Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Guido Sand
Forschungssemester, Raum T1.4.21 Anmeldung per Mail
(07231) 28-6475Modellierung, Analyse und Optimierung komplexer Systeme , Operation Research
2003 - Dr.-Ing., chemical engineering
Universität Dortmund
1998 - Dipl.-Ing., chemical engineering
Universität Dortmund
since 2016 - Hochschule Pforzheim - Germany
2006 - 2016 - ABB Forschungszentrum - Germany
2004 - 2006 - Universität Dortmund - Germany
senior researcher
Journal article
SAND, G., REIMSCHÜSSEL, S., SCHAAN, J., WANKO, S., WAFFENSCHMIDT, R. (2021). Optimale Produktions- und Personaleinsatzplanung. Inkrementelle mathematische Modellierung. atp magazin (03), pp. 86-93.
HADERA, H., EKSTROEM, J., SAND, G., MÄNTYSAARI, J., HARJUNKOSKI, I., ENGELL, S. (2019). Integration of production scheduling and energy-cost optimization using Mean Value Cross Decomposition. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 129.
ISAKSSON, A. J., HARJUNKOSKI, I., SAND, G. (2018). The impact of digitalization on the future of control and operations. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 114, 122-129. doi:
BARTH, M., SAND, G. (2017). Der virtuelle Zwilling im digitalen Anlagenbau. Notwendige Standards für den Austausch von Simulationsmodellen über Gewerkegrenzen hinweg. Industrie 4.0 Management, 33 (02-2017), pp. 7-10.
BIONDI, M., SAND, G., HARJUNKOSKI, I. (2017). Optimization of multipurpose process plant operations: A multi-time-scale maintenance and production scheduling approach. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 99, 1-15. doi:
HADERA, H., LABRIK, R., SAND, G., ENGELL, S., HARJUNKOSKI, I. (2016). An Improved Energy-Awareness Formulation for General Precedence Continuous-Time Sched-uling Models. INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 55, 1336–1346.
CHIOUA, M., BAUER, M., CHEN, S., SCHLAKE, J., SAND, G., SCHMIDT, W., THORNHILL, N. (2015). Plant-wide root cause identification using plant key performance indicators (KPIs) with applica-tion to a paper machine. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, 149–158.
MERKERT, L., HARJUNKOSKI, I., ISAKSSON, A., SÄYNEVIRTA, S., SAARELA, A., SAND, G. (2015). Scheduling and energy – Industrial challenges and opportunities. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 72, pp. 183 – 198.
HADERA, H., HARJUNKOSKI, I., SAND, G., GROSSMANN, I., ENGELL, S. (2015). Optimization of steel production scheduling with complex time-sensitive electricity cost. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 76, pp. 117-136.
HARJUNKOSKI, I., MARAVELIAS, C., BONGERS, P., CASTRO, P., ENGELL, S., GROSSMANN, I., HOOKER, J., MÉNDEZ, C., SAND, G., ... WASSICK, J. (2014). Scope for industrial applications of production scheduling models and solution methods. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 62, pp. 161 – 193.
SAND, G., TERWIESCH, P. (2013). Closing the loops: An industrial perspective on the present and future impact of control. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, 19, 341 – 350.
XU, C., SAND, G., HARJUNKOSKI, I., ENGELL, S. (2012). A new heuristic for plant-wide schedule coordination problems: The intersection coordination heuristic. Computers and Chemical Engineering, pp. 152–167.
URSELMANN, M., BARKMANN, S., SAND, G., ENGELL, S. (2011). A Memetic Algorithm for Global Optimization in Chemical Process Synthesis Problems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, 15, 659 – 683.
SAND, G. (2004). Echtzeitoptimierung von Belegungsplänen für flexible Batchanlagen.
Chapter in Book
SAND, G. (2008). Engineered mixed-integer programming in chemical batch scheduling. In: (Hrsg.): In S. Engell (Ed.), Logistic Optimization of Chemical Production Processes ( ed., pp. 137-161). John Wiley and Sons.
