Prof. Dr. Peter Weiß

Prof. Dr.

Peter Weiß





Mittwoch, 10:30-12:00Uhr, Raum W2.2.25


(07231) 28-6691



Peter Weiß is Professor of Business Information Systems with a focus on digital business at Pforzheim University, as well as program director of the Master Information Systems (M.Sc.). He is also engaged in professional training at the Academy at Pforzheim University (AHP) leading the study program “Digital Transformation” and as head of the study program “Digital Transformation Manager”, which is offered as a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) for practitioners. Since 2001, Professor Weiß has been acting as external expert for the European Commission (Framework Programs) and REA (European Research Executive Agency). He is member of the DIN Working Group on Competences in ICT (NA 043-02-02 AA) and nominated expert for technical comittee at CEN, namely CEN/TC 428  Digital Competences and ICT Professionalism. In 2014, he founded his own management consulting company, Weiss4, and supported large corporations during digital transformation endeavours and with developing elaborated digital strategies. From 2015 to 2016, he acted as external advisor to the executive board and CIO for a large corporation in Hamburg. He has gathered proficiency and profound experience in development and innovation processes in the context of digital transformation and IT strategy projects. Peter Weiß is a recognized expert for digital transformation and digital strategies.

Peter Weiß acquired profound experience in digital business and related service-oriented strategies, service management and engineering, digital service innovation, software engineering and project management. Since November 2011, he has been working regularly as an external expert and project advisor (for example as evaluator, reviewer, and rapporteur) for the European Commission Services, Cedefop, and CEN. His work included the regular monitoring and evaluation of running multinational research and innovation projects within the Framework Programs funded by the European Commission since 1997, with a focus on IT innovations and digital transformation, such as innovation management, smart manufacturing, cloud computing, and big data. His research focus lies on digital transformation and digital business strategies, as well as activities related to Service Dominant Architecture (SDA). SDA is a framework and solution designed in 2015. It builds on existing enterprise information systems and introduces new IT infrastructure capabilities based on S-D logic (Service-Dominant) on top of an existing IT infrastructure. In this way, SDA combines stability (high level of integration; systems of record) with flexibility and strategic agility (systems of engagement). The latter requires to implement platform-oriented IT capabilities. Since 2002, Peter Weiß has acted as an independent expert and project advisor on invitation of the European Commission and REA (Executive Agency for Research in Brussels).
Since October 2018, Peter Weiß and his research team conduct research on digital transformation in the joint research project TrueCultureDig (funded by the federal ministry of research (BMBF)). He supports and advises the executive boards of production-oriented companies (SMEs) on how they can actively shape and drive digital change and strategy. Since 2009, Peter Weiß acts as an active member and advisor for industrial associations such as eClass — the leading international classification standard — and liaises actively with other national and international industrial and professional associations such as AFSMI, ISSIP, CEPIS, BME, and others, as well as with standardization bodies (such as CEN, DIN, etc.) in the field of information technology, service innovation, and service management.

BPMN Modelling ,  E-Business ,  Innovation Management ,  University-Level Education ,  Business Intelligence ,  Business Process Management ,  Corporate Competence ,  Knowledge Management ,  Information Management ,  Strategic Management ,  Internet-based Business Processes ,  Innovation ,  Management & IT ,  Information Technology and Communication Technology

2005 - Dr. rer. pol., Business Engineering, Applied Informatics
Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)

1999 - Diplom (Universitaet), Business Engineering
Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)

since 2021 - DIN -

NA 043-02-02 AA Working Group e-Competences in ICT

since 2019 - HSPF - Germany

Program Director Master Information Systems (MIS)

since 2016 - Hochschule Pforzheim University - Germany

Professor Business Informatics / Digital Business

2014 - 2020 - AFSMI e.V. (Association of Service Management International - German Chapter) - Germany

Center for Education, Research and Transfer (CERT)

since 2014 - Dr. Peter Weiß I Research, Innovation, Business Analytics - Germany

Gründer/ Unternehmer / Business Owner

2011 - 2014 - ISS International Business School of Service Management GmbH - Germany

Professor Service Operations Management and Dean MBA / Master Programs

since 2009 - eCl@ss e.V. - Germany

Scientific Advisory Board

2008 - 2011 - FZI Research Center for Information Technology - Germany

Deputy Manager Research Division Software Engineering and Department Manager Business Process Engineering and Management

1993 - 1999 - Jean Raebel Foundation (c/o MTU GmbH) - Germany

Industrial scholarship

1993 - 1999 - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (former University of Karlsruhe) - Germany

