Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Bertagnolli

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Frank Bertagnolli

Lean Production und Ressourceneffizienz





Dienstags, 15:30 - 17:00, nach vorheriger Anmeldung per Mail


(07231) 28-6372



Frank Bertagnolli is Professor of Lean Production and Resource Efficiency at Pforzheim University. He teaches in the study programmes Sustainability & Resource Efficiency and Life Cycle & Sustainability.
Frank Bertagnolli studied industrial engineering at the University of Karlsruhe. Between 2001 and 2005 he worked at the DaimlerChrysler Research Center in Ulm, and in 2006, he completed his doctorate on the topic of “robot-supported automatic digitalization of workpiece geometry by means of optical fringe projection” at the faculty for computer science at the University of Karlsruhe. Since 2005, Frank Bertagnolli has worked internationally on the topic of lean management in several different positions in the automotive industry. In 2007 he completed an expert training course as a “Lean Manufacturing Consultant” certified by Steinbeis University Berlin. He also worked as a trainer and manager coaching consultants and managers in the field of lean production and lean management for production, planning and IT. For the passenger car division at Daimler AG, he developed training factories in Europe and the USA which facilitated training and implementation of various lean methods.
Since 2009, Frank Bertagnolli has been a lecturer for production, logistics and management-related subjects. He is also a qualified systemic consultant and coach.

Frank Bertagnolli possesses comprehensive knowledge on the topics of lean production and lean management. This includes product design as well as planning and managing of production and assembly areas. The implementation of lean methods in indirect areas such as administration and IT are part of his competencies. He manages these areas by means of a holistic leadership approach at shopfloor level.
His central focus is on methodological skills regarding production-oriented product design, lean development, lean administration, lean production, production engineering, assembly and ergonomics, supply chain management and logistics, total productive maintenance, low cost intelligent automation and change management. At the same time, the context and significance of the lean approach are treated by means of the topic of resource management and leadership. As a result, their effects on performance indicators are evaluated.
Frank Bertagnolli works with practical training simulations to convey knowledge in a hands-on manner through examples. In connection with management topics, he puts great emphasis on leadership issues and the personal development of people which is essential in order to address those issues.

Change Management ,  Supply Chain Management ,  University-Level Education ,  Lean Production ,  Logistics ,  Project Management ,  Process Optimization ,  Quality Management ,  Resource Efficiency ,  Lean Management ,  Shopfloor Management ,  Resource Efficiency Management ,  Management Games

2006 - Dr.-Ing., Engineering
Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Informatik

2001 - Economic Engineering, Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.
Universität Karlsruhe, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

since 2020 - Pforzheim University - Germany

Program Director BREM/BNRE

since 2015 - Institut für Industrial Ecology INEC - Germany

Professor for Lean Production and Resource Efficiency

2009 - 2015 - Daimler AG, Stuttgart - Germany

Manager Leadership Training and Lean Experts Education for Production Systems

2005 - 2009 - Daimler AG, Stuttgart - Germany

Production System and Lean Trainingcenter


Praxislehrpreis der Business School Pforzheim


Perspektivenpreis der Hochschule Pforzheim, Sonderpreis für innovative Lehre


1st price for innovative teaching at the ESB Reutlingen


Ehrenmedaille der Bundeswehr

Resource Efficiency Management ,  Quantitative Methods ,  Lifecycle & Sustainability ,  Weiterbildung ,  Other

Journal article

KARCH, S., BERTAGNOLLI, F., LÜDER, A. (2024). Lean Empowerment in the Digital Ecosystem. Translating cultural values into technical requirements. Industry 4.0 Science, 40 (2), pp. 32-39.

KARCH, S., BERTAGNOLLI, F., LÜDER, A. (2024). Lean Empowerment im digitalen Ökosystem. Kulturwerte in technische Anforderungen übersetzen. Industry 4.0 Science, 40 (2), pp. 32-39.

HILGERT, N., BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2021). Nachhaltige Problemlösung in digitalisierten Prozessen. Lean-Management-Umsetzung in der Logistik mittels datengestützter Prozessabsicherung. Industrie 4.0 Management, 37 (5), pp. 31-34.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., HERRMANN, K., RITTMANN, I., VIERE, T. (2021). The Application of Lean Methods in Corporate Sustainability. A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 2021 (13). doi:10.3390/su132212786.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2020). Schlank und stabil. Managementkompass (1), pp. 12-13. Frankfurt.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., WAIBLE, F. (2020). Ganzheitliche Transparenz und Begleitung des Wandels. Changement!, 2020 (6), pp. 13-15. Düsseldorf.


BERTAGNOLLI, F., BLOCK, M., HERRMANN, K. (2011). Lernplattform - Eine neue Dimension des Lernens von schlanken Abläufen. PRODUCTIVITY Management (4), pp. 52-55. Berlin.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., HERRMANN, K., SCHNEIDER, S., HÖFER, S., DANGELMAIER, W. (2011). Objektive Entscheidungsunterstützung für Produktionsplaner. ZWF: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (6/2011), pp. 408-412.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., BISCHOFF, R. (2003). Measurement Technology: Fast and Highly Precise.. DaimlerChrysler Hightech Report, The Fascination of Research & Technology (2/2003), pp. 6.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., BISCHOFF, R. (2003). Messtechnik: Schnell und sehr genau. DaimlerChrysler Hightech Report, Faszination Forschung & Technik (2/2003), pp. 6.


BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2023). Lean Empowerment. Die konsequente Fortsetzung von Lean Leadership. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2022). Lean Management. Introduction and In-Depth Study of Japanese Management Philosophy. Springer.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., BLUDAU, S., FETZER, L., HADAMEK, L., HERRMANN, T., TREICK, A. (2022). Bienen an der Hochschule. Ein interdisziplinäres Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt. Berlin: Springer Spektrum.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., PHILIPP, A. (2022). Lean im Betrieb. Betriebliche Mitbestimmungsrechte bei Lean-Umsetzungen. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2020). Lean Management. Einführung und Vertiefung in die japanische Management-Philosophie (2 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2018). Lean Management. Einführung und Vertiefung in die japanische Management-Philosophie (1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

BERTAGNOLLI, F., BOHN, S., WAIBLE, F. (2018). Change Canvas. Strukturierter visueller Ansatz für Change Management in einem agilen Umfeld (1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.


BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2006). Robotergestützte automatische Digitalisierung von Werkstückgeometrien mittels optischer Streifenprojektion. Aachen, Germany.

Chapter in Book

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2022). Schnelles Rüsten. Prozessoptimierung in der Produktion spielend leicht verstehen und umsetzen. In Voss, Tobias; Voss, Daniela (Eds.), Das METALOG FieldBook - Die Praxis der METALOG training tools in 58 Case Studies ( ed., pp. 284-287). Books on Demand.

FLAD, N., BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2022). RE:LEAN – das Planspiel zu Lean Production. In Anstätt, K.; Bertagnolli, F.; Schmidt M. (Eds.), Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz ( ed., pp. 153-210). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

MOELLER, K., GABEL, J., BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2020). Case 12: fischer Fixing systems: Moving forward with the workforce – Change communication at the Global Distribution Centre. In Gardiner D., Reefke H. (Eds.), Operations Management for Business Excellence: Building Sustainable Supply Chains (4 ed., pp. 426-432). Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2019). Wir sind alle verschieden, und das ist auch gut so - Persönlichkeitsmodelle. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 43-50). Haufe-Lexware.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2019). Was treibt uns an? - Innere Antreiber. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 81-89). Haufe-Lexware.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2019). Richtig kritisieren, statt falsch loben - Feedback geben und nehmen. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 226-233). Haufe-Lexware.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2019). Die richtigen Fragen stellen - Fragetechniken. In Ulrike Eidel, Barbara Tybusseck (Eds.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 297-303). Haufe-Lexware.

Article in Proceedings

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2014). Bestimmung von 3D-Messpositionen durch genetischen Algorithmus. Informatics Inside 2014: Human Centered Computing (pp. 130-131).

BERTAGNOLLI, F., HERRMANN, K. (2011). Lean Conformity – Holistic Waste Consideration for a Decision Support Method in Production Planning Phases. Optimization 2011, Book of Abstracts (pp. 106).

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2004). Messstrategie und Messplanung zur flexiblen vollautomatischen 3D Oberflächenerfassung. Robotik 2004, Leistungsstand – Anwendungen – Visionen – Trends, VDI Berichte 1841 (pp. 239-246).

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2004). Vollautomatische robotergestützte 3D Oberflächenvermessung zur Qualitätssicherung von Werkstücken. Sensoren und Messsysteme 2004, VDI Berichte 1829 (pp. 801-804).

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2003). Flexible automatisierte Oberflächenvermessung mit einem optischen 3D Messsensor auf einem Industrieroboter. Oberflächenmesstechnik, VDI Berichte 1806 (pp. 1-10).

BERTAGNOLLI, F., DILLMANN, R. (2003). Flexible Automated Process Assurance through Non contact 3D Measuring Technology. IEEE Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI 2003) (pp. 27-31).

BERTAGNOLLI, F., BAYER, H. (2003). Automated Scanning for Large Scale Metrology. National Physical Laboratory: Large Scale Metrology Workshop.

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2003). Flexible automatisierte Prozesssicherung durch berührungslose 3D Messtechnik. GMA Kongress 2003, Automation und Information in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, VDI Berichte 1756 (pp. 91-99).

BERTAGNOLLI, F., DILLMANN, R., ZIEGLER, M. (2002). Mobile Roboter auf dem Weg zur CE Zertifizierung. Robotik 2002, Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen - Trends, VDI Berichte 1679 (pp. 669-675).

BERTAGNOLLI, F., DILLMANN, R., ZIEGLER, M. (2001). Autonome mobile Systeme auf dem Weg zur CE Zertifizierung am Beispiel eines Messroboters. Autonome mobile Systeme 2001 (Gesellschaft für Informatik) (pp. 91-98).

Scientific Paper/Report

BERTAGNOLLI, F. (2007). Ganzheitlicher Beratungsansatz für abgriffsoptimierte Materialbereitstellungen "Minomi". Stuttgart, Germany.

Academic Papers of Pforzheim University

MOELLER, K., BERTAGNOLLI, F., GABEL, J. (2016). Fallstudie fischer Befestigungssysteme: Change Management in der Distributionslogistik.

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

ANSTÄTT, K., BERTAGNOLLI, F., SCHMIDT, M. (2022). Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourceneffizienz. Sechs Planspiele für die betriebliche Weiterbildung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Program Director

since 2020

Bachelor Stustainability & Resource Efficiency

Fakultät Wirtschaft und Recht Germany


2019 - 2020

Erfahrungsorientiertes Lernen (EOL)


2009 - 2014

Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik

Geschäftsstelle der Studienkommission für Hochschuldidaktik GHD Germany


Lean Manufacturing Consultant

Steinbeis Hochschule Germany

- 2024
