Prof. Dr. Korbinian Eichner

Prof. Dr.

Korbinian Eichner





im W2.4.13


(07231) 28-6585



Korbinian Eichner is Professor of General Business Administration and Corporate Finance at Pforzheim University. Prior to his appointment, he worked as a corporate finance consultant in Germany and Switzerland.
He spent most of his professional career at the international management consulting firm KPMG AG in Munich as well as in Zurich (most recently as Senior Manager). As a corporate finance consultant, Korbinian Eichner advised large national and international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises in company valuation, financing, investment and transaction projects. In addition to consulting activities, he acted as an appraiser for various courts in the area of mergers & acquisitions, as well as company and stock valuation. Furthermore, he worked for the Swiss investment bank UBS AG in Zurich.
Since obtaining his doctorate, Korbinian Eichner has been a lecturer at the Institute of Accounting, Controlling and Auditing at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), as well as a lecturer in the field of company valuation and corporate finance at various educational institutions. He is an author of various articles in the field of business valuation, corporate finance, as well as national and international accounting.

In research and practice, Korbinian Eichner deals with general and specific issues in business valuation. In principle, different valuation approaches and methods can be applied in the valuation of companies. The enterprise value is often the basis for purchase price negotiations in corporate transactions.
In addition, Korbinian Eichner deals with specific topics in the field of corporate finance in his research activities. Corporate finance is a special field of finance dealing with questions of optimal capital structure and optimal profit distribution policy of companies, as well as the valuation and assessment of investment decisions.
Due to his professional and academic career, he has extensive expertise in the field of transaction consulting (so-called Mergers & Acquisitions), which is also reflected in his research activities. Mergers & Acquisitions can be understood as a collective term for corporate transactions such as mergers of companies and company sales and acquisitions. This also includes special forms such as takeover bids, leveraged buyouts, spin-offs or carve-outs.

Business Valuation ,  Corporate Financing ,  Corporate Finance ,  Financing and Investment ,  Intangible Assets

2016 - Ph.D. HSG, Management
Universität St. Gallen (HSG)

2011 - M.A. HSG in Banking and Finance
Universität St. Gallen (HSG)

General Management ,  Controlling, Finance and Accounting

Journal article

PFIRRMANN, M., EICHNER, K. (2024). How activist investors value target firms: Evidence from hedge fund presentations. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, 35 (2), 357-374. doi:10.1002/jcaf.22689.

WIEK, M., EICHNER, K. (2023). Adjusted versus unadjusted earnings: An empirical analysis of pro forma adjustments in large German public companies. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Volume 34, Issue 3, 47-63. doi:

HOSS, N., EICHNER, K. (2023). Shareholder activism: Further evidence on the relationship between activists’ demands and shareholder value creation. Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, Volume34, Issue4, 157-173. doi:

EICHNER, K., DISCHLER, A. (2020). Reviewing M&A Valuations: A Framework for Senior Executives to Ask the Right Questions When It Matters the Most. M&A Review, 31. Jahrgang (12/2020), pp. 414-421.

EICHNER, K. (2019). Optimizing takeover premiums in M&A: The impact of target characteristics and strategic considerations. M&A Review, 30. Jahrgang (1-2/2019), pp. 24-31. München.

EICHNER, K. (2019). Beta-Faktoren in der Bewertung von Banken: Eine empirische Bottom-Up-Analyse. Corporate Finance, 10. Jahrgang (5-6), pp. 166-175. Düsseldorf.

EICHNER, K. (2018). Zur Variabilität des Price/Book-Multiplikators bei der Bewertung von Banken. Corporate Finance (6 (11-12)), pp. 340 - 349. Düsseldorf.

EICHNER, K. (2017). Übernahmeprämien bei M&A - Eine empirische Analyse zum Einfluss von Käufermotivationen auf Übernahmeprämien. Corporate Finance, 8 (5-6), pp. 190-196. Düsseldorf.

EICHNER, K. (2017). Goodwill-Konzentration und -Abschreibungswahrscheinlichkeiten. KoR: Internationale und kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung (5), pp. 208-216. Düsseldorf.

EICHNER, K., SAGER, M. (2017). Zur Bewertung von Verlustvorträgen in M&A: Eine Fallstudie. Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (7), pp. 1-3. Zürich.

EICHNER, K., SAGER, M. (2017). Einflussfaktoren von Übernahmeprämien bei Unternehmenstransaktionen. Treuhand kompakt: aktuelle Themen, kommentierte Entscheide, Praxisfälle (1), pp. 9-11. Zürich.

EICHNER, K., SAGER, M. (2017). Buchwert-Marktwert-Verhältnis und die Darstellung von Goodwill. Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (1), pp. 5-8. Zürich.

Chapter in Book

EICHNER, K. (2020). Beta-Faktoren in der Bewertung von Banken. Eine empirische Bottom-Up-Analyse. In Schwetzler/Aders (Ed.), Jahrbuch der Unternehmensbewertung 2020 ( ed., pp. 203-223). Düsseldorf: Handelsblatt Fachmedien.


EICHNER, K., LEIBFRIED, P. (2013). One size does not fit all - Zum Informationsverhalten von Analysten und professionellen Investoren. Zürich, Switzerland.