Prof. Dr. Ingela Tietze

Prof. Dr.

Ingela Tietze

Nachhaltige Energiewirtschaft





nach Vereinbarung per Email, in der Regel mittwochs 8 Uhr


(07231) 28-6002



Ingela Tietze is Professor of Sustainable Energy Economics at Pforzheim University. After graduating as an engineer for brewing and beverage technology with a specialization in technical environmental protection at the Technical University of Munich (Weihenstephan), she moved to the University of Karlsruhe (TH) in 2001. In 2005, she received her doctorate from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration on the topic of cost saving potentials through the expansion of operational system boundaries.
After her doctorate, Ingela Tietze worked as a consultant for the World Bank in the energy industry department of Lahmeyer International GmbH, ministries and energy supply companies in Germany, and abroad. In 2006, she joined Evonik Degussa GmbH and, as an Energy Consultant, she advised European locations in all aspects of energy procurement, energy conversion and energy use. She was also responsible for minute reserve marketing and assumed specialist functions in the areas of emissions trading and energy and electricity tax.
In 2009, Ingela Tietze was appointed to the professorship for SME management, energy management and energy technology at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein. She established the focus on energy economics and energy technology at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, and from 2012 onwards, she headed the interdisciplinary SWK Energy Center E².
Since 2015 she has been teaching and researching in the field of resource efficiency at Pforzheim University.

Ingela Tietze deals with issues of energy management and operational energy management. Her main areas of expertise are the sustainability assessment of energy systems, sharing concepts in the energy industry, the efficient design of energy and material flows, (climate-neutral) operational energy supply, decentralized energy conversion and cross-company energy concepts in the context of cooperations. Ingela Tietze has extensive consulting and project experience both in the scientific environment and in practice. In recent years, she has regularly supported a medium-sized company in the procurement of electricity for several locations.
Currently, Ingela Tietze is working on a project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU, Osnabrück) on the integrated cost- and lifecycle-based planning of decentralized energy systems for energy- and resource-efficient neighborhood development. To this end, two new buildings and one existing neighborhood in Gerstetten, Constance and Wiernsheim are being subjected to a comprehensive environmental impact assessment with the integration of technical and economic aspects.
Prior to this, Ingela Tietze worked with colleagues from six research institutions on the BMWi-funded joint research project InNOSys (Integrated Sustainability Assessment and Optimization of Energy Systems). The main objective of the project was to evaluate and optimize existing and future energy systems on the basis of economic, social and environmentally relevant target variables. Taking into account costs and sustainability aspects, particularly advantageous system configurations for the energy sector in Germany were identified for society as a whole.

Energiewirtschaft, Energietechnik, Energiemanagement ,  Energy and Material Flow Analysis ,  Industrial Ecology

2005 - Dr. rer. pol., Business Administration
Karlsruhe Institute ofTechnology (KIT)

2001 - Diplom (Universitaet), Engineering
Technical University of Munich (TUM)

since 2015 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany

Professor for Sustainable Energy Economics

2009 - 2015 - Hochschule Niederrhein - Germany

Professor for Energy Management and Energy Technologies

2006 - 2009 - Evonik Degussa GmbH - Germany

Energy Consultant

2005 - 2006 - Lahmeyer International GmbH - Germany


Journal article

LEWERENZ, S., LAMBRECHT, H., TIETZE, I., LAZAR, L. (2024). Can an ecological scarcity method for Germany support robust decisions? – analysing the effect of uncertain target values on the impact assessment of energy generation technologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT. doi:10.1007/s11367-023-02266-7.

HOTTENROTH, H., TIETZE, I., SUTHARDIO, C., WEIDLICH, A., SIMON, S., HAUSER, W., NAEGLER, T., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., SCHEEL, O., SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., ULRICH, P., ... VIERE, T. (2022). Beyond climate change. Multi-attribute decision making for a sustainability assessment of energy system transformation pathways. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 156, 111996. doi:

NAEGLER, T., BUCHGEISTER, J., HOTTENROTH, H., SIMON, S., TIETZE, I., VIERE, T., JUNNE, T. (2022). Life cycle-based environmental impacts of energy system transformation strategies for Germany: Are climate and environmental protection conflicting goals? Energy Reports, 8, 4763-4775. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2022.03.143.

SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., HAUSER, W., SCHEEL, O., MINN, F., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., HOTTENROTH, H., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., NAEGLER, T., SIMON, S., SUTARDHIO, C., TIETZE, I., ULRICH, P., VIERE, T., ... WEIDLICH, A. (2022). Sustainability assessments of energy scenarios: citizens’ preferences for and assessments of sustainability indicators. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 12 (41). doi:10.1186/s13705-022-00366-0.

NAEGLER, T., TIETZE, I., BECKER, L., BUCHGEISTER, J., HAUSER, W., HOTTENROTH, H., JUNNE, T., LEHR, U., SCHEEL, O., SCHMIDT-SCHEELE, R., SIMON, S., SUTARDHIO, C., ULRICH, P., VIERE, T., ... WEIDLICH, A. (2021). Integrated Multidimensional Sustainability Assessment of Energy System Transformation Pathways. Sustainability, 13, 5217. doi:10.3390/su13095217.

DEURER, J., TIETZE, I. (2021). Merkmale und Erfolgsfaktoren zur Ausgestaltung von Klimaallianzen zwischenWirtschaft und Kommunen bzw. Bundesländern. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 45, 213-225. doi:10.1007/s12398-021-00302-3.

TIETZE, I., LAZAR, L., HOTTENROTH, H., LEWERENZ, S. (2020). LAEND: A Model for Multi-Objective Investment Optimisation of Residential Quarters Considering Costs and Environmental Impacts. Energies, 13 (3), 614. doi:

TIETZE, I. (2020). Sharing economy in the German energy transition. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 24 (3), 392-412. doi:10.1504/IJBG.2020.10028097.

LAMBRECHT, H., TIETZE, I., LEWERENZ, S., HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2020). Ecological Scarcity Based Impact Assessment for a Decentralised Renewable Energy System. Energies, 13 (21), 5655. doi:

SZICHTA, P., TIETZE, I. (2020). Sharing Economy in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft: Treiber und Hemmnisse. NachhaltigkeitsManagementForum | Sustainability Management Forum, 28 (3-4), 109-125. doi:

IMMENDOERFER, A., TIETZE, I., HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2017). Life-cycle impacts of pumped hydropower storage and battery storage. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, pp. 14 pages.

TIETZE, I., IMMENDÖRFER, A., VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H. (2017). Comparing Pumped Hydropower Storage and Battery Storage – Applicability and Impacts. Euro-Asian Journal of Sustainable Energy Development Policy, 5 (2), pp. 16-29.

BRUCHMANN, J., TIETZE, I. (2015). Quartiersauswahl für KWK-Projekte in der Stadt Krefeld. Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Umsetzung effizienter KWK-Projekte. BWK Das Energie-Fachmagazin, 67 (9), 51-54.

PÖRTNER, R., TIETZE, I. (2014). So weit die Akkus tragen: Erste Untersuchungen zur Einsatzmöglichkeit von Elektrofahrzeugen in städtischen und ländlichen Pflegediensten. Pflege Zeitschrift, 2014 (3), pp. 298-301.

ROSEN, J., TIETZE, I., RENTZ, O. (2007). Model-based analysis of effects from large-scale wind power production. ENERGY, 32 (4), 575-583.

FICHTNER, W., TIETZE, I., RENTZ, O. (2005). Barriers of inter-organisational environmental management: Two case studies on industrial symbiosis. Progress in Industrial Ecology, 2 (1), pp. 73-88.

