Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Hendrik Lambrecht
Industrial Ecology und Quantitative Methoden
Mi 13:45 – 15:15 nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung per E-Mail (Raum W1.4.052)
(07231) 28-6424Hendrik Lambrecht is Professor of Industrial Ecology and Quantitative Methods at Pforzheim University. After studying physics in Heidelberg and Lyon (France), he began his professional career in 2003 at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the State Institute for Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation Baden-Wuerttemberg (LUBW). In 2006, he then joined Pforzheim University as a research associate. In 2011, he received his doctorate at the Faculty of Sustainability of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg on the topic of material-flow-based optimization of operational production. After a short time working for the software company ifu Hamburg GmbH, he was offered his current position at Pforzheim University, where he has been teaching in the study programs BW/Resource Efficiency Management (B. Sc.), Life Cycle & Sustainability (M. Sc.) and Operations Research since 2012.
Hendrik Lambrecht is a member of the Institute for Industrial Ecology (INEC) and the Baden-Wuerttemberg Center of Applied Research (BW-CAR). From 2016 to 2019, he was involved as a member of the National Citizens’ Oversight Committee in the search for a site for a repository for highly radioactive nuclear waste. His research activities cover the areas of energy and material flow management, process optimization in an operational context and life cycle assessment with a focus on energy systems.
Hendrik Lambrecht deals with the analysis and optimization of the environmental and climate impact of production and energy systems. He uses methods from energy and material flow management (industrial ecology) and life cycle assessment (LCA). Based on practical applications in operational production and urban systems, he has contributed to the further development of these methods in numerous inter- and transdisciplinary research projects in recent years. At the center are the research questions:
• How can the multidimensional results of a life cycle assessment be simplified in an expedient way and thus be meaningfully integrated into operational and societal decision-making processes?
• Which methods (e. g. visualizations) are suitable for the communication of complex scientific results?
• How must strategies of the energy transition (e. g. e-mobility, hydrogen technology) be evaluated long-term against the background of the currently often disruptive technological change in this field? (Keyword:
consequential LCA)
• How should one deal with data and model uncertainties in LCA? What are the consequences of uncertainty or variability of model parameters, as well as assumptions made during modeling, on the result of an LCA? What are the implications for the use of such data in decision-making processes?
• How can methods from operations research be used for the model-based optimization of operational production and urban energy systems, also taking Scope 3 effects (supply chains) into account?
Environmental Accounting , Industrial Ecology , Life Cycle Assessment , Material Flow Management , Operation Research , System Optimisation
Journal article
LEWERENZ, S., LAMBRECHT, H., TIETZE, I., LAZAR, L. (2024). Can an ecological scarcity method for Germany support robust decisions? – analysing the effect of uncertain target values on the impact assessment of energy generation technologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT. doi:10.1007/s11367-023-02266-7.
LEWERENZ, S., LAMBRECHT, H., SAILER, G., PELZ, S. (2023). Life cycle assessment of biowaste treatment – Considering uncertainties in emission factors. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 15, 100651. doi:10.1016/j.clet.2023.100651.
LAMBRECHT, H., LEWERENZ, S. (2021). Nicht nur klimaneutral, sondern auch ressourceneffizient. BWK Das Energie-Fachmagazin, 73 (7-8), 6-9. doi:doi.org/10.37544/1618-193X-2021-7-8-6.
LAMBRECHT, H., TIETZE, I., LEWERENZ, S., HOTTENROTH, H., VIERE, T. (2020). Ecological Scarcity Based Impact Assessment for a Decentralised Renewable Energy System. Energies, 13 (21), 5655. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/en13215655.
LAMBRECHT, H., HOTTENROTH, H., SCHRÖER, T., SCHULENBURG, F. (2017). Optimization-aided material and energy flow analysis for a low carbon industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167 (2017), 1148-1154. doi:doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.053.
HOTTENROTH, H., LAMBRECHT, H., RÖTZER, N., VIERE, T. (2016). Ökobilanzielle Elemente in integrierten Ressourceneffizienzanalysen der chemischen Industrie. UWF: Umwelt Wirtschafts Forum, 24 (1), 15-23. doi:doi:10.1007/s00550-016-0396-5.
ZSCHIESCHANG, E., DENZ, N., LAMBRECHT, H., VIERE, T. (2014). Resource efficiency-oriented optimization of material flow networks in chemical process engineering. Procedia CIRP, 15, 373-378.
LAMBRECHT, H., THISSEN, N. Q. Q. (2014). Enhancing sustainable production by the combined use of material flow analysis and mathematical programming. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.07.053.
LAMBRECHT, H. (2011). Stoffstromnetzbasierte Optimierung von Produktionssystemen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 83 (10), 1625-1633.
