and managing their suppliers.

CSR ,  Foreign Direct Investments ,  India ,  Offshoring ,  Sustainable Development


Lehrpreis der Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Recht an der Hochschule Pforzheim


Research Excellence Award 2006, IFA of Hochschule Pforzheim


Teaching Award of the state Baden-Würrtemberg

Journal article

MOCZADLO, R. (2020). Re-industrialization to foster growth and employment in the European Union. Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews : Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 2020 (1), 39-58.

MOCZADLO, R., STROTMANN, H., VOLKERT, J. (2015). Corporate Contributions to Developing Health Capabilities. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 549-566. doi:DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2015.1098595.

MOCZADLO, R. (2015). Creating competitive advantages – The European CSR-strategy compared with Porter’s and Kramer’s shared value approach. Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews : Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 1, 243-256.

MOCZADLO, R., STROTMANN, H., VOLKERT, J. (2014). Bayer CropScience Model Village Project: Contribution to Agricultural Suppliers’ Competitiveness and Human Development. Ekonomski Vjesnik / Econviews : Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 14 (2), 327-340.

MOCZADLO, R. (2007). Bukarest oder Bangalore. InformationWeek (13), 32-34.

MOCZADLO, R. (2005). Offshore-Entwicklung: Partnerschaft ist nötig. Content Management Magazin, 10/03, S. 31 f.. InformationWeek (13 bzw. 14), 22-25.

MOCZADLO, R. (1998). Virtuelle Parallelprojekte an der Hochschule Pforzheim. Ein Weg zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit. E-Business, 01/01, S. 64 f.. Neue Hochschule, Die, 39 (5).

MOCZADLO, R., KREUZER, S. (1996). Die Deutschen sind bei Verhandlungen mit Asiaten zu direkt - Eine Befragung von Geschäftsreisenden.. E-Market, 09.11.2001, S. 40 ff.. Blick durch die Wirtschaft, 16-18.

MOCZADLO, R., KREUZER, S. (1996). Standortvergleich Ungarn, Polen und Tschechien. Wissenschaft & Praxis. Auslands-Kurier : Magazin für die exportierende mittelständische Wirtschaft Übersee, 37. Jg. (3), 22-25.

MOCZADLO, R. (1996). Internationale Projektarbeit im EuroLink-Programm - Vermittlung von Schlüsselqualifikationen durch integrierte Projektarbeit im außereuropäischen Ausland. Integration 1/1980. Neue Hochschule, Die, 37 (4 bzw. 5).


MOCZADLO, R. (1995). LiPS - Leitfaden integrierte Projektstudien. Leuchtturm-Verlag.

Chapter in Book

MOCZADLO, R., STROTMANN, H., VOLKERT, J. (2019). Corporate Contributions to Developing Health Capabilities. In Prah Ruger, J./ Mitra, S. (Eds.), Health, Disability and the Capability Approach. ( ed., pp. 76-93). New York: Routledge.

STROTMANN, H., MOCZADLO, R. (2017). Beschäftigungswirkungen der Zeitarbeit aus gesamtwirtschaftlicher Perspektive. In Schwaab, M.O.; Durian, A. (Eds.), Zeitarbeit. Chancen - Erfahrungen - Herausforderungen. (2. vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage ed., pp. 83-104). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

FOURNIER, G., MOCZADLO, R. (2013). Sustainable Mobility and the Role of Electric Vehicles. In Moczadlo, R./Leko Simic, M./Oberman Peterka, S. (Eds.), 33th Scientific Symposium "INNOVATIVENESS AS A SOURCE OF COMPETITIVENESS" ( ed., pp. 47-54). Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R. (2013). Malnutrition and Poverty - Impacts of Intra-household Distribution. In Moczadlo, Regina / Leko Šimic, Mirna / Oberman Peterka, Suncica (Eds.), Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness ( ed., pp. 93-104). Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R. (2012). South Africa`s Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Aims, Concepts and Impacts. In Moczadlo, Regina/ Singer, Slavica (Eds.), From old industries to a new entrepreneurial development structure - reality and challenges for Pforzheim and Osijek ( ed., pp. 95-105). Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R., VOLKERT, J. (2012). Wettbewerb und nachhaltige Entwicklung bei globalen Governance-Lücken. In Harald Enke und Adolf Wagner (Ed.), Zur Zukunft des Wettbewerbs (1. Auflage ed., pp. 275-296). Metropolis.

MOCZADLO, R. (2011). Foreign Direct Investment and Unemployment in South Africa. In Singer, Slavica / Moczadlo, Regina (Eds.), Recession from the Perspective of Globalization ( ed., pp. 97-109). Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R. (2008). IT-Offshoring - A comparison of expectations and experiences. In Barkovic, D., Moczadlo, R. (Eds.), New Approaches to research in Management.

