Sticky Messages and more...


In a two-day workshop Brad Stock taught the MBA students everything there is to know about successful presentation skills.

Last week our first semester MBA International Management students took part in an intensive two-day lecture over topics that any successful businessperson must possess – presentation skills. Our students joined Brad Stock, President of LingoFacto and a public speaking expert, via Zoom to learn and practice the skills needed for an effective presentation in the workplace. Topics ranged from “Sticky Messages” (characteristics of a successful presentation), to creating a pitch, to storytelling, and manipulation of one’s voice to engage and keep the attention of an audience. The most vital of all lessons was how to create, write, and execute a three-minute presentation from the introduction to conclusion. It was proven that one does not need to prepare a full slide deck in order to communicate efficiently. However, the lecture was not only “all talk,” but was also highly interactive as the students utilized Zoom’s breakout rooms to collaborate and construct their own presentations and pitches only to later exhibit to the plenary.  What may take some decades to learn, Mr. Stock was able to instruct in a mere two days. The improvement and growth exhibited by the students was apparent to all who attended, and Mr. Stock’s feedback and constructive criticism will continue to be used by our students in future presentations and all the way into the board rooms.

text: Gabrielle Boimann