Current research activities in the study program Media Management and Psychology of Advertising at the Business School at Pforzheim University


from left to right: Associate Prof. Sophia Gaenssle, Prof. Dr. Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Oliver Budzinski

In June, Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Professor for Media Management and Marketing, attended this year’s European Media Management Association (emma) conference at NHL Stenden University in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. This year, the conference focused on Media Innovation and Transformation: Understanding and Envisioning the Future of Media Management”.

Together with Sophia Gaenssle, Assistant Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Oliver Budzinski, Professor of Economic Theory at Ilmenau University of Technology she presented a joint research project on “Media vs. Tech giants – on the co-evolution of strategy and market structure”.

This research focuses on the streaming markets and particularly analyses strategic behavior of legacy media and tech giants, operating in the audio and video streaming markets and furthermore investigates its resulting effects on market structures on the aforementioned markets. The team received valuable comments from the research community at the conference and will now further develop its research.