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Reviewing the Tools for Scientific Writing and Research


Two sessions on important techniques in writing, source credibility, and appropriate citations with Dr. Hanno Beck.

Our second semester MBA students had the pleasure of spending a couple more days with Dr. Hanno Beck this year to take part in the Scientific Writing and Literature Research course. Using the two day intensive course format, Dr. Beck navigated our students through a number of crucial skills for effective scientific paper writing. Topics included searching for and identifying quality sources and source types, appropriate source citing formats, and creating effective research paper outlines.

To ensure students were absorbing the material, there were numerous group work activities where students worked through and presented their outlines, sources and reasoning behind their approaches. The class then worked together in a collaborative feedback approach to suggest areas for improvement and key takeaways they would be implementing in their own papers moving forward. The Pforzheim MBA students will be putting these skills to immediate use on their International Economics and Sustainable Development research papers this semester and will keep them in mind for their last Thesis semester. Thank you Dr. Beck for setting our class up for success!


Text & Picture: Ace Nasri, MBA Class of 2023