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 Alfred Schätter

Alfred Schätter



Business Process Management ,  Information Technology and Communication Technology ,  Internet Portals ,  Analysis and Design ,  Web and App Design

1984 - Dipl.-Informatiker
Universität Karlsruhe

since 1995 - Pforzheim - Germany

Professor in the department "Industrial Engineering"

1990 - 1995 - Pforzheim - Germany

Professor in the department "Business Information Systems"

1986 - 1990 - DaimlerChrysler AG, Werk Gaggenau - Germany

System developer for organization and data processing

1984 - 1986 - Universität Karlsruhe / Institut für Informatik - Germany

assistant at institute of computer sciences, chair of operating systems at Karlsruhe university

Business Administration and Engineering

Journal article

SCHAETTER, A., DIETEL, M., DITTMANN, U. (2017). Digitale Produkt-Service-Systeme - neue Geschäftsmodelle für produzierende Unternehmen. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin (Ausgabe 02, 2017), pp. pp. 48-49.

DITTMANN, U., SCHAETTER, A. (2016). KMU im Wandel vom Produkt- zum Lösungsanbieter. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin (03), pp. 54-55.

DITTMANN, U., KÖGLMAYR, H.-G., SCHÄTTER, A. (2013). Führen will gelernt sein - Entwicklung eines zeitgemäßen Personalmanagements. TRANSFER - Das Steinbeis-Magazin, pp. 20.


ABAWI, D., AHRENS, V., BÄSSLER, R., BRETTEL, M., DITTMANN, U., ENGLBERGER, H., HILDEBRAND, W.-C., LEIPNITZ-PONTO, Y., MERCHIERS, A., OLSOWSKI, G., PUMPE, D., SCHAETTER, A., SCHMAGER, B., SCHUCHARDT, C., HIRSCHHAUSEN, C. V., WERNER, M., ... ZADEK, H. (2021). Qualifications Framework Engineering and Management (3., aktualisierte Auflage, 2019 ed.). Steinbeis-Edition.

SCHAETTER, A., DITTMANN, U., GÖHLER, A., KOEGLMAYR, H.-G. (2015). STAWA-TOOL - Standortwahl einfach gemacht! Steinbeis Edition.

Chapter in Book

KOELMEL, B., SCHAETTER, A., RICHTER, A., SCHOBLIK, J., DITTMANN, U., KUEHN, A. (2017). Customer Centricity von digitalen Produkt-Service-Systemen. In Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. (Ed.), Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2016/2017 ( ed., pp. 127-138). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

KOELMEL, B., KUEHN, A., SCHAETTER, A., DITTMANN, U. (2016). Das „Sensing Enterprise“ als Schritt zur Customer Centricity in der vernetzten Welt. In Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e.V. (Ed.), Dialogmarketing Perspektiven ( ed., pp. 147-154). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Article in Proceedings

KOELMEL, B., BULANDER, R., DITTMANN, U., SCHAETTER, A., KUEHN, A. (2015). Sustainability and Competitiveness through Digital Product-Service-Systems. eChallenges e-2015 Conference Proceedings.

KÖLMEL, B., BULANDER, R., DITTMANN, U., SCHÄTTER, A., WÜRTZ, G. (2014). Usability Requirements for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems in a Totally Networked World. Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments. Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2014 (pp. 253-258).

KÖGLMAYR, H.-G., SCHÄTTER, A., BLANKENBACHER, K., NIPPA, M. (2009). Interdisciplinary Approach in Software Engineering Education. Proceedings of The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering und Technological Innovation, July 10 -13, 2009 (pp. 218-226).

SCHÄTTER, A., BLANKENBACHER, K., MÜLLER, C. (2009). Development of a PC-Mouse for the Aged and Disabled and Transfer to Market. Proceedings of The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering und Technological Innovation, July 10 -13, 2009.

Academic Papers of Pforzheim University

KOEGLMAYR, H.-G., SCHAETTER, A., NIPPA, M., PIETSCH, S., HÖGER, B. (2004). Wirtschaftsingenieure bauen TQM-Plattform aus – Umfangreiches Leistungsspektrum im Bereich Qualitätsmanagement jetzt online.

Editor (Book, Proceeding)

DITTMANN, U., SCHNECKENBURGER, S., SCHÄTTER, A. (2011). Optimization of Web Application Security. Analysis of Common Threats, Countermeasures and Impact on the Software Development Lifecycle. Steinbeis-Edition.

DITTMANN, U., BEDNARSKI, M., SCHÄTTER, A. (2008). eTutorial Process Simulation. Steinbeis-Edition.

Other Publications

BRETTEL, M., DITTMANN, U., ENGLBERGER, H., VON HIRSCHHAUSEN, C., LEIPNITZ-PONTO, Y., OLSOWSKI, G., SCHAETTER, A., SCHMAGER, B., ... SCHUCHARDT, C. (2014). Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Germany.

BRETTEL, M., SCHAETTER, A., DITTMANN, U., ENGLBERGER, H., VON HIRSCHHAUSEN, C., LEIPNITZ-PONTO, Y., OLSOWSKI, G., SCHMAGER, B., ... SCHUCHARDT, C. (2012). Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Fachbroschüre.

