Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Annabel Linsel
Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Dienstag 9.45 - 10.30 Uhr im W2.4.13
(07231) 28-6468Annabel Linsel is Professor of General Business Administration at Pforzheim University. After studying industrial engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and earning her MBA degree at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth, USA, she completed her PhD at the KIT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering on the topic of "Simulation-based Optimization and Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of the Use of Lean Methods". In addition to her scientific work, she was entrusted with the management and implementation of numerous research and industrial projects in the field of factory planning at the Institute of Production Engineering (wbk) as well as extensive teaching activities in student education.
Prior to her appointment, Annabel Linsel held various positions at the Dürr Group; among others, she was responsible for the product management of a newly established digital brand including the pricing of individual digital products and shaped the future direction of the software business in strategic projects, for example by introducing agile working methods. She previously deepened her knowledge of strategic management while working as an advisor to the CEO of Dürr AG.
Agile Working , Digital Business Models , Digital Transformation , Factory Planning , Integrated Production Systems , Commercialization of Digital Products , Lean Production
General Management , Digital Entrepreneurship
Journal article
LANZA, G., JONDRAL, A., MOSER, R., KÜBLER, L. (2011). Erfolgsfaktoren beim Einsatz von Lean-Methoden. GITO-Verlag, 3, 36-39.
JONDRAL, A. (2013). Simulationsgestützte Optimierung und Wirtschaftlichkeitsbewertung des Lean-Methodeneinsatzes. Germany.
Chapter in Book
LINSEL, A., ALT, S., ROTH, K. (2020). KI-Kompass für Entscheider. Künstliche Intelligenz in der Industrie: Strategien – Potenziale – Use Cases. In Carl Hanser Verlag (Ed.) ( ed., pp. 244-249). Carl Hanser Verlag.
LANZA, G., JONDRAL, A., BOOK, J. (2011). Capability Assessment and Valuation of the Implementation of Lean Production Methods in Turbulent Environments. Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2011) ( ed., pp. 524-529). Springer.
Article in Proceedings
DIAZ-ELSAYED, N., JONDRAL, A., GREINACHER, S., DORNFELD, D., LANZA, G. (2013). Assessment of lean and green strategies by simulation of manufacturing systems in discrete production environments. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology.
Online Publication
LANZA, G., JONDRAL, A., DROTLEFF, U. (2012). Valuation of increased production system performance by integrated production systems. Production Engineering Research and Development, Germany.