LAMBRECHT, H., VOGEL, H.-J., ROTH, K. (2003). Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Stofftransport bei transientem Wasserfluss. 1436 – 8730 (102), 101-102.
LAMBRECHT, H., FAVRE, C., BOUTOU, V., HILL, S. C. (2002). White-Light Nanosource with Directional Emission. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 89 (3).
LAMBRECHT, H. (2011). Stoffstromnetzbasierte Optimalplanung des Ressourceneinsatzes industrieller Produktionssysteme. Dissertation, Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Lüneburg, Germany.
Chapter in Book
STEINGRUBE, A., LAMBRECHT, H., LEWERENZ, S. (2021). Berücksichtigung des Ressourcenaufwands bei der Energiesystemoptimierung. In Volker Coors (Ed.), Urbane Energiesysteme und Ressourceneffizienz ENsource (1st ed., pp. 86-102). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.
LEWERENZ, S., LAMBRECHT, H. (2021). Vergleichende Bewertung des Ressourcenaufwands urbaner Energiesysteme (ENsource-MöK). In Volker Coors (Ed.), Urbane Energiesysteme und Ressourceneffizienz ENsource (1st ed., pp. 89-95). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.
STEINGRUBE, A., LAMBRECHT, H., HANK, C., BESTENLEHNER, D., WEISE, F., SAILER, G., ZIRAK, M., KABIRO, P., PELZ, S., LEWERENZ, S., ... STARK, S. (2021). Fallstudie Mainau. In Coors, V. (Eds.), Urbane Energiesysteme und Ressourceneffizienz - ENsource (1st ed., pp. 119-125). Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.
VIERE, T., HOTTENROTH, H., LAMBRECHT, H., RÖTZER, N., PASCHETAG, A., SCHOLL, S., WESCHE, M. (2016). Operationalisierung von Nachhaltigkeit im Produktionskontext. Integrierte Ressourceneffizienzanalyse zur Senkung der Klimabelastung von Produktionsstandorten der chemischen Industrie. In Leal Filho, Walter (Eds.), Forschung für Nachhaltigkeit an deutschen Hochschulen ( ed., pp. 349-363). Springer Verlag.
LAMBRECHT, H., DENZ, N., YOSHIDA, Y. (2014). Ein prototypisches Werkzeug zur algebraischen Optimierung von Stoffstromnetzen. In V. Wohlgemuth, C.V. Lang, J. Marx Gómez (Eds.), Konzepte, Anwendungen und Entwicklungstendenzen von betrieblichen Umweltinformationssystemen. Tagungsband zu den 6. Berliner BUIS-Tagen, 24. - 25. April 2014 ( ed., pp. 155-165). Shaker Verlag.
Article in Proceedings
LAMBRECHT, H., ZIMMERMANN, M. (2008). Combination of Optimization Methods and Material Flow Analysis for Improvement of Operational Material Use (KOMSA): Concept and its Implementation. Environmental Informatics and Industrial Ecology. Shaker Verlag.
LAMBRECHT, H., CASPER, M., GRIMM-STRELE, J., FINCK, M. (2006). EU-Project MoNit: A DSS to assess the impact of actions and changing frameworks on the nitrate load in the Upper Rhine Valley aquifer. Proceedings of the IWRM conference, October 2006. IAHS Publ.
Expert Assessement/Evaluation
2022 - 2023
WR Wissenschaftsrat Germany
Member of a working committee
2016 - 2019
Mitglied des Nationalen Begleitgremiums
Honorary appointment/public service
2016 - 2019
Member of the German National Accompanying Commitee for the search for a nuclear waste disposal site
Academic association membership
since 2015
Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research (BW-CAR)
Presentation at a Conference
Optimization-aded Material and Energy Flow Analysis of a Metallurgic Production Process
Global Cleaner Production and Consumption Conference 2015 Spain
Optimization-aided Resource Efficiency Analyses of a Metallurgic Production Process for Refractory Metals
EURO 2015 - 27th European Conference on Operational Research United Kingdom
Member of a public committee of research projects evaluation
Gutachten über Antrag für ein Forschungsvorhaben ("Anthropogenic material flows in the Czech Republic: Analyses of structure and trends and opening a black-box of the physical economy")
Czech Science Foundation Czech Republic
Participation in a project funded from public institutions
2015 - 2021
Leitung des Teilprojektes der Hochschule Pforzheim im ZAFH - ENSource (Zentrum für angewandte Forschung Urbane Energiesysteme und Ressourceneffizienz) - Vertretung für Mario Schmidt
Zentrum für angewandte Forschung an der Hochschule pforzheim Germany