Anja Schmitz im Beirat der Online Educa Berlin


Professor Dr. Anja Schmitz ist in den Beirat der Online Educa Berlin (OEB), einer der führenden globalen branchenübergreifenden Konferenz zum Thema digitales Lernen, berufen worden. Anja Schmitz ist Professorin im Bereich Personalmanagement sowie als Studiendekanin des Masterstudiengangs Human Resources Management an der HS PF tätig. Zu ihren Forschungs- und Beratungsschwerpunkten gehören die Themen Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung mit dem Fokus auf New Work – New Learning, Learning Ecosystems und Employee Experience. Durch ihre Tätigkeit als Mitglied des Global Advisory Boards gestaltet sie die thematische Schwerpunktsetzung und internationale Kollaboration der Konferenz mit.

Weitere Informationen zur OEB:

Online Educa Berlin (OEB) is the annual global, cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training. Since 1995, insights gained at OEB have pointed the way towards the future of learning.

The event has a unique, cross-sector focus, fostering exchange between the corporate, education and public service sectors. This includes participants from multinational companies to SMEs, from higher education and research institutions to schools, from ministries to local authorities and from global IGOs to local NGOs.

The Online Educa Berlin Global Advisory Board consists of international experts who bring unique knowledge and skills to the conference programme. The Board is representative of OEB’s cross-sector international audience of digital learning and training professionals. Apart from contributing their ideas and innovative best practices to the agenda, Board Members are committed to providing knowledge, stimuli and advice to enhance the conference programme in general. In addition, they are highly valued for enhancing opportunities for international collaboration as they serve as important liaisons between their respective networks and the conference community.