Prof. Dr.

Jürgen Antony






Fr. 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr in W4.1.03, am 25.10. verlegt auf 17:00 Uhr


(07231) 28-6274



Jürgen Antony is Professor of Economics at Pforzheim University. In addition to teaching, he is active in research focusing on resource economics, endogenouse growth theory and empirical macroeconomics.
After studying economics at the Universities of Regensburg and Maastricht, he earned a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Augsburg. Before joining Pforzheim University in 2013, he worked as an economist at the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. During this period, he completed his habilitation at the Fakulty for Business and Economics at the University of Augsburg. In his current research he collaborates with renowned academic researchers as well as policy consultants from abroad and Germany.

Jürgen Antony’s research is looking at productivity developments from different perspectives. His research is theoretical as well as empirical by nature. In resource economics, the questions under consideration are related to adjustment dynamics and the behavior of sustainability indicators in efficiency driven economies. In production theory, the focus is on production functions and the elasticity of substitution between input factors. Finally, the investigation of time series measured at mixed frequencies is a focus in empirical research.

Economics ,  Empirical Economic Research ,  Macroeconomics ,  Quantitative Methods

Macroeconomics ,  Economics

Journal article

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2023). Subsistence consumption and natural resource depletion: Can resource-rich low-income countries realize sustainable consumption paths? JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS (103549). doi:10.1016/j.jmacro.2023.103549.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2022). Poverty and Sustainable Development Around the World During Transition Periods. ENERGY ECONOMICS, 110 (106016). doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106016.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2020). The Implications of Automation for Economic Growth when Investment Decisions are irreversible. ECONOMICS LETTERS, 186 (108757). doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2019.108757.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2020). Estimating the income inequality-health relationship for the United States between 1941 and 2015: Will the relevant frequencies please stand up? The Journal of the Economics of Aging, 17, 100275. doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2020.100275.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2020). Knowledge transfer, transitional dynamics and optimal Research&Development policy in a dynamic monopoly setting. REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, 57, 579–606. doi:10.1007/s11151-020-09779-7.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T. (2019). Non-Renewable Resources, Subsistence Consumption, and Hartwick's Investment Rule. RESOURCE AND ENERGY ECONOMICS, 55, 124-142. doi:10.1016/j.reseneeco.2018.11.002.

ANTONY, J., LEHMANN, E., KLARL, T. (2017). Productive and Harmful Entrepreneurship in a Knowledge Economy. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 49 (1), 189-202. doi:10.1007/s11187-016-9822-x.

ANTONY, J. (2016). A Normalized Spence-Dixit-Stiglitz Index. Applied Economic Research Bulletin, 11, 1-11.

ANTONY, J., BROER, P. (2015). Euro Area Financial Shocks and Economic Activity in the Netherlands. Empirica (42), 571-595.

ANTONY, J., KLARL, T., MAUSSNER, A. (2012). Firm Heterogeneity, Credit Constraints, and Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economics (105), 199-224.

ANTONY, J., MAUSSNER, A. (2012). A Note on an Extension of a Class of Solutions to Dynamic Programming Problems arising in Economic Growth. MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS (16), 472-476.

ANTONY, J., GREBEL, T. (2012). Technology Flows between Sectors and their Impact on Large-Scale Firms. APPLIED ECONOMICS (44), 2637-2651.

ANTONY, J. (2010). A Class of Changing Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions. Journal of Economics, 165-183.

ANTONY, J. (2010). Non-Renewable Resources, Endogenous Technical Change, and Sustainable Growth. International Journal of Sustainable Economy (IJSE) (2), 365-381.

ANTONY, J. (2009). A Dual Elasticity of Substitution Production Function with an Application to Cross Country Inequality. ECONOMICS LETTERS (102), 10-12.

ANTONY, J. (2009). Capital/Labor Substitution, Capital Deepening, and FDI. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS (31), 699-707.

ANTONY, J. (2008). Comment on James Smith: That Elusive Elasicity and the Ubiquitous Bias: Is Panel Data a Panacea? JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, 30 (2), 780-782.


ANTONY, J. (2006). Scale Effects and Labor Productivity. Dissertation. Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany.

Contribution to Series of Ext. Research Institute

ANTONY, J., BROER, P. (2013). Financial Shocks and Economic Activity in the Netherlands. CPB Discussion Paper 260. Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANTONY, J., VAN DER WIEL, H., KUYPERS, F. (2012). Hogere productiviteit onder zakelijke dienstverleners door meer concurrentie. CPB Achtergronddocument. CPB Achtergronddocument. Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANTONY, J., VAN DER WIEL, H., KUYPERS, F. (2012). Nederlandse zakelijke dienstverleners onvoldoende geprikkeld, CPB Policy Brief 2012/03. Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANTONY, J., BIJLSMA, M., ELBOURNE, A., LEVER, M. (2012). Financial transaction tax: review and assessment. CPD Discussion Paper 202. Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANTONY, J., BIJLSMA, M., ELBOURNE, A., LEVER, M. (2011). Een evaluatie van de financiële transactiebelasting. CPB achtergronddocument.. Den Haag, Netherlands.

ANTONY, J., BROER, P. (2010). Linkages between the Financial and the Real Sector of the Economy: A Literature Survey. CPB Document 216. Den Haag, Netherlands.

Article in Proceedings

BROER, P., ANTONY, J. (2011). Welke lessen leert de Grote Recessie ons voor macromodellen?. De economische toekomst van Nederland, Preadviezen 2011, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde. Sdu Den Haag. (pp. 75-105). De auteurs.

ANTONY, J., ENTORF, H. (2003). Zur Gültigkeit der Abschreckung im Sinne der ökonomischen Theorie der Kriminalität: Grundzüge einer Meta-Studie. Kriminalität, Ökonomie und Europäischer Sozialstaat. Physica, Heidelberg, 2003. Hrsg. von H.-J. Albrecht und H. Entorf.



Gutachten Economic Modelling

Elsevier Netherlands


Gutachten Economics Bulletin

United States


Gutachten Small Business Economics



Gutachten Journal of Economics


2015 - 2016

Review of World Economics

East Asia


Review Journal of Economics



Referee report Journal of Economics

Springer Science+Business Media Germany


Review Journal of Economics



Gutachten Journal of Economics

Springer Science+Business Media Germany


Gutachten Journal of Economics

Springer Science+Business Media Germany


Gutachten Applied Economics

Elsevier Inc United States


Gutachten Metroeconomica

John Wiley & Sons Ltd Pte Ltd United States

Presentation at a Conference


Jahrestagung Verein für Socialpolitik

Verein für Socialpolitik Germany


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Switzerland


Workshop Macro-Financial Linkages

Bank of Korea South Korea


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Spain


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Norway



Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main Germany


Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik

Verein für Sozialpolitik Germany


European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE)

European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) France


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Italy


Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik

Verein für Socialpolitik Germany


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Hungary


CES Konferenz

Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main Germany


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Austria


Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik

Verein für Socialpolitik Germany


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Netherlands


European Economic Association Annual Congress

European Economic Association Sweden

Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester

2011 - 2013

CPB: Einfluss Finanzmarktshocks auf die niederländische Ökonomie

CPB (Centraal Planbureau) Netherlands

2009 - 2010

CPB: Übertragungskanäle zwischen Finanzmärkten und Realwirtschaft

CPB (Centraal Planbureau) Netherlands