Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pfeiffer

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Martin Pfeiffer



Di.: 13:45-15:15 - Anmeldung per Mail


(07231) 28-6580



1987 Abitur

1987 - 1993 Studies Electrical Engineering Kaiserslautern University; final degree Dipl.-Ing.

1993 - 1997 Research Assistant, Kaiserslautern University

1998 Dr.-Ing (PhD) at Kaiserslautern University (Thesis in digital image processing)

1998 - 2002 Software developer and product manager, ETAS GmbH, Stuttgart

2002 - 2008 Software project manager Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (Bordnetze)

2008 - 2010 Senior manager function development passive safety systems, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart

2010 - 2015 Software und systems architect (part time), Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart

Seit 2010 Professor for computer engineering, Pforzheim University of applied sciences

Seit 2014 Vice dean school of engineering

Systems and Software Engineering for embedded systems

Design of mechatronical systems

Automotive network systems



Journal article

MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2016). Development of a Braking Dynamics Assistance System for Electric Bicycles: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Road Tests. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21 (3), pp. 1671-1679.

MAIER, O., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M. (2014). Ohne Überschlag. Mechatronik, pp. 26-27.

Article in Proceedings

HILLENBRAND, S., HANAKAM, Y., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M. (2023). Using a steer-into-the-fall based control law to stabilize a pedelec. Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics 2023, Symposium on the Dynamics and Control of Single Track Vehicles 18 – 20 October 2023, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (pp. 39-40).

PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2019). Validation of a Bicycle Dynamics Assistance System Using Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation. Konferenz.

PFEIFFER, M., BOTT, C., WREDE, J., MAIER, O. (2016). Bicycle Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator for Braking Dynamics Assistance System. Apply & Innovate 2016.

MAIER, O., WREDE, J., PFEIFFER, M., SCHARPF, S. (2016). Conditions for Nose-Over and Front Wheel Lockup of Electric Bicycles. 17th IEEE International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics.

MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WEHNER, C., WREDE, J. (2015). Empirical Survey on Bicycle Accidents to estimate the Potential Benefits of Braking Dynamics Assistance Systems.. Proceedings of International Cycling Safety Conference 2015. 15./16. September 2015 Hannover. (pp. 20 pages).

HILLENBRAND, S., MAIER, O., KUBATSCHEK, A., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2015). Signalverarbeitung für ein Antiblockiersystem am Vorderrad von Elektrofahrrädern. 12. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage.

MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2015). Bremsdynamisches Assistenzsystem für elektrifizierte Fahrräder. Aufbau und Validierung eines Umgebungsmodells als Grundlage der modellbasierten Entwicklung. Mechatronik 2015 (pp. 271-276).

MAIER, O., PFEIFFER, M., WREDE, J. (2015). Simulationsgestützte Bewertung kritischer Einflussgrößen auf das Vorderradblockieren bei Elektrofahrrädern. Argesim Report AR 50 (pp. 257-268).