Meet our alumni from … CANADA and the USA



An MBA degree is something very special. Not only in the USA, the country of origin where the academic training program was founded more than 100 years ago. Today, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) for executives, managers and high potentials is known and highly valued all over the world. In 1996, Pforzheim University became the first public university in Germany to be granted the right to award an MBA degree. But it is not only our more than 25 years of experience that distinguish us from other MBA programs and attracts candidates from all over the world. Our AACSB accreditation guarantees that our international students receive a worldwide recognized degree and that they get well prepared for the challenges of our current business world. The MBA International Management at Pforzheim University has a practical, hands-on approach to learning and candidates gain exposure to industry experts in- and outside the classroom.

Meet our alumni from CANADA and the USA and see what they have to say about our program:

Gabrielle Boimann USA, MBA Class of 2022, Portfolio Manager, Rabobank, Netherlands
„I wanted a practical, hands-on approach to learning where I would also gain exposure to industry experts in- and outside the classroom. Further, I sought a program that emphasized sustainability and corporate social responsibility not just in specific courses, but also integrated these topics through the curriculum. I ultimately chose HSPF because of the longer duration of the program which not only allowed me to gain foundational knowledge of various business functions in the first semester, but it also allowed for a deeper exploration of relevant topics and coursework in subsequent semesters which are vital to approaching today's business needs.“

Rupert Rivera, USA, MBA Class of 2020, Senior Technology Project Manager, EY
„The HSPF MBA is credentialed, affordable and full of world-class professors that have worked in business for many years before coming to HSPF. Further, you also get to meet leaders of industry in the region and have the opportunity to work on actual projects that directly impact those companies. This makes transitioning into the German working world significantly easier than other programs. On top of that, there’s the opportunity to learn with partner universities in several other countries as well. Alumni of our program are working for top companies in countries all over the planet.“

Evan Hahn, Canada, MBA Class of 2012, Director - Corporate Credit, Diversified Industries, Canada
„The MBA program's practice-based approach was an integral part of my professional development.  Finding solutions to real-world business issues with reputable firms and gaining insights from a faculty with vast industry experience was paramount to my learning. The program gave me the skills and confidence required to tackle complex problems in an ever-changing business environment."

James Dymond, USA, Class of 2004, Investor Relations Manager – Socially Responsible Investing, SAP SE, Germany
“The international aspect of Hochschule Pforzheim’s MBA program was a key factor in choosing this university. The opportunity to attend seminars from lecturers working in the industries to complement the academic lectures provided an excellent foundation for my career.”

Are you inspired to start building your further career with us?
Then apply here or contact us for further questions!

Text: MBA
picture: pixabay