SAND, G., TILL, J., ENGELL, S. (2008). Stochastic integer programming in uncertainty conscious scheduling. In S. Engell (Ed.), Logistic Optimization of Chemical Production Processes ( ed., pp. 137-161). John Wiley and Sons.
TYLKO, M., BARKMANN, S., SAND, G., SCHEMBECKER, G., ENGELL, S. (2006). Synthesis of reactive separation processes. In H. Schmidt-Traub und A. Gorak (Ed.), Process Intensification by Integrated Reaction and Separation Operations ( ed., pp. 7-94). Springer.
ENGELL, S., MÄRKERT, A., SAND, G., SCHULTZ, R., SCHULZ, C. (2001). Online scheduling of multiproduct batch plants under uncertainty. In M. Grötschel, S. Krumke und J. Rambau (Eds.), Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems ( ed., pp. 649-676). Springer.
Article in Proceedings
HILDEBRANDT, S., SAND, G. (2025). Applying Instance Space Analysis to Optimize the Construction of Matheuristics. Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION) 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
POPIRTAC, A., SAND, G. (2024). MULTI-ROBOT ROUTING BY ENGINEERED MIXED-INTEGER PROGRAMMING. The 50th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (pp. 169-177). COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING.
HILDEBRANDT, S., SAND, G. (2024). Hyperparameter Optimization of Matheuristics for Hoist Scheduling. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Vol. 53 (pp. 2923-2928).
HILDEBRANDT, S., SAND, G., FUCHS, U. (2023). Electroplating scheduling: Closing a research gap from an automation vendor’s perspective. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 52 (pp. 125-130).
SAND, G., REIMSCHÜSSEL, S., FUCHS, U. (2022). Optimierte Produktionsplanung von Trommelgalvanikanlagen. Tagungsband AALE 2022 (pp. 63-72).
SAND, G., HERDT, A., SCHEIDIG, M., JENTNER, C. (2022). CPLEX-basierte Produktionsablaufplanung. Tagungsband AALE 2022 (pp. 73-82).
HILDEBRANDT, G., IMLE, M., SAND, G. (2020). Automatische Zusammenstellung von Montagesätzen für Axial-Radial-Zylinderrollenlager. Entwicklung von gemischt-ganzzahligen Optimierungsmodellen. AALE 2020 (pp. 113-123). VDE Verlag.
SAND, G., KOLHE, P., REIMSCHÜSSEL, S., SPINDLER, A. (2019). Autonomisierung von Produktionssystemen des Mittelstands. Fortschritte im Innovationsnetzwerk "Digitale Zukunft der Automatisierung". AALE 2019 - Angewandte Automatisierungstechnik in Lehre und Entwicklung (pp. 117-124).
SAND, G., BARTH, M., WEXEL, M. (2017). Digitale Zukunft der Automatisierung - Aufbau eines Innovationsnetzwerks für die Region Nordschwarzwald. AALE 2017 - Angewandte Automatisierungstechnik in Lehre und Entwicklung (pp. 261-264).
SAND, G., ENGELL, S., MERKERT, A., SCHULTZ, R. (2004). Applied stochastic integer programming: Scheduling in the processing industries. International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing (pp. 441-450). Springer.
ENGELL, S., MÄRKERT, A., SAND, G., SCHULTZ, R. (2002). Production planning in a multiproduct batch plant under uncertainty. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000 (pp. 526-531).
Editor (Book, Proceeding)
SAND, G., HÄRLE, C., JÄKEL, J. (2022). Tagungsband AALE 2022 ( Wissenstransfer im Spannungsfeld von Autonomisierung und Fachkräftemangel. Publikationsserver der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig.
SAND, G. (2022). Wege zur autonomen Produktion. Ein Kompass von Innovatoren für Innovatoren (1 ed.). Steinbeis-Edition.
SAND, G., PAULEN, R., LUCIA, S. (2021). Special issue. In honor of 30 years of professorship of Professor Sebastian Engell. Computers and Chemical Engineering.