Studies of Business Engineering and Management (German Diplom, now Master Degree)

1989 - 1992 - MTU Motoren- und Turbinen- Union GmbH - Germany

Sales Agent / Industrial Clerk

since 2019

ISSIP Best Paper Award 2019

since 2010

IFIP Scientific Price - First Prize: Best Papers of the Conference

Business Informatics

Journal article

JACKWERTH-RICE, T., LERCH, C., WEISS, P., JEHNICHEN, T., DERSE, M., MAIER, M., WERNET, M. (2021). „Unternehmenskultur 4.0“ bei einem Zulieferbetrieb gestalten - Strategien schrittweiser kultureller Transformation am Beispiel der Einführung eines digitalen Werkzeugmanagements.. Industrie 4.0 Management, 37 (3), pp. 16-20. Berlin.


BÖHMANN, T., WARG, M., WEISS, P. (2013). Service-orientierte Geschäftsmodelle erfolgreich umsetzen (1. Auflage ed.). Springer Verlag.

Chapter in Book

JEHNICHEN, T., JACKWERTH-RICE, T., BÖCKER, D., DERSE, M., ELSEBROCK, K., MONSTADT, H., WEISS, P., ... WERNET, M. (2022). Gestaltung einer digitalisierungsförderlichen Unternehmenskultur bei mittelständischen Industrieunternehmen. In Nitsch, V., Brandl, C., Häußling, R., Lemm, J., Gries, T., Schmenk, B. (Eds.), Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt im Mittelstand 1 ( ed., pp. 99–132). Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2022). Mastering Digital Transformation with Service Dominant Architecture. In Petrillo, A., De Felice, F., Violeta Achim, M., & Mirza, N. (Eds.) (Eds.), Digital Transformation - Towards New Frontiers and Business Opportunities ( ed., pp. 1-22). IntechOpen.

WEISS, P., KRONIBUS, A., RIEDEL, F., RITTWEGER, R. (2021). Digital Service Innovation and Actor Engagement: A Multilevel Design Perspective - Impacts from a Case Study of an Insurtech. In Leitner C., Ganz W., Satterfield D., Bassano C. (eds), Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering ( ed., pp. 273-279). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

WEISS, P., RAIMER, S. (2021). Fostering Human Centred Design in Public Service Development. In Leitner C., Ganz W., Satterfield D., Bassano C. (eds), Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE 2021. ( ed., pp. 265-272). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

WEISS, P., RITTWEGER, R., KRONIBUS, A. (2020). Value Co-creation as the Core of Service Innovation: Impacts of a Case Study of a Fully Digitized Health Insurance Company. In Spohrer, J. and Leitner, C. (Eds.), International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics: AHFE 2020: Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering ( ed., pp. 86-92). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

WEISS, P. (2020). Microfoundations for Building Systems of Engagement: Enable Actor Engagement Using Service Dominant Architecture. In Spohrer, J. and Leitner, C. (Eds.), International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics: AHFE 2020: Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering ( ed., pp. 116-122). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

WEISS, P., PLATZ, S., GROSSE, C., HOGREVE, J., ALBRECHT, K., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2014). Produktivität von Dienstleistungen. Konzepte, Instrumente und Lösungen zur Messung der Dienstleistungsproduktivität. In Klaus Möller and Wolfgang Schultze (Ed.), Produktivität von Dienstleistungen (1 ed., pp. 51ff). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Gabler Verlag.

WEISS, P. (2013). Informationssysteme zur Gestaltung und Umsetzung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen. In Tilo Böhmann, Markus Warg, Peter Weiß (Eds.), Service-orientierte Geschäftsmodelle (1. Auflage ed., pp. 113-149). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Article in Proceedings

WARG, M., FROSCH, M., WEISS, P., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2023). Service innovation roadmaps as benchmarks for organizational learning. ITM Web Conf., 51, 04001. DOI:

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2023). Service Design Patterns for Transforming Business with Service Dom-inant Architecture (SDA). Insights from a Longitudinal Case Study. Proceedings XXXIII. International RESER Conference, 7-9 December 2023, Sierre, Swiss.

RAIMER, S., WEISS, P. (2022). Evolution of Chatbots for public services: how to get to the next level?. Conference: Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2022) Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications.