Member of the organizing committee of a professional event


Member of program committee at the 22nd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2018), July 8-11, 2018 – Orlando, Florida, USA

United States


Member of program committee at the Special Track on Management, Engineering and Informatics (MEI 2017) held in Orlando, Florida, USA, on July 8-11, 2017

United States


Member of program committee at the 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2015 July 12th - July 15th, 2015 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Gutachter 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2015 July 12th - July 15th, United States


Member of the Program Committee: 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2014 July 15th - July 18th, 2014 – Orlando, Florida, USA

7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2013 July 15th - July 18th, 2014 – Orlando, Florida, USA United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 6th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2013 July 9th - July 12th, 2013 – Orlando, Florida, USA

6th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 4th International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2013, March 19th - 22th, 2013 – Orlando, Florida, USA

4th International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2012, March 25th - 28th, 2012 – Orlando, Florida, USA

3rd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2012 July17th - July 20th, 2012 – Orlando, Florida, USA

5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2011 July19th - July 22th, 2011 – Orlando, Florida, USA

4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2011, March 27th - 30th, 2011 – Orlando, Florida, USA

2nd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2010 June 29th - July 2nd, 2010 – Orlando, Florida, USA

3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


Mitglied im Programm Komitee: International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2010, April 6th - 9th, 2010 – Orlando, Florida, USA

International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States



Reviewer at the 22nd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2018), July 8-11, 2018 – Orlando, Florida, USA

United States


Reviewer at the 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2015 July 12th - July 15th, 2015 – Orlando, Florida, USA

Gutachter bei der Konferenz: 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2015 July 12th - July 15th United States


Gutachter bei der Konferenz: 7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2014 July 15th - July 18th, 2014 – Orlando, Florida, USA

7th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2014 July 15th - July 18th, 2014 – Orlando, Florida, USA United States


4th International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


6th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


5th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


3rd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


4th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


2nd International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering United States


3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States

Research Semester/Sabbatical

2017 - 2018

Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen als Gütesiegel für den Studiengang


2012 - 2013

Entwicklung eines Leitfadens zur Implementierung von Web-Anwendungen mit Content-Management-Systemen



Unternehmensmodellierung und Prozessmanagement zur Sicherstellung der IT Governance auf Basis von CObiT und ITIL



Forschungssemester bei der Fa. AP AG Karlsruhe mit Schwerpunkt Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), wobei insbesondere ERP-Schnittstellen auf XML – Basis untersucht werden

AP AG Germany

Expert Assessement/Evaluation

since 2015

Mitglied im Fachausschuss Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen der „Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e. V.“ (ASIIN)

„Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e. V.“ (ASIIN) Germany

since 2005

Gutachter bei der Fachakkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V. (ASIIN)

Fachakkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik e.V. Germany

Member of a working committee

since 2014

Member of the task force "Europäisches Gütesiegel Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen", Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen


since 2010

Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe "Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen" des Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag WirtschaftsingenieurwesenMitglied der Arbeitsgruppe "Qualifikationsrahmen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen" des Fakultäten- und Fachbereichstag Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

Pforzheim Germany

Presentation at a Conference


2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States


2nd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation United States



Konsolidierung der IT -Effizienz durch Zentralisierung- , Vortrag bei der Veranstaltung "IT Kosten senken -Qualität steigern", Innotec Pforzheim, 14.05.2009

Innotec Germany


Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), bei der Fa. igrafx München

igrafx Germany


Professionelle Webauftritte für KMU, Vortrag im Nagolder Existenzgründungs- und Technologiezentrum (N.E.T.Z.)


Leader of a project in cooperation with a company; the project length is typically not less than one semester but could be limited to one semester


Visualisierung der Diversity Technik zur ausfallsicheren Kommunikation mit Flugzeugmodellen (Zusammen mit der ACTeurope GmbH Pforzheim)

ACTeurope GmbH Germany

2005 - 2006

Analyse und Simulation von Softwareentwicklungsprozessen (Zusammenarbeit mit der Bosch GmbH Stuttgart)

Bosch GmbH Germany

2004 - 2005

Neue Entwicklungen im Supply Chain Management – Initiativen in der Elektronikindustrie (Zusammenarbeit mit der Rutronik GmbH Ispringen)

Rutronik GmbH Germany

since 2003

Aufbau des TQM-Forum an der HS Pforzheim

Pforzheim Germany

2001 - 2005

Selection and implementation of an ERP – System including business process reengineering for a medium sized mechanical engineering enterprise


2000 - 2002

Requirements analysis and conception of a merchandise planning and control system for an alliance of enterprises selling hearing devices


Other administrative responsibility in academic service

since 2003

Verwaltung der Hochschule Pforzheim BEMA Erstellung eines interaktiven Beschaffungstools BEMA (Beschaffungsmarktplatz) für die Verwaltung der Hochschule Pforzheim

Pforzheim Germany

1996 - 2018

Mitglied des Senats der Hochschule

Pforzheim Germany

1995 - 1999

Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Hochschulrechenzentrums

Pforzheim Germany

1991 - 1999

Leiter des EDV Arbeitskreises „Hochschule und Wirtschaft“

Pforzheim Germany

1991 - 1995

Stellvertretender Leiter des Hochschulrechenzentrums

Pforzheim Germany

Program Director

2003 - 2011

Pforzheim Germany

Activities in Executive Education Areas

2001 - 2007

Adjunct Faculty


Member of the Rectorat

1999 - 2001


Pforzheim Germany

Maintaining an active consulting practice (regular, not only on an informal basis)

since 1994

Project director at Steinbeis Transfer Center Marketing, Logistics and Corporate Planning



since 1981

Mitglied bei der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)

Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Germany