Prof. Dr. Cathrin Eireiner

Prof. Dr.

Cathrin Eireiner





Di., 11:45 - 12:45 Uhr (bis 29.10.) Do. 10_00 - 11:00 Uhr (ab 07.11.) (Anmeldung über Moodle)


(07231) 28-6376



Cathrin Eireiner is Professor of Human Resource Management at Pforzheim University. She teaches in the Bachelor’s program Human Resources Management (B.Sc.) and in the Master’s program Human Resources Management (M.Sc.). She is deputy director of the Institute for Human Resource Research and is a member of the Human Resources Competence Center at Pforzheim University (HRCC), in which the teaching and research activities in the areas of Human Resource Management are consolidated.
After studying Psychology in Mannheim, a doctorate with a thesis on the psychological loyalty factors in business-related employee groups followed, leading to the Dr. rer. soc. degree. At the same time, she carried out various tasks in teaching and research in third-party financed projects with a main focus on HRM and industrial relationships. Subsequently, she was an assistant lecturer at various universities on work and organizational psychology topics.
Outside of the university, Cathrin Eireiner worked in management consulting with a focus on people and organization. She gathered industrial experience during many years in a responsible position for executive development in an international DAX 30 company.

Cathrin Eireiner is currently working on the new understanding of leadership in organizations due to the VUCA world that affects companies. Using her own empirical studies, she works together with organizations to, for example, determine how leadership is experienced and expected in current situations such as the Covid pandemic and what long-term conclusions can be drawn from this for the sustainable establishment of new work structures and a coherent leadership culture.
In addition to the topic of leadership, she is also particularly concerned with the increasingly relevant structure of teams in organizations. In this context, she is supporting a doctoral project that researches the development of teams against the background of organizational maturity.
Both research areas reflect Cathrin Eireiner’s personal fields of competence, Leadership Development and Organizational Development.

Human Resource Development ,  Organisational Development ,  Sustainability in HRM ,  Professionalisation of HR

2013 - 2014 - Institut für Personalforschung - Germany

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

2008 - 2013 - MAN Truck & Bus (Academy) - Germany

Director Management Development

Human Resources Management

Journal article

FISCHER, S., EIREINER, C., RUCKTÄSCHEL, A. (2024). Keine Zeit mehr zu zaudern. Personalmagazin : Management, Recht und Organisation (10), 26-29.

EIREINER, C., FISCHER, S. (2024). Die passende Rolle finden. Personalmagazin : Management, Recht und Organisation (10), 20-24.

FISCHER, S., EIREINER, C., RUCKTÄSCHEL, A. (2024). Die Rolle des Nachhaltigkeits-Brokers bei der ganzheitlichen Umsetzung der ESG-Berichtspflicht in großen Unternehmen. Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation zfo, 93 (6), pp. 365-370.

FISCHER, S., EIREINER, C. (2024). Keine Zeit mehr zu zaudern. Personalmagazin : Management, Recht und Organisation (10), 26-29.

EIREINER, C., FISCHER, S., HABIGHORST, L. (2024). Nachhaltigkeitsziele fördern. Personalmagazin - Neues Lernen, 5, pp. 14-21.

SCHMITZ, A., BEER, A., EIREINER, C. (2019). Erfolgsfaktoren berufsbegleitenden Lernens.. Konturen : die Hochschulzeitschrift, 90-95.

EIREINER, C., FISCHER, S., SCHWAAB, M.-O. (2017). Zukünftigen Anforderungsprofilen und Rollen gerecht werden. Die akademische HR-Ausbildung. Personalführung, 50 (11), pp. 14-20.

SCHMITZ, A., EIREINER, C., MAHADEVAN, J. (2017). Employee Experience: Ein fundamentaler Wandel? Personalmagazin : Management, Recht und Organisation, 11 (2017), 48-51.


FISCHER, S., EIREINER, C., WEBER, S. (2019). Nachhaltiges HR-Management: Konzepte - Rollen - Handlungsempfehlungen. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.


EIREINER, C. (2007). Psychologische Aspekte und ihre Identifikation als bedeutsame Größen im Bindungsmanagement für unternehmensrelevante Experten. Mannheim, Germany.

Chapter in Book

FISCHER, S., MATT, S., EIREINER, C. (2020). Future of Work - Wie sieht die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft aus? In Schwuchow, K., Gutmann, J., (Eds.), HR-Trends 2021: Strategie, Kultur, Big Data, Diversity (1. ed., pp. 366-376). Haufe.

EIREINER, C., SCHMITZ, A. (2019). Ein System, das Konflikte liebt und provoziert - Konfliktlösung in agilen Teams. In Eidel/Tybussek (Ed.), Konflikte lösen - Verhandeln unter Stress (1 ed., pp. 215-225). Haufe.

EIREINER, C., JONAS-KLEMM, S. (2018). Mehrwert von ergänzenden qualitativen Methoden in Survey-Feedback-Prozessen. In Ingela Jöns, Walter Bungard (Eds.), Feedbackinstrumente im Unternehmen (2. Auflage ed., pp. 243-255). Springer.

WEBER, I., FISCHER, S., EIREINER, C. (2017). Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für ein agiles Reifegradmodell. In André Häusling (Ed.), Agile Organisationen: Transformationen erfolgreich gestalten – Beispiele agiler Pioniere (1. Auflage ed., pp. 27-46). Haufe-Lexware.


EIREINER, C. (2024). Lernen & Nachhaltigkeit. Die Rolle von Personalentwicklung im Kontext von ESG & Sustainability.. Germany.

Academic Papers of Pforzheim University

EIREINER, C. (2015). Nachhaltiges HRM in der Unternehmenspraxis. Pforzheim, Germany.

Presentation at a Conference


Eireiner, C., Fischer, S., & Habighorst, L. M. (2024, June). Learning & sustainability. The role of personnel development in the context of ESG & Sustainability. Research results of the IfP Pforzheim, presented at the Learntec Congress, Karlsruhe.

Learntec Kongress Germany


Agilität und HRM

i.CONECT Rethink! HR Strategy & HR Business Minds Germany


Business meets science - Agilität in Unternehmen

Business meets science - Institut für Personalforschung Germany


Entertainment im Recruiting

TAE Esslingen Germany


Business meets science - Nachhaltiges HRM

Business meets science - Institut für Personalforschung Germany

Discussant of a panel discussion


Panel discussion: How SMEs can master the requirements of ESG regulations. Zukunft Personal Süd. Stuttgart

Zukunft Personal Germany

Maintaining an active consulting practice (regular, not only on an informal basis)


Leadership talks


2019 - 2021

HR Transformation


Expert Assessement/Evaluation


Gutachterin in einer Arbeitsgruppe des Wissenschaftsrats

WR Wissenschaftsrat Germany

Program Director

since 2017

Studiendekanin Bachelor BW/Personalmanagement



Master HRM


Head of an Institute


Leitung Institut für Personalforschung




Nachhaltige Personalauswahl

Hochhscule Pforzheim Germany

Media Citation


Überleben erfordert Anpassung


Instructor for seminar/workshop

2014 - 2015

HR Management Circle


Leader of a project funded from public institutions

2012 - 2016

nHRM -Beyond Business Partner

Institut für Personalforschung Germany