WIENCH, M., MORELLI, F., WEISS, P., LANG, S. (2021). Einführung einer auf Metriken basierenden Continuous Integration und Delivery Pipeline am Beispiel der SAP SE. 34. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Wirtschaftsinformatik der deutschsprachigen Fachhochschulen (AKWI) an der HS Karlsruhe. Die Digitale Transformation gestalten.

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2019). Building Systems of Engagement to overcome the challenges of digital transformation.

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A., FROSCH, M. (2019). From Product Organization to Platform Organization - Observations of Organizational Development in the Insurance Industry.

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A., SCHUSTER, T. (2018). Service Dominant Architecture: Conceptualizing the Foundation for Execution of Digital Strategies based on S-D logic. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa Village, HI.At: Waikoloa Village, Hawaii (pp. 1630-1639).

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2017). Enabling Digital Transformation through Service Innovations. Service Dominant Architecture (SDA) to Master Digital Transformation in the Insurance Business. QUIS 2017 Conference Proceedings (pp. 6 pages).

WEISS, P., ZOLNOWSKI, A., WARG, M. (2017). The Service-Dominant Architecture as blueprint for implementing a service platform. the case from an insurance company.

WEISS, P., WARG, M., ENGEL, R., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2016). Service Dominant Architecture based on S-D logic for Mastering Digital Transformation. The Case of an Insurance Company. 26th Annual RESER Conference (pp. 20 pages).

WEISS, P., KOELMEL, B., BULANDER, R. (2016). Digital Service Innovation and Smart Technologies. Developing Digital Strategies based on Industry 4.0 and Product Service Systems for the Renewal Energy Sector. 26th Annual RESER Conference (pp. 20 pages).

WEISS, P., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2014). Building a Service Productivity Lab: Simulation-based Modelling and Analysis of Service Processes and related Performance Data. Proceedings RESER-Konferenz 2014, 11.-13. September 2014, Helsinki, Finnland.

HERFURTH, M., WEISS, P., SCHUSTER, T. (2013). Simulation-based Service Process Benchmarking in Product-Service Ecosystems. PRO-VE IFIP Conference Proceedings - 14th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises. Springer.

HERFURTH, M., SCHUSTER, T., WEISS, P. (2013). Decision Support based on Simulation Analysis of Service Procurement Scenarios. eChallenges Proceedings, e 2013 Conference, Dublin, Irland, 2013.

HERFURTH, M., SCHUSTER, T., WEISS, P. (2012). E-Business for Services: Simulation- based Analysis of E-Business Solution Concepts for Service Procurement Scenarios. eChallenges Proceedings, e 2012 Conference, Lisabon, Portugal, 2012.

Online Publication

WEISS, P., WARG, M., MARKUS, F., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2019). Becoming a Platform Organization: How Incumbent Companies Stay Competitive. CUTTER BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL, Arlington, United States.

Technical Report

WARG, M., WEISS, P., ENGEL, R. (2015). Service Dominierte Architektur (SDA). die digitale Transformation erfolgreich meistern.

ZOLNOWSKI, A., WEISS, P., SEMMANN, M., AMROU, S. (2015). Dimension: Produktivitätscontrolling. Retrieved from


WEISS, P., ZOLNOWSKI, A., GEBAUER, H., VELLEUR, M. (2014). Mit Service zum Erfolg: Bessere Wertschöpfung aus produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen. Hamburg.

Other Publications

MÜNCH, V., WEISS, P., CREZELIUS, S., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2015). Servicequalität wird messbar. Produktnahe Dienstleistungen zur Wertsteigerung in produzierenden Unternehmen.

WEISS, P., MÜNCH, V., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2014). Neuer Blick auf das Tagesgeschäft: Wie sich Services zu Wertschöpfungsträgern entwickeln lassen.

WEISS, P., MÜNCH, V., HOGREVE, J., ZOLNOWSKI, A. (2014). Service Management: Produktivität stärken..



Digital Transformation: Service Design - Guest Lecture, Ph.D. Design program at IADE,


Academic association membership


RESER (European Association for Research on Services)


since 2019

The International Society of Service Innovation Professionals, ISSIP

United States

since 2018

Association for Information Systems (AIS)

United States

2016 - 2017

RESER (European Association for Research on Services)

RESER (European Association for Research on Services) Sweden

since 2004

German Informatics Society

Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Germany

Presentation at a Conference


Service Design Patterns for Transforming Business with Service Dominant Architecture (SDA): Insights from a Longitudinal Case Study

HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Swiss Switzerland


Success Factors for Digital Transformation in Companies. Fachtagung Personal im Zentrum für Präzisionstechnik an der Hochschule Pforzheim