FICHTNER, W., TIETZE, I., FRANK, M., RENTZ, O. (2004). On industrial symbiosis networks and their classification. Progress in Industrial Ecology, 1 (1-3), pp. 130-142.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). A Model to Minimise Joint Total Costs for Industrial Waste Producers and Waste Management Companies. WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, 22 (6), 466-476.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). Integrated transport, storage capacity and investment planning in the context of co-operation between waste producers and disposal enterprises. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 1 (2), 199-218.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). Techno-ökonomische Analyse einer Kooperation zur Errichtung und zum Betrieb eines Gemeinschaftsheizkraftwerks. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 28 (3), 201-208.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2003). Entsorgerparks als Instrument zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Entsorgungsunternehmen. Müll und Abfall, 35 (12), pp. 626-634.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O., WINKELBAUER, W. (2002). Edel entsorgt. Entsorga-Magazin, 21 (4), pp. 14-20.


TIETZE, I. (2005). Kosteneinsparpotenziale durch Erweiterung von betrieblichen Systemgrenzen - dargestellt an Beispielen von Kooperationen aus den Bereichen Energieversorgung und Abfallentsorgung. Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe.

Chapter in Book

HOTTENROTH, H., TIETZE, I., PETERS, J., BAUMANN, M., VIERE, T. (2019). Life-cycle Analysis for Assessing Environmental Impact. In Ron E. Hester; R.M. Harrison (Ed.), Energy Storage Options and Their Environmental Impact ( ed., pp. 261-295). The Royal Society of Chemistry.

LAZAR, L., TIETZE, I. (2019). External Costs as Indicator for the Environmental Performance of Power Systems. In F. Teuteberg, M. Hempel, L. Schebek (Eds.), Progress in Life Cycle Assessment 2018 ( ed., pp. 89-102). Springer.

NEWIADOMSKY, C., TIETZE, I. (2017). Beitrag Erneuerbarer Energien zur Verfügbarkeit von Elektrizität und Wasser in Afrika: Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung? In Leal Filho, Walter (Eds.), Innovationen in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung ( ed., pp. 39-59). Springer.

TIETZE, I., NEWIADOMSKY, C., VOSSEN, G. (2016). A Model for Forecasting short-term Electricity Prices for Electric Utilities. In Dieter Herweck; Christian Decker (Ed.), Digital Enterprise Computing 2016 - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) ( ed., pp. 175-186). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).

Article in Proceedings

TIETZE, I., SZICHTA, P., LAZAR, L. (2019). Potentials of the Sharing Economy for the Electricity Sector regarding Private Capital Involvement and Decarbonisation. 16th IAEE European Conference.

LAZAR, L., TIETZE, I. (2019). Integrating Energy System Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment for both Cost. 16th IAEE European Conference.

TIETZE, I. (2017). Collaborative Consumption as a pillar of the German Energy Transition. Collaborative Consumption: current trends and visions in key economic areas for Germany and Southern Europe (Sharing Economy Conference 2017) (pp. 31-40).

TIETZE, I., IMMENDÖRFER, A., VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H. (2016). Balancing Intermittent Renewables - The Potential of Pumped Hydropower Storage. 9th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change (pp. 217-228).

NEWIADOMSKY, C., TIETZE, I. (2016). Requirements on a service tool to foster demand-side-management under changing climate conditions. Proceedings of the Second Karlsruhe Service Summit Workshop (pp. 193-204).

TIETZE, I., MÖST, D., RENTZ, O. (2005). Integration of decentralized energy conversion units into long-term planning of regional and national energy systems. Proceedings of the International Sustainable Development Research Conference, S. 1–16.

MÖST, D., TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). The use of optimising energy models to derive electricity prices. Fleuren, H.; den Hertog, D.; Kort, P. (Hrsg.); Operations Research Proceedings, Springer Verlag, Berlin, S. 254-262.

SCHMEDDING, D., TIETZE, I., LIEDTKE, G., OTT, A. (2004). BundlePoints - An option for reducing economic and ecological loads in trade areas. Proceedings of 10th world conference on transport research, S. 1-14.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). The Potential of Disposal Parks for Industrial Waste Management. Proceedings of GRONEN Research Workshop 2004 Research on Advanced Environmental Management: Capabilities and Opportunities, S. 1-25.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2003). Entwicklung und Einsatz eines optimierenden Stoffflussmodells für die strategische Planung der betriebsübergreifenden Entsorgung. K. Inderfurth, M. Schenk, G. Wäscher, D. Ziems: Logistikplanung und Management, Tagungsband zur 9. Magdeburger Logistiktagung, S. 30-45.

