Prof. Dr. Claudius Eisenberg

Prof. Dr.

Claudius Eisenberg

Wirtschaftsprivatrecht mit Schwerpunkt Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht





WiSe 2024/25: Anmeldung p. Mail erforderlich! Mittwochs 15.30 - 17.00 Uhr im Büro W2.4.15


(07231) 28-6329



Claudius Eisenberg is Professor of Business Law at Pforzheim University. After studying at the University of Konstanz, working as a research associate, and writing his dissertation under Prof. Dr. Dr. C. T. Ebenroth, he worked at a Munich law firm specializing in business law. In 1999, he joined the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, and Technology, assuming responsibility for corporate consolidations, state guarantees, development banks, and capital investment firms. Claudius Eisenberg subsequently assumed a position as head of the department for legal affairs, personnel, administration, and PR at Bayern International. In this role, he was also deputy director of the company.
Since 2003, he has taught business law at Pforzheim University, specializing in contract and liability law, commercial law, product safety and liability law, and the interface between private and public business law. In addition to his teaching, he carries out research and practice-oriented projects on product and distribution law, especially on product safety and product liability law, medical products law, and compliance.
In 2008 and 2009, Claudius Eisenberg took a leave of absence to serve as deputy director of the law program run in China by the German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ). This program is part of the ongoing dialog between Germany and China on the rule of law. From 2014 to 2019 he was dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of Business and Law and member of the faculty board.

Claudius Eisenberg studies legal and economic aspects of product and distribution law. Across the entire field of production and distribution, companies are now confronted with a multitude of legal regulations in competition law, product safety law, consumer protection law and further legal requirements. Often, individual employees feel overwhelmed by the vastness of these requirements. In the context of the rapidly advancing digitization of the economy, these requirements are also increasing considerably. Part of Claudius Eisenberg’s work is devoted to taking these general legislative demands and translating them into specific everyday obligations for specific areas in a company.
In recent years, product law in Germany has been strongly shaped by the EU, which has been issuing new regulations (or new regulation proposals) for specific sectors in increasingly short intervals. These EU regulations frequently cause frictions with existing rules in the member states. Claudius Eisenberg works to identify such frictions and develop solutions for dealing with them in management practice.
The still ongoing introduction of the new EU Medical Devices Regulation raises numerous questions for the medical devices industry, which are heightened by Brexit and the difficult, still open negotiations with Switzerland on a new framework agreement. Claudius Eisenberg will also deal with selected questions arising from this in the business context. He prepared himself for this work by completing TÜV certification as a manager of international regulatory affairs.
In addition, Claudius Eisenberg is active as a business mediator.

Business Law (Econimic Law?) ,  Contract Law ,  Liability Law ,  Product Liability Law ,  Product Safety Law

since 2022 - Pforzheim - Germany

Certified Mediator

since 2016 - Bettinger Scheffelt Müller PmbB -

Of Counsel

2008 - 2009 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - China

Deputy Program Director, Legal Advisory Program to the PR China


Teaching Award of the Faculty of Business and Law at Pforzheim University

Journal article

EISENBERG, C. (2022). Instruktionspflichten - Produkthaftung für Instruktionsfehler. Compliance Aktuell, Heft 19 (5), 113-125.

EISENBERG, C. (2021). Datenschutz durch Technikgestaltung als Instrument zur Reduzierung von Produkthaftungsrisiken. Zeitschrift zum Innovations- und Technikrecht (InTeR) (1), 17-22.

EISENBERG, C., TAVAKOLI, A. (2019). Produkthaftungsansprüche in der Unternehmensliquidation. PHi - Haftpflicht international, 3, 106-109.

TAVAKOLI, A., EISENBERG, C. (2018). Die GmbH und ihre Verbindlichkeiten in der Liquidation. GmbHR, 2 (2018), pp. 75 - 85.

EISENBERG, C., SCHEFFELT, M. (2017). Bauproduktenrecht - gewichtige Herausforderungen für alle Baubeteiligten. Baurecht, 2017 (12), 2070 - 2079.

EISENBERG, C., BINDING, J. (2014). Product Liability in the People`s Republic of China. Business Law International, 15 (1), 19 - 33.

EISENBERG, C. (2013). Das neue Bauproduktenrecht - Bekanntes, Neues, Ungeklärtes. Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht : NZBau, 675-681.

EISENBERG, C. (2012). Möglichkeiten des E-Mail-Direktmarketing ohne Einwilligung der Beworbenen. Betriebs-Berater (BB) (48), 2963-2967.

EISENBERG, C. (2011). Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Nacherfüllungsanspruch im Kaufrecht - bahnbrechende Entscheidungen von EuGH und BGH. Betriebs-Berater (BB) (43), 2634-2640.

