Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carsten Weber

Prof. Dr. rer. pol.

Carsten Weber

Professur für Personalmanagement





Do. 15:30 -17:00 Uhr in W3.1.01 (Anmeldung über Moodle), verlegt vom 06.12. auf 04.12., siehe Moodle


(07231) 28-6316


Carsten Weber has been Professor of Human Resources Management since winter semester 2020/21. He teaches Human Resources Management for Bachelor and Master students and is member of the Human Resources Competence Center (HRCC), which brings together research and teaching activities in the area of Human Resources Management at Pforzheim University.
Before becoming professor, he had been working in various global, mostly leading HR positions at a German DAX30 company for 15 years. His focus areas included Compensation & Benefits, HR Controlling and HR Strategy. In this context, he gained deep knowledge and expertise in Human Resource Management in Mergers and Acquisitions. He studied and earned his doctor’s degree at the University of Mannheim and Arizona State University with a specialization in Finance & Insurance. At the University of Mannheim, Carsten Weber was a lecturer for basics of linear algebra and analysis for economists for more than five years. Besides being a professor, Carsten Weber works as consultant mainly in the area of compensation.
The connection of theory and practical experience plays an important role for him, which is why he repeatedly invites guest speakers from the corporate world.

Carsten Weber‘s current teaching activities focus on the basics of Human Resource Management, strategic human resource management, topic-specific consolidations as well as the area of compensation & benefits and motivation.
His research interests include Total Rewards, Performance Management, Organizational Justice as well as Corporate Governance.

Pensions ,  HR Controlling ,  Human Resources Management ,  Compensation & Benefits

2006 - Dr. rer. pol., Business Administration


1999 - Diplom (Universitaet), Business Administration


2020 - 2021 - BASF SE - Germany

Berater HR Service Transformation

since 2020 - Pforzheim - Germany

Professor für Personalmanagement

2017 - 2020 - BASF SE - Germany

Projektmanager Strategieimplementierung

2014 - 2017 - BASF SE - Germany

Gruppenleiter Vergütung global

2014 - BASF SE - Germany

Projektmanager HR Controlling

2009 - 2013 - BASF SE - Germany

Gruppenleiter Vergütung

2006 - 2009 - BASF SE - Germany

Personalreferent betriebliche Altersversorgung

Human Resources Management

Journal article

WEBER, C., VON GAUDECKER, H.-M. (2004). Surprises in a Growing Market Niche: An Evaluation of the German Annuities Market. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, 29 (3), 394 - 416.


WEBER, C., MAYER, C., FRANCAS, D. (2017). Lineare Algebra für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (6. Auflage ed.). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.

WEBER, C. (2006). Evaluation von Rentenversicherungen und Fondsentnahmeplänen. Verlag Versicherungwirtschaft.

Article in Proceedings

WEBER, C., ALBRECHT, P. (2003). Combined Accumulation and Decumulation Plans with Risk Controlled Capital Protection. Proceedings of the 13th International AFIR Colloquium (pp. 239 - 252).

Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester



2022 - 2023

Development of a KPI System for BASF Service Hub



Nettoentgeltoptimierung für Witzenmann Gruppe


2021 - 2022

Personalmarketing für die Zielgruppe weibliche Ingenieure für BASF SE



Entwicklung eine Performance Management Für BASF Agro


Completion of a significant consulting activity (produces a verifiable document or product)

2021 - 2022

Studie zur Vergütung von Geschäftsführern und Aufsichtsräten