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2002). Reducing Intercompany Transportation by Regional Cooperation. Regional Cycles: Regional Economy towards Sustainability, Abstract Compendium, Leipzig.


LANG-KOETZ, C., PREISS, P., STEINHART, B., TIETZE, I., SCHMITZ, M., VOGT, A. (2025). New Technologies for SMEs in the Chemical Industry - foundation for an integrated resource efficiency management. Pforzheim, Germany.

Scientific Paper/Report

BRUCHMANN, J., TIETZE, I. (2014). Ökonomische und ökologische Potentialanalyse, SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein. Krefeld.

PÖRTNER, R., TIETZE, I. (2013). Elektromobilität in Krefeld: Geschäftsmodelle und E-Car-Sharing, SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein.

KIRSCH, F., TIETZE, I. (2012). Elektromobilität in Krefeld: Potentiale bis 2020, SWK-Energiezentrum E² der Hochschule Niederrhein.

RENTZ, O., CAIL, S., FLEURY, A., MÖST, D., TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W. (2006). Energy system analysis of certificate markets and their possible interactions Karlsruhe, Deutsch-Französisches Institut für Umweltforschung (DFIU/IFARE), Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

RENTZ, O., ROSEN, J., MÖST, D., TIETZE, I. (2005). Large-scale integration of renewable energy carriers into the European electricity system Karlsruhe, Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

RENTZ, O., FLEURY, A., TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W. (2004). Sensitivity Analysis – Complementary to the final report Sustainable Energy Supply in France Karlsruhe, Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W., RENTZ, O. (2004). Kurzbeschreibung PERSEUS-MUM und ausgewählte Ergebnisse Karlsruhe, Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

RENTZ, O., TIETZE, I., FICHTNER, W. (2003). Endbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben ReduParks - Entsorgerparks als Option zur Reduktion zwischenbetrieblicher Transportströme Karlsruhe, Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Universität Karlsruhe (TH).


since 2024

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

United Kingdom

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Regionalkonferenz Baden-Württemberg im Programm Transformative Skills für Nachhaltigkeit


Member of academic advisory council

since 2023

18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)


since 2022

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2021 - 2025

Member of Technical Review Committee at National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Strategic Energy Analysis Center

United States

Board Member/Executive

2022 - 2027

Vorstandsmitglied Erste BürgerStiftung Pforzheim-Enz


Member of a jury


GEE Preis des Energieforums Berlin für die beste Masterarbeit und die beste Dissertation

Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaft und Energiepolitik e.V Germany

2022 - 2023


Landesagentur Umwelttechnik Baden-Württemberg GmbH Germany


GEE Preis des Energieforums Berlin für die beste Masterarbeit und die beste Dissertation

Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaft und Energiepolitik e.V Germany



Umwelttechnik BW Germany



Umwelttechnik BW Germany



Umwelttechnik BW Germany

2013 - 2014

Member of Jury: Energy Efficiency Award IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein


Leader of a project funded from public institutions

2022 - 2024

IRMa Integrated resource efficiency management for medium-sized companies in the chemical industry

BMWi Germany

2021 - 2024

Integrierte kosten- und lebenszyklusbasierte Planung dezentraler Energiesysteme für eine energie- und ressourcenschonende Quartiersentwicklung (InPEQt)

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU Germany

2018 - 2020

InNOSys – Integrated sustainability assessment and optimization of energy systems


2015 - 2018

ENsource - Center for Applied Science, Urban ENergy Systems and Resource Efficiency


Participation in a project funded from public institutions

2022 - 2024


Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg Germany

Other administrative responsibility in academic service

since 2020

Pforzheim University Germany

Member of the Rectorat

since 2020

Vice President for Energy Management and Climate Protection

Pforzheim University Germany


2020 - 2021


Program Director

2018 - 2021

Studiendekanin Master Life Cycle & Sustainability