MOCZADLO, R., DA SILVA MEGALHAES, L., MERZ, S., TEJPAUL, A. (2007). Increments of the New Institutional Economics and their implications for International Outsourcing. In Maeijanovic, Goran / Wentzel, Dirk (Eds.), Wie real ist ein Europa der zwei Geschwindigkeiten. Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R. (2005). Offshore Development als Internationalisierungsstrategie in Abhängigkeit von der Unternehmensgröße. In Cini, V.; Wentzel, D. (Eds.), XXVI Wissenschaftliches Symposium: Europe zwischen Erweiterung und Vertiefung ( ed., pp. 39 - 68). Grafika.

Contribution to Series of Ext. Research Institute

VOLKERT, J., STROTMANN, H., MOCZADLO, R. (2014). Sustainable Human Development: Corporate Challenges and Potentials The Case of Bayer CropScience’s Cotton Seed Production in Rural Karnataka (India), UFZ Discussion Papers. No. 5/2014, ISSN 1436-140X.

MOCZADLO, R., STROTMANN, H., VOLKERT, J. (2014). Health Measures for Agricultural Suppliers - The Case of Bayer CropScience, ATINER's Conference Paper Series, BLE2014-0913.

Article in Proceedings

MOCZADLO, R. (2013). Foreign Direct Investment: A Mean for Poverty Reduction. 50 Jahre - 50 Thesen, Band 2: Wirtschaftspolitik, Wirtschaftsethik und International Business (pp. 51-56).

MOCZADLO, R. (2010). Der Einfluss der Unternehmensgröße auf den Erfolg im IT-Offshoring. Wertschöpfungsmanagement im Mittelstand, Tagungsband des Forums der deutschen Mittelstandsforschung (pp. 375-389). Gabler.

Online Publication

STROTMANN, H., MOCZADLO, R., VOLKERT, J. (2015). Multinational Companies: can they strategically foster well-being? Results from an empirical case study.. Paper presented at the 15th annual conference of the Human Development and Capability Association 2015,, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.. Paper presented at the 15th annual conference of the Human Development and Capability Association 2015,, Georgetown University, Washington D.C, United States.

MOCZADLO, R., BOOS,, IESALNIEKS, KELLER, H. (2005). BITKOM: Leitfaden Offshoring. Germany.

MOCZADLO, R. (2005). Softwaredevelopment deutscher Unternehmen in Indien und Nearshore im Vergleich.

MOCZADLO, R. (2003). Chancen und Risiken des Offshore-Development.

Working Paper

MOCZADLO, R. (2005). Erfolgsfaktoren und Risiken des Offshore-Developments - Empirische Analyse der Erfahrungen deutscher Nachfrager und internationaler Anbieter. Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover.

Academic Papers of Pforzheim University

MOCZADLO, R., FOURNIER, G. (2013). Sustainable Moblility and the Role of Electric Vehicles. Moczadlo, Regina / Leko Šimic, Mirna / Oberman Peterka, Suncica (eds.): Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness, 33rd Scientific Symposium, pp. 47-54.


MOCZADLO, R. (2005). Offshore IT-Entwicklung – Chancen.

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

MOCZADLO, R., LEKO ŠIMIC, M., OBERMAN PETERKA, S. (2014). Regional and international competition - A challenge for companies and countries. Hrsg. von Hochschule Pforzheim und Ökonomische Fakultät Osijek.

MOCZADLO, R., LEKO ŠIMIC, M., OBERMAN PETERKA, S. (2013). Innovativeness as a Source of Competitiveness. Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R., SLAVICA, S. (2012). From old Industries to new entrepreneurial Development Structure. Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R., SLAVICA, S. (2011). Recession from the Perspective of Globalization. Grafika.

MOCZADLO, R., SLAVICA, S. (2010). Strategic Management during and after the Financial Crisis;. Grafika.

Member of the organizing committee of an academic conference


40. Symposium der Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek und der Hochschule Pforzheim

Hochschule Pforzheim, Jossip Juraj Strossmayer Universität Osijek Croatia


Challenges of competition and development in a changing surrounding

Symposium J. J. Strossmayer University Osijek and Pforzheim University Germany

- 2015

10th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications

Atiner Greece

Research project without financial sponsorship


Re-industrialization to foster growth and employment in the European Union

Pforzheim University Germany

Presentation at a Conference


Increasing agricultural suppliers' competitiveness - strategy development evaluated with the capability approach

35th Scientific Symposium J.J. Strossmayer University Osijek and Pforzheim University - Competitiveness as a Driving Force of Local and Regional Growth and Development Croatia

Editor (Journal)

since 2014

Editor Ekonomski Vjesnik/Econviews


Participation in a project funded from companies and/or private institutions

2011 - 2016

Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des "Model Village Projects" in Karnataka (Indien) von Bayer CropScience Scientific evaluation of the Bayer CropScience "Model Village Projects" in Karnataka (India)