EISENBERG, C., BINDING, J. (2011). Das neue Produkthaftungsrecht der VR China. Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, 511-515.

EISENBERG, C. (2010). Deutsch-chinesisches Richterseminar vom 19.-25. Oktober 2009 an der Nationalen Richterakademie des Obersten Volksgerichts der VR China in Peking. Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht, 82-84.

EISENBERG, C., HENNING, E. (2010). Die Beweiswürdigung des Zeugen im chinesischen Zivilprozess - eine auch rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung. Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht, 239-247.

EISENBERG, C., BINDING, J. (2010). Produkthaftung in der VR China. Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft, 1-13.

EISENBERG, C. (2009). Draft of the Law on Social Assistance (V.R.China). Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht, 100-105.

EISENBERG, C. (2009). Sino-German Symposium on China´s Social Assistance Legislation - 18. November 2008 in Peking. Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht, 106-109.


TAVAKOLI, A., EISENBERG, C., JAUTZ, U. (2023). Rechtsfälle aus dem Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (11 ed.). Heidelberg: Verlag C.F. Müller.

EISENBERG, C. (1998). Das Internationale Privatrecht der Anwaltshaftung. Hartung-Gorre Verlag.

Chapter in Book

EISENBERG, C. (2023). Delikte. In Gildeggen, R.; Lorinser, B.; Willburger, A. u. a. (Eds.), Wirtschaftsprivatrecht: Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (5. ed., pp. 329-355). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

EISENBERG, C. (2020). Delikte. In Gildeggen, R.; Lorinser, B.; Willburger, A. u. a. (Eds.), Wirtschaftsprivatrecht - Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (4., aktual. ed., pp. 303-329). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

EISENBERG, C. (2016). Kapitel 11 Delikte. In Rainer Gildeggen, Barbara Lorinser, Andreas Willburger u.a. (Eds.), Wirtschaftsprivatrecht - Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (3 ed., pp. 291-318). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

EISENBERG, C. (2015). Instruktionspflichten - Produkthaftung für Instruktionsfehler. In Ruhmannseder/Lehner/Beukelmann (Ed.), Compliance akutell ( ed., pp. 63-75). Heidelberg: Verlag C.F. Müller.

EISENBERG, C. (2013). Kapitel 10: Delikte. In Lorinser, Barbara; Brönneke, Tobias; Willburger, Andreas    (Eds.), Wirtschaftsprivatrecht - Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (2. Auflage ed.). Oldenbourg Verlag.

EISENBERG, C. (2011). Kapitel 10: Delikte. In Lorinser, Barbara; Brönneke, Tobias; Willburger, Andreas    (Eds.), Wirtschaftsprivatrecht - Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (1. Auflage ed., pp. 237-301). Oldenbourg Verlag.

Article in Proceedings

EISENBERG, C. (2003). Bayerische Fördermaßnahmen zur Markterschließung im Ausland. in: Mücke, W. und Gröger, G. (Hrsg.): 1. Reisensburger Umweltbiotechnologie-Tag 23. Mai 2003. S. 131-145, KIZ, Ulm (pp. 131-145). Hrsg. von W. Mücke und G. Gröger.

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

GILDEGGEN, R., SCHWEIZER, K., LORINSER, B., WILLBURGER, A., BRÖNNEKE, T., BUCHMANN, F., EISENBERG, C., HARRIEHAUSEN, S., JAUTZ, U., KROSCHWALD, S., SCHMITT, R., TAVAKOLI, A., THÄLE, B., ... WECHSLER, A. (2023). Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (5. ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

GILDEGGEN, R., LORINSER, B., WILLBURGER, A., BROENNEKE, T., BUCHMANN, F., EISENBERG, C., HARRIEHAUSEN, S., JAUTZ, U., SCHMITT, R., SCHWEIZER, K., TAVAKOLI, A., THAELE, B., ... WECHSLER, A. (2020). Wirtschaftsprivatrecht: Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (4., aktual. ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

BROENNEKE, T., BUCHMANN, F., EISENBERG, C., GILDEGGEN, R., HARRIEHAUSEN, S., JAUTZ, U., LORINSER, B., SCHMITT, R., SCHWEIZER, K., TAVAKOLI, A., THAELE, B., TYBUSSECK, B., WECHSLER, A., ... WILLBURGER, A. (2016). Wirtschaftsprivatrecht - Kompaktwissen für Betriebswirte (3., aktual. und erw. ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

Media Citation


Interview in "Beschaffung aktuell" Heft 7-8, 2020, S. 32. Der Einkaufsvertrag in Krisenzeiten


Instructor for seminar/workshop

since 2015

IBR-Seminare Germany


Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the Ministry of Commerce of the PR China