Digital Service Innovation and Actor Engagement

The 2021 Human Side of Service Engineering (HSSE) Conference @ 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021) and the Affiliated Conferences Virtual Conference, USA, July 25-29, 2021 United States


Microfoundations for Building Systems of Engagement: Enable Actor Engagement Using Service Dominant ArchitectureMicrofoundations for Building Systems of Engagement: Enable Actor Engagement Using Service Dominant Architecture

The Human Side of Service Engineering @ The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2020) and the Affiliated Conferences to be held as Virtual Conference, July 16-20, 2020 United States


Building systems of engagement to overcome the challenges of digital transformation

Naples Forum on Service Italy


Service Dominant Architecture: Conceptualizing the Foundation for Execution of Digital Strategies based on S-D logic

Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences United States


Service Dominant Architecture to Master Digital Transformation: Case of an Insurance Company

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Porto, Portugal Portugal


Digital Service Innovation and Smart Technologies: Developing Digital Strategies based on Industry 4.0 and Product Service Systems for the Renewal Energy Sector Digital Service Innovation and Smart Technologies: Developing Digital Strategies based on Industry 4.0 and Product Service Systems for the Renewal Energy Sector

RESER Conference (08-10 September 2016) Italy


Service Dominant Architecture based on S-D logic for Mastering Digital Transformation: The Case of an Insurance Company

RESER Konferenz (08-10 September 2016) Italy


eCl@ss for Services

eCl@ss Congress 2015 (eCl@ss e.V./ IW Consult) Germany

Expert Assessement/Evaluation


Horizon Europe


since 2023

CEN/TC 428/WG 3 "Education & Training"


since 2023

CEN/TC 428/WG 2 "Competence, skills, knowledge and roles"


since 2021

NA 043 DIN-Standardization in Information Technology and Applications (NIA) NA 043-02-02 AA Working Group e-Competences in ICT


Member of a public committee of research projects evaluation

since 2021

Evaluation Horizon Europe (Research and Innovation)



Expert for EIT Urban Mobility (Research and Innovation)



Evaluation Horizon 2020


since 2016

Gutachter European Research Agency


since 2016


European Research Agency (REA) Belgium

since 2016

Expert (European Commission)

Europäische Kommission Belgium


since 2021

Reviewer WORK Journal

United States

since 2020

Reviewer IEEE Access



Reviewer Sage Journal of Public Affairs



Reviewer WI 2019 (Business Informatics)


since 2018

Reviewer MDPI (various Journals)



Reviewer Conference IESS 2018 (Karlsruhe) Germany


Reviewer Special Session/ Track at INDIN 2018

INDIN 2018 Portugal

Member of a Program Committee

since 2021

Study Commission DEM


since 2016

Study Commission BMWI


since 2016

Studienkommission MIS


Member of a working committee

since 2021

NA 043 DIN-Normenausschuss Informationstechnik und Anwendungen (NIA) NA 043-02-02 AA Working Group Competences in ICT


2016 - 2018

CEN Workshop on ICT Skills

CEN (European Committee for Standardization) Belgium

since 2016

Industry 4.0 Data Semantics with eCl@ss

eCl@ss e.V. Germany

Giving a presentation at the invitation of regional or national professional associations


BI and Industrie 4.0 – Requirements for MDM and Integration

VDMA-Tagung Germany


Strukturierte Kennzahlen Dank eClass. Dank der eClass Community den Aufwand für eigene Klassifizierungen reduzieren

Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik Germany


Digital Transformation

Digital Hub Nordschwarzald Germany

Program Director

since 2019

Program Director Master Information Systems (MIS)


Leader of a project funded from public institutions

2018 - 2021

TrueCultureDig: Transformation of Enterprise Culture in SMEs based on Industrie 4.0 Strategies


Session/Track chair at a conference


Track B6- Innovation models in service industries

RESER (European Association for Research on Services) Italy



Baden-Württemberg-Certificate for University Didactics (200 AU)

Hochschul Didaktik Zentrum (HDZ) Baden-Württemberg (Geschäftsstelle Karlsruhe) Germany

Member of academic advisory council

2014 - 2020

Center for Education, Research and Transfer (CERT)

AFSMI (Association of Service Management International) - German Chapter Germany

since 2009

Scientific Advisory Board

eCl@ss e.V. Germany


since 2006

Programmkomitee PRO-VE (IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises)

IFIP PRO-VE Conference (Socolnet) Portugal