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Company projects successfully completed


MBA students successfully completed company projects with Bosch, MAHLE, 1&1 IONOS.

Company projects with Bosch, MAHLE, and 1&1, 2018-2019

All project teams have successfully finished their company projects. Congratulations to the MBA students for having achieved this milestone. The MBA project teams worked on a four-month consultation project for Bosch, MAHLE, 1&1IONOS, which were supervised by Prof. Dr. Juergen Janovsky, Prof. Dr. Harald Strotmann, and Prof. Dr. Oliver Schwaab, respectively. Three different projects, three different topics, three different industries, all resulted in recommendations that companies plan to implement. Topics included service transformation in the automobile industry, innovative Industry 4.0 solutions, and e-commerce strategy. Company projects gave students the opportunity experience real-life projects with working professionals. In addition, it also helped sharpen their leadership skills, enhance their collaboration skills internally and with the client, and strengthen their communication management.