Reinhard Bütikofer in resource efficiency Colloquium


Dwindling resources: Basis for conflicts and cooperations

Dwindling resources: Basis for conflicts and cooperations

The energy and raw material hunger in the world is rising! Parallel,realization is growing that all resources are finite. Is the time ripe for a new strategic raw materials policy ? This question asked the MEP Reinhard Bütikofer on Thursday, 24 October 2013 , during his lecture at the University of Pforzheim . His thesis " The rediscovery of the raw material policy ", points to the tension between national strategies and economic interests of European politics.

" A common European policy on raw materials is necessary ," said Reinhard Bütikofer , leader of the Green Party in the European Parliament , firmly . China's share of global demand for metal lies today at 40 percent - and grows further . On the other side of the raw material hunger stand the global players in the raw material and financial industry, with which ever new speculative financial products affect prices . " The policy has the shortage of resources discovered as a weapon ," said Bütikofer , who stood to answer questions at the invitation of Professor Dr. Mario Schmidt students in the Resource Efficiency Colloquium at the University of Pforzheim .
2011 , the European Commission defined three pillars of a common policy on raw materials : The protection of international trade, the efficient use of own reserves and the promotion of new technologies and innovations.How necessary new ideas in this respect are , shows a different number : each European consumes 16 tons of metal  per year . Of these 16 tons only six are already produced in the production process as waste . Half of this waste is no longer used but landfilled. "In Japan, the 10-year demand for rare earths lay in drawers ! In the form of old mobile phones , "quoted the former National Chairman of Bündnis90 / The Greens a study.

" Rising prices reduce dependence on imports . Europe also has raw materials, only so far , the promotion is not worth - but that just changes " , the famous politician said. Alluding to the report " Limits to Growth" postulated the Green MEP a " growth boundaries " . He relies on new technologies that allow for example a better re-use of industrial waste. Intelligent product design, more standardization but also a resource tax could also reduce fuel consumption . Unfortunately,  Germany is blocking many of these envisaged European measures , although it would catch up with the most benefit from it . One solution provides Bütikofer in a cooperative strategy for all stakeholders - industry and research , industrial and emerging countries . The EU would play a central role here too.

Addressing the students of the Bachelor's program "Resource Efficiency Management " Reinhard Bütikoferpromised good prospects. Resource management is "extremely exciting" : associations , business and politics would be in urgent need of expertise. Reinhard Bütikofer is a member of the European Parliament since October 2012 and Chairman of the European Green Party . Since 2009 he has been for the Greens in the European Parliament . He has dealt extensively with the European policy on raw materials and published a brochure on the subject in February 2013.